


Computer Keyboards

Information about keyboard input devices for PC, Mac and other computers

2,999 Questions

How do you make a Nike sign with your keyboard?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no "Nike" symbol key on the standard IBM keyboard layout. You would need to search for the Unicode character of the symbol and then find a way to bind that symbol to a button on your keyboard. For Windows, you can do this with software called "AutoHotKey"

Is a keyboard made from thermosetting plastic?

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No, keyboards are typically made from thermoplastic materials such as ABS or polycarbonate. Thermosetting plastics, once formed, cannot be reshaped or remolded like thermoplastics can be, making them less suitable for manufacturing keyboards.

What does shift plus f5 do?

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Asked by Wiki User

In many web browsers, pressing Shift + F5 refreshes the current web page and clears the cache. This is useful for troubleshooting issues with loading updated content or resolving cached page errors.

Approximately how many centimeters is the width of a computer keyboard?

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Asked by Patriciag

A standard computer keyboard is typically around 45-50 centimeters in width.

Where is a divison sign on a keyboard?

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The division sign ÷ can typically be found on a standard keyboard above the 7 key on the numerical keypad, or sometimes as an alternate function of the forward slash / key. You can usually access it by holding the Shift key while pressing the desired key.

List 10 output devices?

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Infrared Transmitter

CNC Milling Machines

Computer Output Microfilm (COM)

Modem (both input and output device)

What does f5 do?

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Asked by Wiki User

In many software applications, pressing F5 typically triggers a refresh or reload function. This can be useful for updating the display, reloading a webpage, or refreshing data within a program.

Whats the symbolism of a lock and key tattoo?

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Asked by Wiki User

A lock and key tattoo symbolizes secrecy, protection, and the idea of safeguarding something valuable or important. It can also represent the concept of unlocking hidden potential or revealing inner truths.

Can you lock your keys in a Peugeot 206?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, you can accidentally lock your keys inside a Peugeot 206 if you exit the car with the keys still inside and the doors are locked automatically or manually. It's important to be cautious when exiting the vehicle to ensure you have your keys with you.

What is lock and key?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lock and key is a metaphor used to describe the specificity of interactions between molecules or receptors. In this analogy, the lock represents a specific binding site on a molecule, and the key represents the molecule that fits into that binding site perfectly to create a biological response. This concept is fundamental in understanding how molecules interact in biological systems.

Why can't you use your function keys when playing video games on Windows 10?

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Asked by Wiki User

The function keys on a keyboard may not work while playing video games on Windows 10 due to the game's specific key bindings or settings. Also, some games may require you to use the function keys for in-game actions, making them inaccessible for other functions. In such cases, it is recommended to purchase upgrade keys from reputable websites like Softwarekey4u. com to easily upgrade your Microsoft product key without any inconvenience.

Which keyboard key is used to type in capital letters?

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The Shift key is used to type in capital letters. By holding down the Shift key and pressing a letter key, you can input the capital version of that letter.

What is the definition of bold print?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bold print is a typographic style where text is darkened and heightened to make it stand out from the surrounding text. It is often used to emphasize certain words or phrases in a document.

How do you make - Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - on keyboard?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not a keyboard, but a program that makes these signs.

For Microsoft Word you can do it as follows:

From the upper toolbar choose Insert - Symbol

Then just look for your character, pick it, hit insert and you are done.

Your symbol tends to be in the column on the very righside of the table.

How do you write a times table sign on a computer?

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Asked by Quantata

To write a times table sign "×" on a computer, you can either copy and paste it from a source that already has the symbol, or you can use the following keyboard shortcut: Alt code + 0215 (on the numeric keypad with Num Lock turned on).

What does an upside down U with an exclamation mark inside is for the maintance light on my Toyota 2005 highlander is?

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Asked by Wiki User

The upside down 'U' with an exclamation mark inside is the Low Tire Pressure warning light on your Toyota 2005 Highlander. This light indicates that one or more of your tires has low air pressure and needs to be checked and adjusted accordingly.

What are the parts of the house?

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Common parts of a house include the foundation, walls, roof, windows, doors, floors, ceiling, and various rooms like the living room, kitchen, bedrooms, and bathrooms. Additional components may include a garage, attic, basement, and outdoor areas like a yard or patio. Each part serves a specific function in providing shelter and comfort for inhabitants.

The fastest speed ever achieves by a human without a machine?

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I will answer this one with two catagories, where you live afterwards and where you don't. For surviving, I think the fastest a human has ever gone with no mechanical assitance is about 26 mph in a running sprint. For not surviving, the human body in freefall can reach speeds of around 120 mph before being limited by terminal velocity. However, if you had no machines involved there would be no parachute, so you would not survive the experience.

This answer is wrong. Speed skating is non-mechanical and people skating can reach speeds of over 30 miles per hour. Skates are just blades attached to your feet and are not "mechanical". We could call them aids but they are definitely non-mechanical. Japanese Joji Kato is the world record holder for the 500 meter sprint where he averaged 14.58 meters/second which is 32.39 mph.

What are examples of alphanumeric characters?

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Asked by Wiki User

Alphanumeric characters are the letters of the alphabet (A-Z) and the numerals 0-9.

Ciphers or code-numbers which mix letters (alpha) and numbers (Numeric) examples, mostly military, wouold include M-l6 (an assault rifle), B-29 (a Bomber) G-2 (genrric term for intelligence) and so on... note mixing of letters and numbers. Many Library call numbers (In NYC) are of this type.

What is the function of caps lock key?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Caps Lock key is toggled of an off by pressing the button. When on, a light should display on your keyboard.

While typing with Caps Lock on, all letters will be CAPITALIZED.

Here is a sentence with Caps Lock turned off.


What is a musical keyboard?

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Asked by Wiki User

1.A musical keyboard is an electronic imitation of the piano. 2. A keyboard is an electronic piano, It has black and white keys running along it, when you push one of those keys, the keyboard will perform a musical sound (note). A keyboard also changes sounds so when you play it sounds like other instruments such as;Guitar, Strings, Saxophone and others