

Cervix During Pregnancy

Ask questions here about the female's cervix position during pregnancy.

140 Questions

Adavantages and disadvantage of fruit papaya?

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Advantages of papaya: It is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as antioxidants and fiber, which can help boost immunity, digestion, and skin health. Papaya also contains enzymes that aid in digestion and may have anti-inflammatory properties.

Disadvantages of papaya: Some people may have allergies to papaya, and excessive consumption of papaya seeds can be harmful. Additionally, unripe papaya contains latex that may cause stomach upset in some individuals.

Is it common that cervix open in early pregnancy?

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It is a risk factor for premature delivery. That is delivery before due date. The baby is born in immature state. it is risky for the baby to take birth before due date. I was taught about something called Shirodkar's stitch. It is given to the cervix to prevent the preterm delivery. This stitch is removed just before you plan to deliver the baby.

What causes the cervix to become thin during pregnancy?

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Similar to cell membranes, the membrane of the placenta is very thin to allow the exchange of useful substances from the mother to the fetus.

How can pregnancy be prevented natural?

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The most natural way to prevent pregnancy is simply by pulling out. But I don't recommend this. There are plenty if ways to protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy. There are all sorts of condoms for both men and women and there are also different types of birth control that a woman can use to avoid becoming pregnant.

Why would the cervix move out during pregnancy?

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No. It becomes high and hard. Towards the end of pregnancy it may appear to move backwards as the baby's head comes down in front of it. But as you get ready for labor it will soften and flatten and start to open (Effacement and dilation)

Cervical mucus in early pregnancy?

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You can. Some women get a milky discharge called leukorrhea.

Feeling nauseous abdominal hardness and pressure headaches period about 2 weeks late took 3 preg tests and were neg Could I be pregnant?

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It is possible that you are pregnant, but it sounds to me like you are about to start your period. If you think you are pregnant, you should take a home test or go see a doctor.

Yes, you very well can be but you won't really know until you take a test. I suggest you wait a week to take the test and if it's negative but you still suspect it than take another one in a week because the true answer usually shows up after a week or two. I had those crampy feelings and I was late and I did get pregnant, but I ended up miscarrying a month later.

Yes, you can definitely have cramping during pregnancy and does not necessarily mean a miscarriage. If you have any bleeding along with the cramping you should definitely bring it to you physician's attention. I would definitely be running up to Walmart and buying a pregnancy test if your period is past due.....

This is common and very common among women who have done Invetro-fertilization (IVF). It could even be implantation you are feeling. Take a test or wait a few more days then test if your period still has not shown up.

Yes, you can be pregnant but if you are on birth control that could be another factor. I have been taking the same birth control pill brand for about 6 months now and my periods are still not regulated.

What does it mean when the doctor says you have a high cervix and i am full term pregnant?

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I'd say likely that menstruation is ready to begin (lining is thick and ready to shed).

What does it mean if you're pregnant and your cervix is hard to find?

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This means that you have a small cervix. Some girls do. All girls have a cervix. This is what the opening into the uterus is called.

Your cervix is swollen what does that mean?

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I think it has something to do with a hormone that is released when you ovulate that irritates the uterus and other reproductive parts. The area where my ovaries are gets sore around ovulation, and sometimes my uterus. There is a term for it, its German and means pain in the middle of the cycle, I can't remember what its called but it starts with an "M".

The word you're looking for is "mittleschmertz" and it means "middle pain"

How does human fetus get its food?

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In zygote state, it receives via placenta. When in embryonic to till the end of gestation , supply is from umbelical cord.

Do you dilated any when you lose your mucus plug?

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No,not always. I didn't with either of mine. Sometimes it doesn't come out until the baby is born.

What causes the cervix to hurt in early pregnancy?

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Cervix can be more tender in Pregnancy. So any exams or sex could cause discomfort. If you are ready to deliver it could be the baby putting pressure on the cervix or dilation. Hard to say not knowing anymore details. When in doubt call your ob.

mom of 2

What is the normal measurement of a cervix during pregnancy?

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Cervical measurements vary greatly, but a normal second trimester cervix is usually between 3 and 4 cm long (30-40 mm) If your cervix is less than 25 mm in length at 18-22 weeks, you are at higher risk for pre-term labor, pre-term delivery and incompetent cervix. Usually your doctor will recommend serial cervical measurements via transvaginal ultrasound if your cervix is found to be shorter than normal or if you have conditions that put you at higher risk for incompetent cervix and/or pre-term labor. Examples would previous second trimester miscarriage, previous pre-term labor and/or delivery, previous cervical surgery and multiple gestation.

What does your cervix look like if you are in early stages of pregnancy?

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The cervix sits higher, it becomes thicker and develops a bluish color, very early in pregnancy.

It eventually opens so that the baby can proceed through the birthing canal and out of the mother's body.

How should your cervix feel at 36 weeks pregnant?

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Response 1: You should not be attempting to feel your cervix at any time during pregnancy. Please leave this to your physician to do--if you were to use too much pressure or attempt to insert anything into your vagina, you might end up doing damage to your unborn baby. Until the very end stages of pregnancy, the cervix is thick and closed, and about all you can feel or see is the very outside of the opening (called the os) where the baby will eventually come out of. There is no reason the cervix should be felt, unless there are complications, after your initial OB visit, until you are close to your due date (usually about a month from it is when most physicians will start checking to see if you have dilated).

Response 2: I think the reality is, never insert anything dirty or sharp into the vagina. Common sense everyone. Unless you already know that you have some sort of problem that would prohibit self examination or sex during pregnancy, please go somewhere else for the proper research and answer to this question, which was valid, important, and completely natural for a woman who wanted to know. There are many amazing websites out there that show pictures of the cervix and provide accurate and interesting information. You can feel your cervix.

What does it mean to have a tight cervix?

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How do you know you have a small cervix? If your doctor has told you this is so, ask that doctor why it is so. Otherwise, check with a doctor to discover whether you have a problem.

If a cervix is high hard and it feels closed could you be pregnant?

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because your mum ate it- what a stupid answer! Normally when your pregnant your cervix will be higher up, very soft, and swollen kind of like a ripe fruit. It will also be closed. You might be getting close to starting your cycle if its low, but the position changes throughout the day so make sure you check it at the same time every day.

How much mucous plug is there?

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I think it all depends. Ive read that some women loose theirs all at once and its about the lenght of 1/2 their middle finger and others[like me] loose it over the course of days or weeks and then small clumps here and there. I wear pads [which are obviously white] to get a better idea of everything Im leaking or passing. Im currently 37 weeks and having alot of pain and irregular braxton hicks that act up all day long so Im hoping my body will give in real soon! With my first pregnancy I lost my mucous plug at the hospital after my water had already broke. It was about the size of a quater. With my second son I believe it was about the same size but came a few weeks before delivery so now Im just waiting to see how this goes. Mine was also green all three pregnancies and the other day it had a lil blood in it but with the other two babies I never noticed any other color.

If your cervix is open 1 cm what does that mean?

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it all depends if you have had children before and how far along you are. i am currently 13 weeks pregnant and can fit one finger in my cervix which means i amm 1 cm dialated. i am on my fifth pregnancy and it is normal for my cervix to be like this as it never returns to its same shape after childbirth and will always be slightly open. just because your outer cervix feels open it does not mean you are open inside as your mucus plug seals it all up. i would keep an eye if it is your first pregnancy as some women suffer from incompetent cervix which causes the cervix to dialate too early. symptoms of this is increased pelvic pressure with or without period cramps or spotting. to ease your worries i can say that this is very rare and when it does happen it generally happens between 14 to 20 weeks. good luck to you

Where is the cervix during pregnancy?

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During ovulation the cervix is soft, high,open and wet. Around the time of menstruation the cervix is low and hard. I've heard OB/GYNs making this analogy when referring to a pregnant vs. non-pregnant cervix: A non-pregnant cervix feels like a hard, unripe piece of fruit, while a pregnant cervix is more like an almost over-ripe plum. It becomes very tender and engorged with blood, especially early on in pregnancy.In the early stages of pregnancy you may notice that your cervix will rise a bit and become softer, but the timing of this happening will vary from woman to woman. You may see the change in your cervix shortly before your period is due or you may not feel this for several weeks.As the pregnancy progresses you will probably have an increase in vaginal discharge, but the cervical mucous is fairly minimal during pregnancy. Some women may notice a change in their cervix in very early pregnancy but cervical position is not a good sign of pregnancy. That is because the cervix changes not only from woman to woman but from day to day and could even be different in the same woman at different times of the day. I would recommend to check your cervix right after your period ends and check it every day, at the same time, in the same position. That way you know how your cervix is suppose to feel at what point during your cycle and if it doesn't feel that it's suppose to you could use that to help you determine pregnancy. For a woman that doesn't check her cervix regularly I would say it's next to impossible to determine if she's pregnant or not by checking it.

Your cervix should be high just like during ovulation, except closed. It will also still feel soft, more like lips. Unless you've been checking your cervix consistently there is almost no way to tell where you are in your cycle through this method. Remember to wash your hands before you check, but other than that, you should have no problems with infection. Just don't get your hopes up that you'll be able to detect pregnancy through your cervical position, especially if you haven't been monitoring it's position already.

How many litres of blood does a pregnant woman have?

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They reckon for an adult, the amount of blood by mass is about 11% of the total body mass. For a 150lb person, tha equates to around 4.7-5 litres.