

The Romanovs

The Romanovs reigned over Russia from 1613 to 1917. During the Romanov’s reign, their descendants were called the Holstein-Gottorp-Romanov, and ruled all of Russia, Lithuania, Finland, Poland and Malta.

919 Questions

What is involved in bloody typing and screening?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Blood typing and screening involves testing a person's blood to determine their blood type (A, B, AB, or O) and Rh factor (positive or negative). This information is important for blood transfusions and maternal-fetal compatibility. The screening also checks for the presence of unexpected antibodies in the blood that could cause transfusion reactions.

What are the characteristics of Stage II bedsores?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

Stage II bedsores involve damage to the skin and underlying tissue, typically presenting as an open wound or blister. The affected area may be painful, swollen, or red, and there may be some drainage or fluid leakage from the wound. Without proper treatment, Stage II bedsores can progress to more severe stages.

Was the DNA right for the princess Anastasia?

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Scientific analysis of remains confirmed that the DNA did not match the Romanov family, indicating that the person claiming to be Princess Anastasia was not authentic. DNA testing in 2007 identified the remains of the Imperial family with a high degree of certainty, providing closure to the mystery.

If Anna Anderson was cremated how could they test her DNA later?

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Asked by Wiki User

Samples of Anna Anderson's DNA were taken before her cremation so that tests could be conducted in the future. Additionally, DNA can also be extracted from objects belonging to a person, such as hair or clothing, to compare with samples from relatives for identification purposes.

What is a carrier for hemophilia?

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A carrier for hemophilia is a female who carries the genetic mutation for hemophilia on one of her X chromosomes, but does not exhibit symptoms of the condition herself. Carriers can pass on the gene mutation to their children, resulting in hemophilia in male offspring. Testing can confirm carrier status.

Why is it Alexis of Russia suffered from hemophilia?

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Alexis of Russia suffered from hemophilia due to a rare genetic mutation that was passed down through Queen Victoria, his great-grandmother. Hemophilia is a disorder that impairs blood clotting, and individuals with this condition can experience prolonged bleeding from even minor injuries.

Can a male be a carrier for hemophilia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, males can be carriers for hemophilia. While hemophilia is more common in males, as it is an X-linked genetic disorder, females can also carry the gene and pass it on to their children. Males who inherit the gene will have hemophilia, while females who inherit the gene can be carriers and potentially pass it on to their children.

How did Calvin try to reform the city of Geneva?

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Calvin implemented a strict moral code and established a system of church discipline to enforce it. He worked with local authorities to create a theocratic government where laws were based on Calvinist beliefs, and he also focused on education to instill his teachings in the population.

Why did the Romanovs enacte strict laws to prevent peasants from running away?

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The Romanovs enacted strict laws to prevent peasants from running away because they depended on the labor of the peasants to sustain their economy and maintain their power. If too many peasants fled, the agricultural system would collapse, leading to economic and social upheaval. Keeping peasants tied to the land ensured a stable source of labor and income for the feudal system.

Why did Russian and Ukrainian peasants migrated to Tajikistan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Russian and Ukrainian peasants migrated to Tajikistan during Soviet times as part of Soviet government-sponsored initiatives to populate and develop remote regions of the Soviet Union. They were encouraged to move to Tajikistan to work on farms and contribute to agricultural development in the region.

How were the Romanov's bodies exhumed?

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The Romanovs' bodies were exhumed in 1991 from a mass grave in Ekaterinburg, Russia, where they were originally buried after their execution in 1918. The remains were identified using DNA analysis and confirmed to be those of the Romanov family.

What objects were found in the romanovs house?

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During the investigation of the Romanovs' house after their execution, various personal items belonging to the family were found, including jewelry, letters, photographs, and clothing. The most famous find was the imperial family's hidden stash of jewels, which had been sewn into their clothing.

Why did Russia decide to dig up relatives bodies and claim they were the royal romanovs after one of the descendants became President in 1993 and now another is President alexisdaughter?

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The decision to dig up and identify the Romanov remains was made to put an end to years of speculation surrounding their deaths. The identification in 1991 was done to confirm their identities through DNA analysis after the fall of the Soviet Union. President Yeltsin in 1993 and President Putin in more recent years were not directly involved in the decision or the identification process.

Assuming Stacy survived where did all the Romanov money go They had assets that would be in a league with Hughes or Rockefeller and in solid Au and Platinum Where did it all go?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Romanov family's wealth was primarily held in the form of property, art, and jewels. Much of it was confiscated by the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution, and some assets were later sold off by the Soviet government. Claims have also been made that a portion of the Romanov fortune remains hidden or was smuggled out of Russia by various individuals over the years.

Where were the corpses of the romanovs found?

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Asked by Wiki User

The corpses of the Romanovs were found in a mass grave in Ekaterinburg, Russia in 1991. They had been executed by Bolshevik revolutionaries in 1918 during the Russian Revolution.

How do you pronounce Alexei Romanov's name?

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It is typically pronounced as uh-LEK-say ROH-muh-nawf.

In real life did Anastasia Romanov have a put-On Bostonian accent?

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There is no evidence to suggest that Anastasia Romanov, the Grand Duchess of Russia, had a distinct Bostonian accent in real life. She would have been more likely to speak with a European accent, reflecting her Russian heritage and upbringing.

Who is Michael Romanov son of?

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Asked by Wiki User

There were and likely still are literally thousands of Michael Romanovs however I believe the question asks who was Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich Romanov? Grand Duke Michael was the youngest son of Tsar Alexander the III. He was in fact the last reigning autocrat of Russia. Refusing the crown from his brother and nephew Nicholas and Alexei respectively, Michael was shot and killed by the Volsheviks at Perm, Russia 1918.

What name rhymes with Anastasia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The name Acacia rhymes with Anastasia.

Why did the Bolsheviks have to kill the Romanov children?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Bolsheviks saw the Romanov children as potential rallying points for anti-revolutionary forces and feared they could be used as figureheads for a counter-revolution. By eliminating them, the Bolsheviks sought to eliminate any potential threats to their power and to prevent future uprisings from monarchist supporters.

What is the five Romanov children?

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The five Romanov children were Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and Tsarevich Alexei Nikolaevich. They were the children of Tsar Nicholas II and Tsarina Alexandra of Russia. Tragically, they were executed during the Russian Revolution in 1918.

What is The name of the boat in Anastasia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The ship, the Blockade Runner, operating under the White Russian colors was called the S.S. Tasha. It was a large steamer with three stacks and forward observer"s station on the foremast- very up to date for WW-l era.

What rhymes with Anastasia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some words that rhyme with Anastasia are fantasia, rhapsodia, and amasia.

Was Michael Romanov head of his religion?

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No, Michael Romanov was not the head of a religion. He was the first Tsar of the Romanov dynasty and ruled Russia from 1613 to 1645. The Russian Orthodox Church was the dominant religion in Russia during his reign.

Is Anastasia a real person?

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The historical figure Anastasia is the subject of various theories and myths, particularly regarding her survival of the Russian Revolution. Some believe she escaped and lived under assumed identities, while others maintain that she perished with the rest of her family. Concrete evidence surrounding her fate remains inconclusive.