


Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with the creation and management of systems that integrate people and materials and energy in productive ways. An industrial engineer studies industrial productivity and makes and implements recommended changes.

2,298 Questions

How do you clean used inert alumina balls used in petrochem industry?

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Asked by Wiki User

Used inert alumina balls can be cleaned by soaking them in a mixture of warm water and a mild cleaning agent, such as dish soap. After soaking, scrub the balls gently with a soft brush to remove any dirt or residue. Rinse the balls thoroughly with clean water and allow them to dry completely before reuse.

How much steel was produced in the UK in 1981 in thousands of tons?

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Asked by Wiki User

In 1981, the UK produced around 15 million tons of steel.

What would a vacuole be in a factory?

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Asked by 3i5gu3u4t8t

A vacuole in a factory could be compared to storage tanks or silos used to store raw materials, products in process, or finished goods. It serves as a temporary storage space to maintain a continuous flow of materials in the production process.

What would the vacuole be in a factory?

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Asked by 3i5gu3u4t8t

In a factory, the vacuole could be likened to storage tanks or silos that hold raw materials, finished products, or waste materials. The vacuole in a plant cell primarily stores water, nutrients, and waste, similar to how tanks or silos store materials in a factory.

What is a baals wind tunnel?

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Asked by Tranquilalpha

"Baals wind tunnel" likely refers to a wind tunnel named after renowned aerodynamicist Ludwig Prandtl. Prandtl's work on wind tunnels in the early 20th century was foundational in understanding aerodynamics, and his name is often associated with wind tunnel research and design.

What are the 2 liquids that are tapped off from a blast furnace?

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Asked by Wiki User

The two liquids tapped off from a blast furnace are molten iron and slag. Molten iron is the main product, while slag is a byproduct that is formed from impurities in the ore.

Why do you step up and then step down electricity from a power station?

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Asked by Wiki User

Electricity is stepped up at power stations for efficient long-distance transmission, as higher voltage reduces energy loss during the journey. When reaching a local distribution point, electricity is stepped down to safer levels for household use. This step-down process ensures that the electricity supplied to homes and businesses is at a voltage suitable for common appliances.

What would be a substitute for petamo ghy 133n?

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Asked by Wiki User

A suitable substitute for Petamo Ghy 133N could be another comparable gear oil that meets the same specifications and requirements for your specific application. It is recommended to consult with a lubricant specialist or refer to the equipment manufacturer's guidelines to select an appropriate alternative product.

What is the difference between technical grade and commercial grade chemicals?

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Asked by Wiki User

Technical grade chemicals are typically higher in purity and are used in laboratory settings for research and analysis. Commercial grade chemicals, on the other hand, are more commonly used in industrial applications and may have slightly lower purity levels but are still suitable for their intended purpose.

How does the structure of a thermoplastic differ from a thermosetting plastic?

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Asked by Wiki User

  • Once 'set' these plastics cannot be reheated to soften, shape and mould.

  • Thermosetting Plastics are made up of lines of molecules which are heavily cross linked. It creates a rigid molecular structure.

  • They may be heated the first time and shaped but they become permanently stiff and solid.

  • Unlike thermoplastics, they retain their strength and shape even when heated.

How burden calculated in blast furnace?

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Asked by Shivanandi

The burden in a blast furnace refers to the materials added to the furnace for the iron-making process. The burden typically includes iron ore, coke, and limestone. The burden calculation takes into account the proper proportions of these materials to achieve efficient iron production and maintain the desired chemical and physical balance within the furnace. Various factors, such as the quality of the materials and the operating conditions, influence the burden calculation in a blast furnace.

What is specfic weight of granulated slag with water from blast furnace?

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Asked by Wiki User

The specific weight of granulated slag with water from a blast furnace can vary depending on the properties of the slag and the amount of water added. However, typically the specific weight of granulated slag with water would be higher than the specific weight of water alone due to the presence of the solid slag particles in the mixture.

Does iron ore slag sink to the bottom of the blast furnace?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, iron ore slag is denser than molten iron and other materials, so it sinks to the bottom of the blast furnace. This allows the molten iron to be tapped off from the top while the slag is removed from the bottom.

What kind of fire bricks are used for molten blast furnace slag?

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Asked by Wiki User

High alumina fire bricks are commonly used in applications involving molten blast furnace slag due to their high refractoriness and resistance to thermal shock. These bricks are able to withstand the high temperatures and harsh conditions of the slag without deforming or deteriorating quickly.

Is polystyrene thermosetting or thermoplastic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Polystyrene is a thermoplastic, which means it softens when heated and can be molded into different shapes but retains its solid structure after cooling.

What is the differences between charges and expenses?

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Asked by Wiki User

Charges are typically one-time fees or costs associated with a specific transaction or service, while expenses are ongoing costs incurred to operate a business. Charges can be variable and impact specific transactions, while expenses are usually fixed or recurring costs necessary for day-to-day operations.

The middle region of the blast furnace called?

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Asked by Wiki User

The middle region of the blast furnace is called the bosh. It is where most of the chemical reactions, such as the reduction of iron ore and the formation of slag, take place. The bosh is a critical part of the furnace for producing molten iron efficiently.

How does one neutralize methane in a lift station?

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Asked by Wiki User

Methane gas can be neutralized in a lift station by installing an anaerobic digester or a biofilter system. These systems utilize bacteria to break down the methane gas into less harmful substances such as carbon dioxide and water. Regular maintenance and monitoring of the system are necessary to ensure effective methane neutralization.

1.8N equals to how many kPa?

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Asked by Wiki User

To convert Newtons to kiloPascals, you need to divide by the area in square meters over which the force is applied. Kilopascals are a unit of pressure, so the conversion depends on the area involved.

Why does the glucose molecule have to be broken down step by step?

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Asked by Wiki User

The glucose molecule needs to be broken down step by step through processes like glycolysis to extract energy in a controlled manner, which can be efficiently stored and used by the cell. This gradual breakdown ensures that the maximum amount of energy is captured and converted into a form that the cell can easily utilize. Additionally, step-by-step breakdown helps regulate the release of this energy to prevent wasteful loss or damage to the cell.

What do you call the type of engineer that designs bridges?

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Asked by Wiki User

civil engineers, structural engineers, and architects are the main bridge builders.

What is the length in feet of a wave whose frequency is 268 Hz?

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Asked by PlainOldD

The length of the wave can be calculated using the formula: speed = frequency x wavelength. The speed of a wave in air is approximately 343 meters per second. Converting 343 m/s to feet/s, we get approximately 1125 ft/s. Using the formula speed = frequency x wavelength, we can solve for wavelength: wavelength = speed / frequency. Therefore, the wavelength of a wave with a frequency of 268 Hz is approximately 4.2 feet.

What is waterproof cement?

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Asked by Wiki User

Waterproof cement is a type of cement that is formulated to resist water penetration and moisture ingress. It is commonly used in projects where water resistance is important, such as basements, swimming pools, and other water-retaining structures. Waterproof cement typically contains additives that enhance its resistance to water and help prevent water damage.

How do you check the performance of wind tunnel?

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Asked by Wiki User

To check the performance of a wind tunnel, you can measure parameters such as airflow velocity, turbulence levels, pressure differentials, and flow uniformity. These measurements can be collected using instruments like pitot tubes, anemometers, pressure sensors, and flow visualization techniques. Regular calibration and comparison with established standards are also important to ensure accurate performance evaluation.

The hardest known natural material is?

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Asked by Wiki User

Diamond is typically considered the hardest known natural material due to its exceptional hardness and durability. It ranks 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, making it difficult to scratch or chip.