


False Pregnancy Test

A pregnancy test indicating inaccurate readings due to malfunction of the test itself, improper use, medications that can interfere with the reading, etc.

380 Questions

Will a man's urine make a pregnancy test positive?

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Yes, it can. However, if this happens, then the man in question should seek a doctor. A positive test shows an elevated level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), and can mean testicular cancer.

Please note this is advice only & is not to be used in place of a Medical experts.

How can positive stress actually help improve your performance on tests?

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Positive stress, also known as eustress, can improve test performance by increasing motivation, focus, and alertness. It can help individuals stay energized and engaged during the test, leading to better concentration and cognitive function. Eustress can also enhance memory retrieval and problem-solving abilities, ultimately boosting performance on tests.

How common are false positive pregnancy tests?

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On rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines or a chemical pregnancy.

How much calcium is in goats milk?

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The density of goat's milk ranges from 28.38 to 38.57-g/l. This is very similar to cow's milk which ranges from 28.30 to 29.95 g/l.

Can a pregnancy test be negative and you still be pregnant?

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well it is very uncommon but a possiblity, it could happen but i dont think it would

Is it possible to have two false positive pregnancy tests?

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On rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines, a recent pregnancy or a chemical pregnancy.

Has anyone taken a pregnancy at night that came out negative and another one in the morning that came out positive?

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There are several things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought. If you did not perform the test properly (example: you drank a lot of fluids before taking the test, which can dilute your urine). Etc. On rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines or a chemical pregnancy.

Can smoking marijuana produce a false negative pregnancy test result?

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Q: Will recreational drugs or alcohol interfere with home pregnancy tests? A: Drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, heroine, and alcoholic drinks will not alter the result of a home pregnancy test, but it is better to test when not under the influence.

Where can you buy litmus paper?

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Litmus paper is used to test how acidic or basic a material is. Because gardeners often want to test the acidity of their soil, you can buy litmus paper in many gardening shops. Of course, it is also available in places that sell science supplies, and readily available from vendors on the internet.

Can hcg injection give you a positive pregnancy test?

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Yes. Many people cannot get a high enough hcg level to register on a home pregnancy test and need special blood work done to get a positive result.

Will being on a antibiotic give you a false positive on a pregnancy test?

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No. Home pregnancy tests detect the hormone hCG, not byproducts of infection. Infections do not cause the hormones to be released. It is best to get the pregnancy confirmed by a doctor and have the UTI treated as soon as possible.

Is it possible to be pregnant while on cycle then took a urine test was negative is it better to have a blood work done?

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You can not become pregnant having sex while on your period. If you didn't have your period and you had sex and the urine test said negative, you most likely are not pregnant. If you still want to be sure, yes a blood test is more precise.

If you are six weeks' pregnant is it normal to have bleeding and cramping like a period?

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No not usually. Get to the hospital immediately. Definitely call your doctor and let them know what is going on.

Well I had the same thing and my pregnancy has been totally normal.That is why I didn't find out I was pregnant until I was almost 3 months along, because I thought it was a normal period. You should call your doctor just to be safe.

Can hormone treatments cause a false pregnancy test?

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Hormones (estrogen, testosterone) can definitely affect pregnancy tests. For best interpretation of signs and symptoms alongside a blood test, see your doctor.

Can you have a false pregnancy test with tubal pregnancy?

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Most definitely, yes, you can have a false pregnancy test with tubal pregnancy. Hormones only know an egg implanted. Hormones do not know where the egg implanted.

What are the chances of still being pregnant after four pregnancy tests come out negative?

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It all depends. If you took the pregnancy tests too early, then you could get false negatives. I would recommend you wait a week, if your period doesn't start, then retest or get a blood pregnancy test at your doctor's office. ~pawsalmighty

Do steroids cause a false positive pregnancy test?

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no prednisone is a steriod that does not interfere with pregnancy tests.

How often does a false negative pregnancy test occur?

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I think it depends on how early you are in pregnancy. I took 10tests which all were negative even though I knew I am pregnant before the HgC levels were high enough to indicate pregnancy via test. You can usually get an accurate reading about 1-2weeks pregnant with a good test such as Clearblue digital (I used this which indicated I was 1-2weeks pregnant) and I'm not 4weeks pregnant and registered with the midwife. Good luck!

Why gunpowder contaminants give false result with DPA test reagent?

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There are several gunpowder contaminants such as the fertilizer, detergent, match head, even soil and cigarettes. They contain nitrates which gives similar result to gunpowder residues when treated with Diphenylamine (DPA) Reagent.However, their reaction differ from gunpowder nitrates from the characteristics of the specks as well as the distribution of the specks. Usually a gunpowder contaminants will show a smear of blue color .

How far into pregnancy would a test show you are pregnant?

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i was always told you will know when your pregnant, and it was about 6 days before i was even supposed to miss my period and i just had a feeling so i took a home preg. test, knowing it was too early, and it came back positive, with a very very faint line. about 3 weeks later i took another and it was clearly positive so i went to the dr and am 9 weeks pregnant now. so i believe it can be up to a week b4 u miss your period for some people, maybe not all. but if its coming up positive, you probably are prego

Can you have a false negative pregnancy test throughout your whole pregnancy?

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No. If you think you may be pregnant and your home test says different; trust your body. A doctor will do a blood test which will not only show right away; a 'quantitative' test can tell the level of hcG, telling about how long since you conceived. Which can be double checked with an ultrasound if necessary.

Is it possible for a pregnancy test to be negative if taken at night but still be pregnant?

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In very early pregnancy, yes. The reason it is recommended to take the test in the morning is because the hCG levels are more concentrated in the urine then, and can be more readily detected. So if it is in the first weeks of pregnancy, the level can go undetected.

I'm a week late for my period and seem to be having nausea and soft and slightly tender breasts so I am wondering if it is possible to test negative in a home pregnancy test and still be pregnant?

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yes. some pregnancy test show up negative, even though you are pregnant. I have the SAME problem with the EXACT same symptoms. I hope someone answers your question because I need help on this one too :(