

Cervix During Pregnancy

Ask questions here about the female's cervix position during pregnancy.

479 Questions

Does sweeping membranes start labor?

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Asked by Wiki User

ummh yea

-actually, it will only start labor if the body and baby are ready. some women it helps get labor started, others it doesn't have an affect at all.

Does cervix penatration hurt?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just don't go that far in. It can be uncomfortable, it can hurt or make her naceus. Ask her.

It can. If you have rough thrashing sex you will feel some discomfort. If sex is gentle then the discomfort wont be as uncomfort as it can be. This also depends on the male. An average penis size is 6 inches which is shorter than the average length of a vagina. But as each person varies so the vagina could be shorter or longer same with the penis size. Some people don't have issues with contact but most females will find this pleasureable providin it is with in reason. The next day can have some discomfort or pain, but the cervix will heal quickly. With no scaring or problems.

Can you get pregnant if you have a polyp in cervix?

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Asked by Wiki User

Don't give up hope, You can still fall pregnant with cysts on the cervix. however in some cases you may find it difficult to conceive even if only the smallest thing is wrong.

For example: My wife had endometriosis and we tried to fall for many years with no luck before a specialist recommended surgery & we are now expecting a little girl.

It's recommended to see a specialist so that they can pin point the problem & discuss your options

How long can you be dialated 2 c before you deliver baby?

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it depends on your body.. Im 37 weeks and 2 days dilated 2, 50% effaced and I drs. say i can go today or in a few weeks.. Just suggest walking, intercourse, and just relaxing and not thinking about it. Our bodies tend to become a defense and will hold off labor if your stressed. Hopefully this helps.

What is the lining of the cervix called?

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Asked by Sthompson1987

my name is songa and i have been spotting for 3 week know, i have never had a good peroids since after my first pregancy, the only normal peroids i had since is in januray 2009, i need help can someone hlep me please, i have when to all can of doctor in my country, and the all saying nothingis wrong with me , can i get some help

What is considered heavy bleeding during pregnancy?

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Asked by Scaredgirl

2.2L of blood is critical in any medical emergency.

Anywhere near 1L is serious. There are many factors and reasons for bleeding. If the blood is mixed with other fluids such as when the "water" breaks, it may look like more. Generally serious heavy bleeding is thick and dark red.

Period amounts generally not so serious but need to be assessed for the reason. This could be simply the separation of the placenta from the uterine wall just before birth. This could be in the form of spotting or heavier bleeding.

Any amount of bleeding should be assessed by trained staff.

Why is my cervix?

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Asked by Wiki User

first..the word is sore. if you cannot spell a basic word i would say that reproduction is not the best thing for you right now. how can you be so aware of your cervix? lol to know that it is sore? i have never heard of that before.

When you have vaginal mucus unlike the kind you experience when ovulating is this a sign of pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Creamy cervical mucus (called leukorrhea) may be a pregnancy symptom. However, if the cervical mucus is more watery, this may be a sign that your period is coming as watery cervical mucus may indicate the breakdown of the corpus luteum -- the body left on the ovary after the release of the egg. The breakdown of the corpus luteum happens if pregnancy has not been achieved.

When does the cervix open completely during pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cervix is always closed, it only starts opening towards the end of pregnancy just befor you go into labor. The mucus plug forms somewhere between 8 and 12 weeks. That completely is not true. The cervix is always open, only a tiny bit, or else sperm would have no way of entering. There is a tiny opening of the cervix at all times for sperm to enter, and for you to pass blood during a period. Once fertilization takes place, the cervix is "sealed" by what is known as a "mucous plug". During the early stages of labor, the mucous plug comes out which is one of the first signs a woman is truly in active labor. Once that happens, the cervix begins the dilate once contractions start being more persistent and close together, up until the baby is born if it is a normal pregnancy. If the cervix does not dilate, there are a number of things that can be done by a doctor to help the cervix to dilate. If everything fails, a C-Section will take place to deliver the baby. After birth, it takes a while for the cervix to completely close up again and it is extremely easy to get pregnant. Also, it is very easy for bacteria to get up into the cervix and cause infection, so all doctors recommend you do not take a bath or get in a jacuzzi for at least 6 wks. Also, if you dilate early way before time for the baby to be born, which is what I did, they also recommend (if your water breaks prematurely) to not sit down in a bath because bacteria can go up into your cervix and cause infection, not only in your uterus, but it may also spread to the baby.

Can cervix be high and firm in early pregnancy?

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The cervix is normal until a woman starts going into labor.

How does the cervix change in early pregnancy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Your cervix does not grow during pregnancy but the uterus does.

Why do people cry for no reason?

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Asked by Wiki User

When you cry hysterically for no reason, you usually have something that you have not expressed yet but is at the back of your mind. I once had a close member of my family die, i hadn't cried at the funeral, i got to the point where i was wondering what is wrong with me. it took years to cry out loud because of it. I had to see a psycologist to realise this was the cause.

How many inches is your uterus if you're 6 weeks pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

At six weeks your uterus is still tucked behind your pubic bone, it isn't large enough to be felt until after 12 weeks. Right now your uterus is about 3" long and 2" wide, this is more than big enough to hold your little micro baby who measures (CRM) just 2mm to 5 mm from crown (head) to rump (butt).

Babies often are measured from the crown to rump rather than from head to toe because they spend most of the pregnancy curled up, but also because this early, their legs and arms are just buds.

39 weeks an 3cm dialated what can i do to help dialation?

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Asked by Wiki User

As uninviting as it may sound have sex, the semen contains prostaglandin hormone which with a ripe cervix will stimulate your contractions to start. Move around as much as you feel comfortable with - the pressure of your baby on your cervix will stimulate contractions which in turn will eventually open the cervix more. Don't despair! Your contractions are probably effacing your cervix, which mean it is being thinned out and pulled upwards. This is an important part of the work your body needs to do to have your baby. Sometimes, you can move unexpectedly quickly through the stages and dilation - I can't guarantee that though! So, if you don't feel up to walking or similar, choose positions that are more upright. And not being anxious about progress will actually help things move along.

You checked your cervix and it was soft and kind of hard and wet?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't think it's possible to check your own cervix! And probably not safe to try that's why they have doctors.

If your not wet dose sperm last for 2hours?

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Asked by Wiki User

The short answer to your question is No, they live LONGER.

I'm assuming you mean "if you don't have enough vaginal lubrication - how long will the sperm live?"

That depends on a lot of things. If you used a commercial lube like KY, it wont matter how wet you were because the KY will hamper the sperm and kill it faster.

If you're using a spermicidal gel or film, then many of the sperm will be killed regardless of vaginal fluid.

There is no "all the time correct" answer to this question. In healthy vaginal fluid sperm can live 2-7 days. In inhospitable vaginal fluid, sperm can still survive several days.

The bottomline is that every time a penis goes into a the vagina of a woman who still has a uterus, there is a chance of pregnancy.

If you are trying NOT to get pregnant, don't count on the "pull out" method. It JUST DOESN'T WORK. Either use birth control or don't have sex.

If you ARE trying to get pregnant, your best chance is to chart your cycle and have sex when your vaginal fluid is watery or stringy like snot or eggwhite.

Is it normal for the cervix to feel spongy and swollen at 3 weeks pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

First of all, no-one would be able to tell if they were only 3 weeks pregnant (this means a week after ovulation!) if your going off your ovulation, then yes it can feel spongy & swollen - the reason for the swelling is, increased blood flow, therefore your cervix would be blue also, which is very normal.

What could it be if you can feel something as hard as bone inside your ear and it's above your TMJ?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you can feel something as hard as bone inside your ear, located above your TMJ, it could be a bone spur or other growth. It should be checked by a doctor to make sure it is not likely to become a problem.

During 20th week of pregnancy cervix is softening but is still long and thick on ultrasound Is this necessarily a bad sign?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not necessarily bad. As long as it is long and thick, that's very good. Your cervix will change daily during pregnancy and can take months to thin down enough to start dialating.

Is it safe to have a biopsy on your cervix done when you are 30 weeks pregnant?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the doctor knows you are 30 weeks pregnant and wants to do it, it's probably safe. If you have questions, talk to the doctor and find out if there are any risks and what they are.