


Empire State Building

The Empire State Building, located in New York City, was the tallest building in the world from 1931 to 1972, and is the first building to have more than 100 stories.

1,032 Questions

How many times has the empire state building been struck by lightning from the year 1931 to 2000?

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The Empire State Building is struck by lightning about 23 times per year. So, from 1931 to 2000, it would have been struck around 1,092 times.

How was New York affected by hurricane Irene?

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Hurricane Irene caused extensive flooding and power outages in New York. Many homes and businesses were damaged, and transportation systems were disrupted. The storm resulted in several deaths and prompted evacuations in low-lying areas.

Why is it necessary to unzip the DNA for transcription to occur?

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Transcription involves the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template, and this process can only occur when the DNA double helix is unzipped. Unzipping the DNA allows the RNA polymerase enzyme to access one of the DNA strands for transcription by breaking the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs. This process exposes the genetic information in the DNA sequence and allows for the complementary base pairing necessary for RNA synthesis.

What are limitations of the AFP test?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

The AFP test can produce false positives/negatives, leading to unnecessary anxiety or missed detections. It is not a specific test and elevated levels can be caused by various conditions besides cancer. The AFP test is most useful when combined with other diagnostic tests for liver cancer.

If the icecaps melted what Empire State Building story would be sea level?

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It should be first noted there is a technical definition of an icecap and the colloquial one; a true icecap is a mass of ice less than 50 thousand square kilometres, while the polar icecaps are much larger than this. However, one will assume the question refers to the total ice mass on the surface of Earth, as melting of the polar caps would necessitate melting of all others.

To begin with, there are currently 30 million cubic kilometres of ice mass on Earth; from using density values, this is equivalent to 27 million cubic kilometres of liquid water.

Earth currently has 361 million square kilometres of surface area in oceans, and 149 million square kilometres in 'land' area, for a total of 510 square kilometres. The source is not clear whether this is the equivalent flat area (i.e. if Earth were a perfect spheroid) or if this is the true area, including raised and uneven terrain.

So, if we only consider the ocean and consider the rise this would present, we are working out the depth 27 million km3 would make over 361 million km2.

From these numbers, simple division tells us the sea level would rise by 27/361 = 74.8 metres beyond its current value.

No information could be obtained regarding the elevation of the Empire State Building; however, assuming it stands at 50 metres above sea level and a 4 metre average storey height, we end up with the sixth floor being new sea level.
The twentieth level.

How often is the Empire State Building struck by lightning each year?

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On average, the Empire State Building is struck by lightning about 23 times per year. It is a prominent target for lightning strikes due to its height and location in the New York City skyline.

What is the tallest building in the world by 2010?

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As of 2010, the tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, standing at a height of 828 meters (2,717 feet).

What is on 600th floor of empire state bldg in lightning thief?

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In "The Lightning Thief," the 600th floor of the Empire State Building is where Olympus, the home of the gods, is located. This floor serves as a portal to the godly realm, hidden from mortal eyes. The main character, Percy Jackson, accesses Olympus through this floor.

What is the tallest building in ancient Greece?

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The tallest building in ancient Greece was the Lighthouse of Alexandria, also known as the Pharos of Alexandria. It was estimated to be around 100-130 meters tall and was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

What is the time difference between NY and Chile?

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There is no time difference between New York (UTC-5/UTC-4) and Chile (UTC-4/UTC-3) while New York is on Daylight Saving Time and Chile is on Standard Time, which is 29 April 2012 to 2 September 2012 and, beginning in 2013, the day after the 2nd Saturday of March to the day after the 2nd Saturday of October. During those times, when it's 8 AM EDT in New York it's 8 AM CLT in Chile.

New York is 1 hour behind Chile while New York is on Daylight Saving Time and Chile is on Summer Time, which is 2 September 2012 to 4 November 2012 and, beginning in 2013, the day after the 2nd Saturday of October to the 1st Sunday of November. During those times, when it's 8 AM EDT in New York it's 9 AM CLST in Chile.

New York is 2 hours behind Chile while New York is on Standard Time and Chile is on Summer Time, which is the 1st Sunday of November to the 2nd Sunday of March. During that time, when it's 7 AM EST in New York it's 9 AM CLST in Chile.

Who is the promoter of a company?

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The promoter of a company is the individual or group of individuals who take the necessary steps to organize and incorporate the company. They are responsible for developing the business idea, raising initial capital, and preparing the necessary legal documents for registration. Once the company is established, the promoter's role typically diminishes as management takes over.

Why would you like to visit the Empire State Building?

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I would like to visit the Empire State Building to experience its iconic art deco architecture, enjoy panoramic views of New York City from the observation decks, and appreciate its historical significance as a symbol of American innovation and ambition.

Would a penny and quarter hit the ground at the same time if they were thrown off the Empire State Building?

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Yes, the penny and quarter would hit the ground at the same time because they would both accelerate at the same rate due to gravity, regardless of their weight or size. This is based on the principle of free fall, where objects of different masses fall at the same rate in a vacuum.

Why is acid rain bad?

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Acid rain is bad because it can harm plants, aquatic life, and infrastructure. The acidity in the rain can damage soil, disrupt ecosystems, and corrode buildings and statues. Acid rain is also detrimental to human health when pollutants are inhaled or ingested.

What are five causes of acid rain?

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  1. Emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides from burning fossil fuels.
  2. Industrial activities such as smelting metal ores and producing cement.
  3. Agricultural practices like using nitrogen-based fertilizers.
  4. Natural sources like volcanic eruptions and forest fires.
  5. Transport sector emissions from vehicles and airplanes.

Tallest building in the world in 1889?

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The Eiffel Tower was the tallest building in the world in 1889. Standing at 1,063 feet, it held this record until the completion of the Washington Monument in 1884.

How does Transcription take place?

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Transcription is the process in which RNA is synthesized from a DNA template by RNA polymerase. It occurs in the nucleus of a cell and involves unwinding the DNA double helix, using one strand as a template to synthesize a complementary RNA strand. The newly formed RNA molecule is then processed and transported out of the nucleus for translation into a protein.

What is the largest office building in the world?

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The largest office building in the world by floor area is the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, USA. It covers approximately 6.5 million square feet and serves as the headquarters for the United States Department of Defense.

What is the tallest stone building in the world?

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The tallest monument in the world is generally considered to be the Gateway Arch in St Louis, 630 feet. Note: Some people categorize the Eiffel Tower in Paris as a monument, and it does exceed the height of the arch.

What is the tallest statue in the world?

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The tallest statue in the world is the Statue of Unity in India, which stands at a height of 182 meters (597 feet). It was unveiled in 2018 and pays tribute to independence leader Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.

What is the average speed of human walking?

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The average walking speed is about 5 km/h or 3.1 mph. The typical speed range is from 4.5 km/h (or 2.8 mph) to 5.4 km/h (or 3.35 mph) which makes 3.1 a reasonable average.

What is the tallest hotel in the world?

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The tallest hotel in the world is the Gevora Hotel in Dubai, standing at 356 meters (1,167.98 feet) tall with 75 floors.

What is an example of negative feedback?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of negative feedback would be a secretion of greater amount of insulin to lower the blood sugar level, and then secretion of greater amount of glucagon to increase the blood sugar level, and then a secretion of a greater amount of insulin to lower the blood sugar level..... etc.

What is longitude latitude of Elmhurst Ny?

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The latitude and longitude of Elmhurst, NY is approximately 40.7369° N, 73.8773° W.

If a condo building were to collapse what floor would be the safest to be on?

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In general, the middle floors of a building tend to be the safest during a collapse as they are less prone to suffering initial impact forces from a collapse. However, safety can be situational and factors such as the cause of the collapse, design of the building, and location of the individual within the building can all affect survivability. It is always best to evacuate the building immediately if there are signs of structural instability.