


Cows and Cattle

Cattle (also commonly referred to as bovines or cows) are domesticated livestock that are raised for beef and/or milk in almost every corner of the world. Note: Cows are female mature bovines, Bulls are intact male bovines, Steers are castrated male bovines, and Heifers are female bovines that have not calved. Any questions about cows and cattle that are not covered in other cattle categories can be asked and answered here.

7,412 Questions

Where can you find values for Mary's Moo Moos?

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Values for Mary's Moo Moos figurines can be found on online collectibles marketplaces such as eBay or Etsy. Additionally, price guides specific to Mary's Moo Moos may provide estimated values for these collectibles. Attendees of collectibles fairs or conventions specializing in figurines may also provide insights into current market values.

The ideal biome for growing crops and raising cattle and sheep?

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The ideal biome for growing crops and raising cattle and sheep is the temperate grassland biome. This biome has fertile soil, moderate rainfall, and a suitable climate for growing a variety of crops such as wheat and corn. The grasslands also provide ample grazing land for cattle and sheep to feed on.

How do you say cow in Chinese?

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Cow in Chinese is 牛 (niú).

What is your responsibility if your dog attacks cattle?

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If your dog attacks cattle, you are responsible for any damages caused and may be held liable for the loss of livestock. It is important to ensure your dog is properly trained and supervised to prevent such incidents from occurring. Contact the cattle owner immediately to assess the situation and offer appropriate compensation for the damages.

What happens if you tip over a cow?

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Tipping over a cow is a myth and not recommended. Cows are heavy animals that have a low center of gravity, making them difficult to tip over. Trying to tip over a cow can cause stress and injury to the animal, as well as put yourself at risk of being kicked or injured.

Do cows have toncsals?

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Yes, cows do have tonsils. Tonsils are important parts of the immune system that help protect against infection by trapping germs that enter through the mouth and nose.

How do bulls charge?

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Bulls charge by lowering their heads, pawing the ground, and then running towards their target with speed and force. This behavior is often a display of dominance, aggression, or to protect their territory. Bulls have muscular bodies and strong horns that they use to inflict damage during a charge.

If Jack the cow helped you would you help Jack the cow?

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Yes, I would because jack the cow seems very nice!

Another Opinion:

I would be highly suspicious if a so-called "cow" named Jack would help me because cows are not either male or female: they are only females, and no female would like to be called "Jack," since Jack is a masculine name that belongs to a bull or a steer. And there's no way in heck I would ever trust a bull!

And what do you mean by the context of "help?" What exactly did Jack the so-called "cow" help with? Help can mean assisting with something you can't do yourself, and it can also mean the sarcastic way of saying someone (or even something) hindered your efforts in trying to get something done. If the latter is the case, then certainly I'd help Jack get him a one-way ticket to the salebarn!

If it's the former, I probably would, but probably in a way that he wouldn't appreciate in the short-term. As for the long term, that's a different story.

How closely related are cow and yeast?

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Cows and yeast are not closely related. Cows are mammals belonging to the order Artiodactyla, while yeast are single-celled fungi. They belong to completely different branches on the tree of life, with cows being much closer to humans in terms of evolutionary relationship compared to yeast.

What is the cow lot?

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Asked by Tamna

A cow lot is an area where cows are kept, typically for feeding and managing herds. It is often used in agricultural settings for raising beef or dairy cattle. The cow lot may include feeding areas, water troughs, and shelter.

Can a nose print of a cow be used to determine identity?

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Yes, nose printing of a cow can be used to determine identity. A cows nose print is just like a human finger print. This type of identification is effective because a cow's nose will never change and that makes nose printing unlike other forms of identification.

Cow is to bovine as monkey is to?

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Cow is to mammal as pigeon is to bird.

What is the clinical name for someone with the impulse to moo at cows?

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The clinical term for the impulse to moo at cows is zoanthropy, a form of delusional behavior where individuals believe they are, or should be, animals. This behavior may stem from various psychological or neurological conditions.

How good is a cows sense of smell?

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Cows have a strong sense of smell that helps them detect predators and identify familiar individuals. They use their sense of smell to locate food and recognize other members of their herd. The olfactory abilities of cows are essential for their survival and social interactions.

How do you tell a cows teeth are worn out?

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You can tell a cow's teeth are worn out by looking for signs such as shorter teeth, uneven wear, and exposed roots. Older cows may also have trouble chewing tough forage or may lose weight due to poor digestion. A veterinary examination can confirm the extent of wear and determine if any dental issues need to be addressed.

What cow is nicknamed emo cow?

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The breed of cow that is nicknamed "emo cow" is the Belted Galloway. It is often called that due to its distinctive black coat with a white belt-like marking around its body, which gives it a unique and somewhat "emo" appearance.

What are donor cows?

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Donor cows are female cows that are used for the purpose of donating their reproductive material, such as eggs or embryos, for assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization. They are selected based on their genetics and reproductive performance to produce offspring with desirable traits.

Is a cow colour blind?

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Cows are not entirely color blind, but they do have limited color vision. They are believed to see colors in a range of red and green, but have difficulty distinguishing between red and green hues. Their vision is more sensitive to blues and yellows.

Why is there so much fat around a cows eye?

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The fat surrounding a cow's eye acts as a cushion or protection to help prevent injury to the eyeball. It also provides insulation against extreme temperatures and helps maintain the shape and position of the eye within the socket.

What farm animal is most profitable to raise and get a high return on investment?

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Poultry, specifically broiler chickens, are often considered one of the most profitable farm animals due to their relatively low cost to raise, short production cycle, and high demand for their meat. Additionally, has a high feed conversion rate, meaning they convert food into body weight efficiently.

Do female oxcen have utters?

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No, female oxen do not have udders. Oxen are castrated male cattle used as draft animals, so they do not possess the mammary glands needed to produce milk. Female cattle, known as cows, have udders and can produce milk.

Why does a cow have 6 nipples?

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Cows typically have 4 teats, but some may have more due to genetic variations. The number of teats does not necessarily correlate with the number of offspring a cow can nurse at once.

Why do farmers wash the cows teats and udders?

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Farmers wash the cow's teats and udders before milking to remove dirt, bacteria, and other contaminants that could contaminate the milk. This helps maintain milk quality and safety for consumers.

What are cooked cow brains called?

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Beef brain. In Mexico it is called "sesos," in the language Urdu of Pakistan it is called "maghaz." Calf's brains is called cervelle du veau through much of Europe and Morocco; cervella fritte is a bite-size batter fried dish of beef brain in Italy.

What is a name for a young male ox?

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A young male ox is typically called a bullock.