


Physical and emotional reactions to events or circumstances experienced in everyday life.

1,785 Questions

Describe which type of motivation you are most likely to respond to and utilize Explain your answer?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • I believe a good type of motivation would be laying out the pros and cons of a situation and explaining every detail of the decision

What is the stress experienced by a chemist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Chemists may experience stress from demanding workloads, tight deadlines, experimental failures, and pressure to produce accurate results. Additionally, working with hazardous chemicals and equipment can also contribute to their stress levels.

What can stress cause a virus to do?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stress can weaken the immune system, making the body more vulnerable to viral infections. It can also exacerbate the symptoms of an existing viral infection and prolong the recovery time.

Why dont rocks deform under confining stress?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rocks can deform under confining stress, but the amount of deformation depends on factors such as the type of rock, temperature, pressure, and time. In general, rocks are more likely to deform under higher temperatures and pressures. If the confining stress is higher than the rock's strength, it may deform or fail.

What is effect of stress over skin resistance?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stress can affect skin resistance by decreasing the skin barrier function and increasing inflammation, leading to skin conditions such as acne, eczema, and psoriasis. Stress can also impair skin healing and contribute to premature aging by promoting the breakdown of collagen and elastin. Practicing stress-reducing techniques like meditation, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices can help improve skin resistance.

Why stress a tensor quantity?

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Asked by Wiki User

stress is having magnitude, direction and point of application of force

Seasonal behavior in plants and animals is stimulated by?

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Seasonal behavior in plants and animals is primarily stimulated by changes in day length and temperature. These environmental cues trigger physiological processes that help organisms anticipate and adapt to seasonal changes, such as changes in food availability, mating opportunities, or temperature fluctuations. Hormones like melatonin and phytochromes play key roles in regulating these seasonal responses.

People who interpret stress as challenging and interesting rather than threatening or frustrating are exhibiting?

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Asked by Wiki User

People who interpret stress as challenging and interesting rather than threatening or frustrating are exhibiting a mindset known as a "positive reframe." This mindset can help individuals see opportunities for growth and development in difficult situations, which can lead to more adaptive coping strategies and better overall well-being.

How do plants and animals cope with seasonal stress?

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Asked by Wiki User

Plants cope with seasonal stress by adjusting their growth processes, such as shedding leaves or slowing down growth during cold or dry seasons. Animals cope by adapting their behavior, such as migrating to warmer areas or hibernating during cold seasons, or storing food during plentiful times to survive scarcity. Both plants and animals have evolved various mechanisms to survive and thrive in different seasons.

What does climatic stress mean?

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Climatic stress refers to the negative impact that changes in climatic conditions, such as extreme temperatures, precipitation patterns, and severe weather events, can have on living organisms, ecosystems, and habitats. This stress can lead to reduced resilience, increased vulnerability, and even mortality in various species.

What is stress pulling outward?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stress pulling outward refers to the force or tension exerted on an object in a direction away from its center, causing it to expand or elongate. This type of stress can lead to deformation or failure in materials if it exceeds their strength limit. Examples include stretching a rubber band or pulling taffy.

What are the types of stress?

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There are three main types of stress: acute stress, which is short-term and often triggered by a specific event; episodic acute stress, which occurs when someone frequently experiences acute stress; and chronic stress, which is long-term and can have serious health implications if not managed properly.

Why does Escherichia coli suspention become more viscous after the addition of SDS?

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SDS (sodium dodecyl sulfate) disrupts the cell membrane of Escherichia coli, releasing cellular components like DNA and proteins into the suspension. These cellular components can aggregate and interact with SDS molecules, increasing the overall viscosity of the suspension due to the formation of complexes and networks.

What is the bodys effort to restore normalcy from stress?

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The body's effort to restore normalcy from stress is known as the "relaxation response." This response involves the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to lower heart rate, blood pressure, and levels of stress hormones like cortisol. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation can help trigger the relaxation response and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

How many breaks allowed in a day?

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The number of breaks allowed in a day can vary depending on company policy, industry regulations, and labor laws. However, typical breaks include a lunch break and two shorter breaks during an 8-hour workday.

Why does stress cause tachycardia?

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Stress triggers the release of stress hormones like adrenaline, which can increase heart rate. This response is part of the body's "fight or flight" mechanism, preparing the body to respond quickly to perceived threats. Tachycardia is the body's way of increasing blood flow and oxygen to your muscles and organs to help you deal with the stressful situation.

Can stress cause cramps?

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Yes, stress can lead to muscle tension and contribute to cramps in the body, including the abdomen, back, and legs. Stress can also affect digestion and exacerbate conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which can cause cramping. Managing stress through relaxation techniques and self-care can help alleviate cramps associated with stress.

Can stress cause impregnancy?

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No, stress itself does not cause impregnancy. However, stress can impact fertility by affecting hormonal balance and menstrual cycles, potentially making it harder to conceive. It's important to manage stress levels for overall health and well-being.

How can Music can help with stress relief?

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Music can help with stress relief by triggering relaxation responses in the body, such as reducing cortisol levels, heart rate, and blood pressure. Listening to calming music can also distract from stressful thoughts and improve mood by releasing feel-good chemicals like dopamine in the brain. Additionally, music therapy techniques can help individuals express and process their emotions in a healthy way, leading to stress reduction.

What are the Common causes of stress of the working students?

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Common causes of stress for working students include juggling multiple responsibilities such as work, school, and personal life, financial strain, time management challenges, lack of support or resources, and pressure to perform well in both academic and work settings.

What are not short term stress reactions?

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Chronic stress reactions are not short term and can persist for an extended period. These reactions can include ongoing fatigue, irritability, trouble sleeping, and changes in appetite. Seeking professional help may be beneficial if experiencing chronic stress reactions.

What are 2 different physical responses which can occur during stress?

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Asked by LeanneRobertsgp9888

During stress, the body can respond with increased heart rate, as the sympathetic nervous system is activated to prepare for a fight-or-flight response. Another physical response can be shallow and rapid breathing, as the body takes in more oxygen to fuel the muscles and brain for quick action.

How can stress be controlled?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stress can be controlled through various techniques such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, physical activity, and healthy lifestyle choices. It is important to identify personal stress triggers and develop coping strategies to manage them effectively. Seeking support from friends, family, or a mental health professional can also be beneficial in reducing stress levels.

How you react to a stressful event depends on how you?

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Asked by Wiki User

How you react to a stressful event depends on how you perceive the situation, your coping mechanisms, and support system. It's important to practice self-care, seek help if needed, and maintain a positive mindset to better manage stress.