

Due Dates

Due date refers to a pregnant woman’s expected delivery date. It is usually 40 weeks from  first day of the last menstrual period. Less than 5% of births actually occur on the due date.

549 Questions

Is it possilbe to be unable to conceive male children due to chromosome translocation?

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Yes, it is possible for individuals with certain chromosome translocations to have difficulty conceiving male children, as the translocation can lead to imbalanced genetic material in sperm cells, affecting the viability of male embryos. This can result in a higher chance of producing female offspring. Consulting with a genetic counselor would be beneficial for individuals in this situation.

What is meant by fetal demise?

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Fetal demise refers to the death of a fetus in the uterus before delivery. This can occur at any stage of pregnancy, and may be due to various factors such as genetic abnormalities, infections, or complications with the placenta. It is usually confirmed through ultrasound or other medical tests.

Adavantages and disadvantage of fruit papaya?

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Advantages of papaya: It is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as antioxidants and fiber, which can help boost immunity, digestion, and skin health. Papaya also contains enzymes that aid in digestion and may have anti-inflammatory properties.

Disadvantages of papaya: Some people may have allergies to papaya, and excessive consumption of papaya seeds can be harmful. Additionally, unripe papaya contains latex that may cause stomach upset in some individuals.

Does the novel War and Peace use dates from the Julian Calendar?

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For exampe, chapter 19 begins:

"On the twenty-fourth of August the battle of the Shevardino Redoubt was fought, on the twenty-fifth not a shot was fired by either side, and on the twenty-sixth the battle of Borodino itself took place."

But, the Battle of Borodino was fought on 7 September 1812.

This discrepancy is resolved if Tolstoy uses Julian dates:

26 Aug 1812 (Julian) = 7 Sep 1812 (Gregorian)

If you got pregnant January 27 when is your due date?

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the 3rd of November if u was to get pregnant 2011 in January ok :)

How many months until a baby is ready to be born?

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The baby grows in the mother's womb for nine months before it is ready to be born.

Which day and date was rakshabandhan in 1996?

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What is the date of raksha bandhan in 1988

When did you conceive if your due date is May 17?

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Within 3 days either side of August 24th 2005

What day of the week was March 7th 1978?

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1974 was not a leap year, which started on a Tuesday. So March 8th was a Friday.

When do you need to get pregnant to have an August baby?

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To have a August baby, you would need to get pregnant around December.

How far along are you if your at a hcg of 53?

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4-5 weeks based on the chart from this website.

Can you conceive on day 6 of your cycle?

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When you're ovulating, that is typically the peak time when you're able to conceive. However, even a few days after ovulation would still be possible. From what I've read, male sperm are faster "swimmers" therefore more apt to be conceived closest to your ovulation date, while female sperm are slower "swimmers" yet more hardy & longer living than male sperm who are faster swimmers but die off more quickly than their counter-part slower swimming female sperm. In other words, the closest you are to actually ovulating say, a day before up to a couple days after would likely yield conceiving (a boy) and same for female aperms, but even up to a good few days after ovulation. Anything longer than that, if you haven't conceived, your body will naturally know it's not pregnant and within a week or so you would get your period and that's when your body(uterus) sheds it's non-conceived blood filled lining and you get your period. No doctor or scientist here, but I've read up and researched it on my own and from personal experiences, tends to be fairly accurate! :)

If you conceived on 2nd June when is baby due?

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The best would be to ask your pharmacist. If your periods are regular, you can take the test the day after that when your period would normally start. But just to make sure and not waste your money, wait for another two or three days - then do the test.

Why are babies born early?

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There are many reasons. One of the most common is that the mother has pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure, protein in the urine, swollen extremities) and the only way to cure it is by delivering the baby. The mother may have an infection which triggers premaure labor. (even 'flu can do it) The cervix may open slightly and allow the waters to break, so an open pathway for infection means the baby has to be delivered. The baby may have a condition which can only be treated once it is born, or the treatment may trigger premature labor, (e.g. blood group incompatibilty). Multiple pregnancy babies often just run out of room and have to be delivered, also a multiple pregnancy may trigger pre-eclampsia. these are the most common ones but there are many more and sometimes 'no-one knows' is the answer.

How many weeks pregnant are you if you conceived on Feb 10th?

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Asked by Wiki User

Today (14th November) you are roughly 31 weeks and 6 days pregnant

If your hcg is 665 how many weeks pregnant are you?

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well a normal hcg 305 is 4 weeks, so i imagine 2 1/2 months pregnant

Can you conceive on cycle day 23?

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That depends on how long your cycle is! Some people have 21 day cycles, some 35 days or longer. If you're a medium-to-longer cycler, the more likely it can be to conceive. If you have a viable egg and uterine lining, and you come into contact with sperm, then you can get pregnant, plain and simple. See below for more information about cycle length and fertility.

You are 7 weeks pregnant when did you get pregnant?

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she would have conceived 3 weeks prior. so Jan 17. even if you didnt have sex on this day, if you had sex within the few days prior, the sperm could live until you ovulated on the 17th.

What happens when a girl got a delay menstruation but she has her menstruation last month?

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There are several reasons why a woman's menstruation can be delayed -- Stress, Illness, medications, etc.

But, the most common reason is pregnancy. A simple pregnancy test will answer this question.

Will your breast hurt only a week after conception?

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one week after conception there usually isn't much for pregnancy hormone in your system to cause pregnancy symptoms, though it's possible. if your period is late then I recommed taking a home pregnancy test. ~pawsalmighty I had plenty of symptoms after one week, it is possible, the ClearBlue pregnancy test detects HCG the earliest, I wold take one now and see if you see a very faint blue line???

Your hcg is 137 how far along can you be?

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only a week if that because im 4 weeks and mine is 1373