


History of Russia

Russian history dates back to 862AD. By mid-1200, the Russian territory spanned current-day Poland to the Pacific coast. By the 20th century, Russia became one of the superpowers and is now a major contributor to world policies.

5,185 Questions

Where did the Russians get there uranium from?

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Russia has significant uranium reserves and is one of the world's top producers of uranium. It also imports uranium from other countries like Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Additionally, Russia has its own uranium enrichment facilities for processing and producing nuclear fuel.

How big Soviet Union?

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The Soviet Union covered approximately 8.65 million square miles, making it one of the largest countries in the world in terms of land area. It spanned 11 time zones and included territories in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.

Did any Russians die in the moon?

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No, no Russians have died on the moon. The only humans to have died in space missions were three American astronauts in the Apollo 1 incident on January 27, 1967.

Where is the Salt Pier in Saint Petersburg Russia?

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The Salt Pier in Saint Petersburg, Russia, is located on Vasilievsky Island along the Neva River. It was historically used for unloading salt and other goods from ships. Today, it is a popular spot for tourists to enjoy views of the city and river.

Did Armenia used to be part of Russia?

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Yes, Armenia was part of the Russian Empire from the early 19th century until the fall of the Empire in 1917. Subsequently, Armenia was part of the Transcaucasian Federative Soviet Socialist Republic and later the Soviet Union until its independence in 1991.

Who worked with Dmitri Mendeleev?

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He created the first periodic table of elements, arranged by atomic mass. His greatest accomplishment, however, was his ability to predict missing elements using this periodic table, and that is why he is considered the Father of the Periodic Table of Elements.

How did countries outside of the Soviet Union react to the events at Chernobyl?

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Countries outside of the Soviet Union expressed concern over the Chernobyl disaster due to the potential health and environmental risks associated with the nuclear accident. Some countries offered humanitarian aid and assistance, while others criticized the Soviet government's initial handling of the situation and called for greater transparency and cooperation in managing the aftermath of the disaster.

6 What is the name of the series of space probes sent to Venus by the Soviet Union?

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The series of space probes sent to Venus by the Soviet Union is called the Venera program.

How many time zones are in the Soviet Union?

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10 Time Zones. The Soviet Union disbanded in August, 1991. Time zones across Russia run as follows, by using London, England as the GMT reference point of noon:, Paris, France +1, and Helsinki, Netherlands +2, then: Moscow +3 (or 3PM) Crimea +4 (or 4 PM) Yekaterinburg +5 Novosibirsk +6 Kreasnoyarsk +7 Irkutsk +8 Yukutsk +9 Vladivostok +10 Madadan +11 (or 11 PM) Kamchatka +12 (or midnight) and Alaska, USA would be -9 (or 3 AM the night before)

Who killed the most people?

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It is difficult to determine who has killed the most people in history with absolute certainty. Some of the individuals who are commonly associated with high numbers of deaths include figures like Genghis Khan, Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin.

How many people died in the USSR from 1914 till 1945?

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Estimates vary, but it is believed that tens of millions of people died in the USSR during that time period due to factors such as World War I, the Russian Civil War, political repression, famine, and World War II.

What did the map of Russia look like in 1917 to 1920?

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During this time period, Russia experienced significant territorial changes due to the Russian Revolution and the Russian Civil War. The map would have shown the Russian Empire transforming into the Soviet Union, with various regions declaring independence or being contested by different factions. Borders were fluid, and the country was in a state of turmoil and transition.

Where is Leningrad on a map?

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It is now St. Petersburg. It is at the head of the Gulf of Finland, which is a branch off the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe.

Czar Peter the Great of Russia lived for a number of years in England, being apprenticed to Chatham Dockyard. This occurred during the 1660's/1670's. when he was a teenager. Who saw Sir Christopher Wren re-building London, after the Great Fire of London ( 1666) , and today St. Paul's Cathedral , the Wren Churches and the Monument(to the Great Fire) in London were erected.

Peter the Great thought "I'll have some of that when I get back home".

So when he went home to Russia as the Czar, he had his tradesmen, serfs, slaves ( yes!!!! slaves) build St. Petersburg. ( Note the name) , on marsh land at the head of the Gulf of Finland. Today when viewed , the building of St. Petersburg have a classical similarity to Wren's buildings in London.

The place was name St. Petersburg, and remained so , until the Russian Revolution in 1917. Whereupon, it was renamed 'Leningrad', after the communist Russian leader, Lenin. The city reverted to its original name in 1990 under Mikhael Gorbachev, and 'perestroika' ( re-structuring).

Besides its classical style buildings, St. Petersburg is also known for its 'white nights'; in the Summer daylight doesn't completely go dark, because of its northern latitude.

What were some reasons Lenin and Stalin used propaganda?

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Lenin and Stalin used propaganda to promote their ideologies, consolidate power, maintain control over the population, and shape public opinion in their favor. Propaganda played a crucial role in shaping the narrative of their rule and legitimizing their actions to the masses.

How quickly did social stratification begin after communism fell in Russia?

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Asked by Ma9989009

Social stratification began to take hold in Russia soon after the fall of communism in the early 1990s. Privatization of state assets, emergence of oligarchs, and economic reforms led to widening wealth gaps and inequalities among the population. The transition to a market economy created new social classes and exacerbated income disparities within Russian society.

How did the U.S. stay competitive with foreign woodworking machinery manufacturers?

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The U.S. stayed competitive with foreign woodworking machinery manufacturers by focusing on innovation, automation, and providing high-quality products. Additionally, investing in advanced technology, efficient production processes, and skilled workforce helped maintain competitiveness. Collaboration with designers, manufacturers, and customers to adapt to market demands also played a significant role.

Whose ideas fueled the Russian Revolution?

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The ideas of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir Lenin were influential in fueling the Russian Revolution. Marx and Engels developed the theory of communism, while Lenin adapted these ideas to Russia and led the Bolshevik party to power in 1917.

What is the role of the government in communist states?

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In communist states, the government plays a central role in owning and controlling the means of production, establishing economic planning, and distributing resources to ensure equality among its citizens. The government also oversees social programs, sets wages and prices, and aims to create a classless society.

What major work of Marxist literature did Lenin publish in 1902?

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Asked by Mcsidney123

Lenin published "What Is to Be Done?" in 1902. This work outlined his views on the necessary role of a vanguard party in leading the proletariat to revolution.

What were the influential local councils of workers peasants and soldiers formed by social revolutionaries in cities such as Petrograd?

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The influential local councils of workers, peasants, and soldiers formed by the Social Revolutionaries in cities like Petrograd were called "soviets." These soviets played a key role during the Russian Revolution in 1917, representing the interests of the working class and influencing the course of events in the early stages of the revolution. They provided a forum for political debate, decision-making, and organization among the various groups in society.

What is 'The Communist Manifesto' about?

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'The Communist Manifesto' is a political pamphlet written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It outlines the principles of communism, criticizing capitalism and advocating for a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively. The manifesto calls for workers to rise up against the bourgeoisie and establish a socialist system.

The communist manifesto was a response to the injustices of?

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The Communist Manifesto was a response to the social and economic injustices experienced by the working class during the Industrial Revolution, such as exploitation, poverty, and inequality. It called for the overthrow of the capitalist system and the establishment of a classless society where wealth and power were shared equally among all members of society.

According to Marxism who are the proletariat and role did they play in the Bolshevik Revolution?

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The proletariat are the working class individuals who sell their labor for a wage. In the Bolshevik Revolution, led by Vladimir Lenin, the proletariat played a central role by rising up against the ruling class (bourgeoisie) to establish a socialist system that aimed to create a classless society. The revolution resulted in the overthrow of the Russian monarchy and the establishment of the Soviet Union.

Why was the 'The Communist Manifesto' written?

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Asked by Wiki User

Excellent question!

Karl Marx is known as the father of communism. Communist beliefs are also known as Marxist beliefs. Communism is an ideal society in which everything is shared throughout a community (thus, communism). The country must be industrial because the "have nots" must have access to money, all resources are split up evenly among the community so that the community is equal. There are no rich or poor.

The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles. The Manifesto was published in 1848, written in many different languages. The Manifesto is mainly an outline of communism. Several times, the Manifesto clearly states "Communism is feared all across Europe but never understood." This is true. Communists are still feared today and not understood. They believe in this perfect society which looks good on paper but frankly- some are too willing to have it so they do things they should not. But this can come with any political belief, and Communism is stereotyped as a terrible thing as soon as the word is uttered.

To sum up before this gets into too much detail, the Communist Manifesto of Karl Marx is important because it is the only written record that defines a single political belief in perfect detail. --> Edit: More specifically, he details the ideologies of it, but not so much how it should be specifically implemented.

What is the summary of 'Anna Karenina'?

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"Anna Karenina" is a novel by Leo Tolstoy that tells the story of the titular character, Anna Karenina, who enters into a scandalous affair with Count Vronsky, which leads to tragedy. The novel also explores the interconnected lives of various characters in Russian society, highlighting themes of love, society, morality, and fate.