


This branch of technology deals with the design, development, operation, structural disposition and application of robots. Robotics is related to other sciences including software, mechanics and engineering. Current robots have the capability to move and speak.

2,101 Questions

What satellites and robots visited earth and the year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some notable satellites and robots that have visited Earth include the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990, the Juno spacecraft in 2011, and the Parker Solar Probe in 2018. These missions have provided valuable data and insights into Earth and our solar system.

Did any robots or satellites arrive on Saturn and when?

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Yes, robots have not landed on Saturn itself, but the Cassini spacecraft spent over 13 years studying the planet and its moons before intentionally plunging into Saturn's atmosphere in 2017. No satellites have landed on Saturn.

What are the names of the satellites and robots that have explored Uranus?

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No satellites or robots have directly explored Uranus. However, the Voyager 2 spacecraft conducted a flyby of Uranus in 1986, providing valuable data and images of the planet and its moons.

What is the name of the robot in Swiss family Robinson?

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The name of the robot in Swiss Family Robinson is "Fritz." He is a versatile, helpful, and loyal robot that assists the family in various tasks in the film "Swiss Family Robinson" released in 1960.

What are the names of neptunes satellites robots and their years?

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Neptune's largest moon, Triton, was visited by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in 1989. There are no other dedicated "satellite robots" sent to Neptune's other moons as of current knowledge.

What are satellites or robots that have explored neptune?

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Asked by Wiki User

No satellites have been sent to explore Neptune. However, the Voyager 2 space probe conducted a flyby of Neptune in 1989, providing valuable information and images of the planet and its moons.

What is the name of the satellite or robot that explored Earth close up?

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The satellite or robot that explored Earth close up is the Earth Observing System (EOS) by NASA. These satellites collect data on various aspects of Earth, such as weather patterns, climate changes, and environmental phenomena.

Does mercury have satellites and robots what are there names?

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Mercury does not have any natural satellites. However, it has been visited by two space probes: Mariner 10 in 1974-75 and Messenger in 2011. These are the two spacecraft that have provided most of the information we have about Mercury.

Where are robotics used for exploration in the scientific community?

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Robotics are used for exploration in various scientific endeavors including space exploration, deep-sea exploration, and mapping of hazardous environments like volcanoes and nuclear facilities. They allow scientists to gather data, conduct experiments, and explore places that are too dangerous or inaccessible for humans.

Why wont your captain planet and the robots of zarm work?

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"Captain Planet and the Robots of Zarm" is a fictional concept, and it may not work because it doesn't align with the established storylines or themes of the original "Captain Planet" series. Additionally, the inclusion of robots from Zarm does not fit with the environmental message of the show.

What satelites or robots have explored earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many satellites and robots that have explored Earth. Some notable examples include the Hubble Space Telescope, Landsat series of satellites, Sentinel satellites, and the Mars rovers Spirit, Opportunity, and Curiosity which have provided valuable data and insights about Earth and beyond.

Do robots have a nose?

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Robots do not have a nose as they do not rely on the sense of smell like humans do. However, some robots may be equipped with sensors that can detect and analyze odors in certain applications.

Why are robotics helpful?

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Robotics are helpful because they can automate tasks that are repetitive, dangerous, or time-consuming, increasing efficiency and productivity. They can also perform tasks with greater precision and accuracy than humans, leading to higher quality outcomes. Additionally, robotics can be used in environments that are hazardous or inaccessible to humans, making them essential for various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and exploration.

Are most robots are working up in space?

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Yes, many robots are designed and used for operations in space. They can assist with tasks such as maintenance, exploration, and assembly within the unique environment of outer space where human access is limited.

When the robots are discovered and whomdiscovered it?

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The Discovery of robots was in the 1920s by the Czech writer Karel Capek. Robots first appeared in his play "R.U.R." which stands for Rossum's Universal Robots. In the play, robots are artificial life forms created to serve humans but eventually rebel against their creators.

What robot looks and acts like a human?

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Sophia is a robot developed by Hanson Robotics that is designed to look and act like a human. It uses artificial intelligence and can hold conversations, make facial expressions, and exhibit human-like emotions. Sophia has been featured in numerous interviews and events showcasing her advanced robotics capabilities.

How do you go to bathroom in space?

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Astronauts in space use a vacuum-like toilet system that suctions waste into a collection container. Solid waste is stored and later disposed of, while liquid waste is recycled into water. Adequate training is provided to ensure safe and proper usage of the facilities.

Where are most robots used earth or space?

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Most robots are used on Earth for various tasks such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and exploration. However, there are also robots used in space for missions like planetary exploration, satellite servicing, and space station maintenance.

Why do Americans send robots to other planets?

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Americans send robots to other planets to gather information about the characteristics, geology, atmosphere, and potential for life on those planets. This enables scientists to study the planets remotely without risking human lives and to advance our understanding of the universe.

Name a reason why you might suspect that your blind date is actually a robot?

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Asked by Sarahjaynehaines

If your blind date exhibits incredibly precise and efficient movements without any signs of human error, lacks emotional responses or empathy in conversation, or seems to have extensive and detailed knowledge on a wide range of topics at lightning speed, these could be signs that your date is actually a robot.

Who does the voice of the robot on lost in space?

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Asked by MaryellenCurtis

The voice of the robot on Lost in Space is provided by actor Brian Steele. He brings the robotic character to life through his voice acting and performance on the show.

What happened to the robot from lost in space?

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In the original "Lost in Space" TV series, the robot was last seen living on the Robinson family's adopted home planet. In the 2018 Netflix reboot, the robot's origins and fate are a central part of the plot, as it is revealed to be a technologically advanced alien life form.

What is the name of the lost in space episode with mini robots?

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The episode is "Eleven," from the first season of Lost in Space. In this episode, the Robinsons encounter small, mysterious robots that infiltrate the Jupiter Command Module.

How do robotics play a role in human adaptation to space life?

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Robotics play a crucial role in human adaptation to space life by performing tasks that are either too risky or tedious for humans, such as maintenance and exploration. Robotic systems can enhance efficiency and safety in space missions, and can also assist astronauts in tasks that require precision or endurance. Additionally, robots can be used to advance technologies that support long-duration space missions, contributing to the overall success of human exploration beyond Earth.

Which movie ends with a robot taking care of a greenhouse in the space?

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The movie that ends with a robot taking care of a greenhouse in space is "WALL-E." In the film, after humans return to Earth, WALL-E continues his job of caring for plant life in a greenhouse to restore the planet's ecosystem.