

Chewing Gum

From sweet to mint, bubblegum is a popular treat around the world. Ask questions about this confectionery here, including what happens when you swallow a piece of gum. (It's not what you think!)

1,692 Questions

Does chewing gum make you more focus when taking a test?

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Chewing gum may increase alertness and improve cognition, which can help with focus during a test. However, the effect may vary from person to person. Some studies suggest that chewing gum might enhance some aspects of cognitive function, such as memory and attention, but more research is needed to confirm these effects definitively.

Who makes Bubble Yum?

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Bubble Yum is made by The Hershey Company, one of the largest chocolate manufacturers in the United States. The brand is known for its soft and chewy bubble gum that comes in various flavors.

If you wanted to measure the volume after chewing gum how would you do that?

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To measure the volume of chewed gum, you could first measure the initial volume of the gum. Then, chew the gum until no further change in volume is observed. Finally, measure the volume of the chewed gum to determine the change in volume.

Can chewing gum prevent you from crying when cutting onions?

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Chewing gum might help by encouraging you to breathe through your mouth, which can reduce exposure to the onion fumes that lead to tearing up. However, it might not completely prevent crying while cutting onions, as the compounds that cause tears can still reach your eyes.

What element in chewing gum?

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some company's use beef fat for the long lasting chewing affect...

What would be the control group of an experiment to see which bubblegum blows the biggest bubbles?

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The control group would consist of a group of participants who chew a standard type of bubblegum (e.g., a common brand or flavor) in the same conditions as the experimental groups but are not subjected to any variations in bubblegum type. This group serves as a baseline for comparison to assess the impact of different bubblegum types on bubble size.

How does chewing mint gum change the temperature in your mouth?

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Chewing mint gum creates a cooling sensation in the mouth due to the presence of menthol, which activates cold-sensitive receptors on the nerve endings in the mouth. This interaction fools the brain into perceiving a drop in temperature, even though no actual temperature change is occurring.

If you can't walk and chew gum at the same time blame what little brain which coordinates body movements?

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Asked by Wiki User

Blame the cerebellum for not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time. The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating body movements and maintaining balance, so difficulties in multitasking activities like walking and chewing gum may be due to its functions.

How do you blow a bubble with bubblegum?

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To blow a bubble with bubblegum, chew the gum until it's soft, then use your tongue and mouth to shape it into a bubble. Gently blow air into the gum to expand it into a bubble, making sure not to blow too hard or it may pop. Keep practicing to get the right technique!

What is the polymer used in chewing gum?

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The polymer used in chewing gum is called polyisobutylene. This polymer helps give gum its chewy texture and elasticity.

What is the longest gum chewing record?

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The longest gum chewing record is held by American Chad Fell, who chewed a single piece of gum for 8 hours and 35 minutes in 2004.

Why does gum lose it's flavor?

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Gum loses its flavor due to the flavoring molecules breaking down over time and exposure to saliva and air. As the molecules disperse, the taste becomes less intense until it eventually fades completely.

What is gum media?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gum media is a yellowish liquid. I have a microscpe and A little bottle of Gum media came with it. It has little chunky pieces, when I look in the microscope. It doesn't smell good. so I wouldn't eat it. I have been studying it under the microscope in my lab. There are many different ideas where it came from. You can search, the internet and no one knows that much about it. It can't come from a gum tree. Tree sap is not a thin liquid. No. It can't be from whale blubber. I just read another article from a scientist. Gum media has not been steralized. So gross... don't drink it people.

Why onions make us cry?

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Onions contain a compound called syn-propanethial-S-oxide. When you cut into an onion, this compound is released into the air and reacts with the moisture in your eyes to produce sulfuric acid, which irritates the eyes and triggers tears as a defense mechanism to wash out the irritant.

What qualities of bubblegum allow you to blow bubbles?

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Bubblegum has elasticity and plasticity due to the polymers it contains, allowing it to stretch and hold its shape when inflated with air. The gum also contains sugar or sweeteners that help stabilize the bubbles. The texture and consistency of bubblegum make it malleable enough to shape into a bubble while trapping air inside.

Why is bubble gum made pink?

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Bubble gum is typically made pink to appeal to consumers, especially children, as it is visually appealing and vibrant. The use of pink coloring also helps differentiate bubble gum from other types of chewing gum. Additionally, the color pink may be associated with the fruity or sweet flavors often found in bubble gum.

What is gum made of?

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It's mainly a vegetable extract similar to latex.
either a special type of tar with some acid and artificial flavors or edible rubber with food coloring and flavor sugar

How long does bubble gum last?

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Bubble gum typically lasts for about 5-10 minutes in terms of flavor before it starts to lose its taste and texture. However, it can still be chewed for longer if you don't mind the loss of flavor.

Why do people have different color hair?

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Asked by Zafarsays

People have different hair colors due to genetic variations that determine the amount and type of pigment (melanin) produced in their hair follicles. This can lead to a range of hair colors such as blonde, brown, black, and red. Additionally, external factors like sunlight exposure and aging can also affect hair color.

Why doesn't gum dissolve in the mouth?

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Gum does not dissolve in the mouth because it is made of synthetic rubber or gum base that is not water-soluble. Instead of dissolving, the gum is chewed and mixed with saliva causing it to become softer and more pliable, eventually being swallowed or spat out.

What is the largest bubble gum bubble ever blown?

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The largest bubble ever blown was 23 inches in diameter. The record was set July 19, 1994 by Susan Montgomery Williams of Fresno, CA. (Guinness Book of World Records 1998).

Is chewing gum related to concentration?

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Asked by Garedodon345

Chewing gum has shown to have a temporary effect on improving concentration and cognitive function, as it increases blood flow to the brain and helps with alertness. However, the effects vary from person to person and may not work for everyone.

How many schools allow sixth grader to chew gum in school in the US?

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There is no specific data on the exact number of schools in the US that allow sixth graders to chew gum. School policies on gum chewing vary widely depending on the school or district. Some schools may allow it while others may not.

What is a conclusion that you can use about why students should be able to chew gum?

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Allowing students to chew gum may help improve focus, reduce stress, and increase cognitive function. Additionally, it can be a discreet way to satisfy oral sensory needs, leading to improved behavior and attention in the classroom.

More reasons to chew gum in school?

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Some studies show that chewing gum increases concentration

And its not like it has anything to do with how the teachers teach?????

i mean why ISN'T gum a good idea at school????

answer that!!

Ok, yep, gum not only improves concentration, but memory, both long term and short term. Also, if the gum is mint flavored, since mint awakens the mind, the gum has the same results. And even at schools that don`t allow gum, kids still chew it, so why not just let them have at it? The only down side? Gum in the hair, but I think we all know how to take care of that. (If not, then seriously reconsider your dream carrier.)

Gum can make you smarter because

when you chew gum it pumps blood into your brain.