

Vladimir Lenin

Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, otherwise known as Lenin, was the Communist Russian revolutionary who led the October Revolution of 1917. He was the leader of the Bolshevik Party and Russia during the Civil War. On his death in 1924, his body was embalmed and put on exhibit in the Lenin Mausoleum.

1,327 Questions

What country is Lenin Peak in?

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Lenin Peak is located on the border between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. It is part of the Pamir mountain range in Central Asia.

What is coldest temp in Russian history?

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The coldest temperature recorded in Russian history is -67.7°C (-89.9°F), observed in the Oymyakon region of the Sakha Republic in February 1933. This makes Oymyakon one of the coldest permanently inhabited settlements on Earth.

How many times was Napolean exiled?

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twice. In 1814, after the Battle of the Nations and the Campaign of France, he abdicated and was made Emperor of Elba, a small island off the coast of Italy. This was a mistake, because in 1815 he returned to France and had to be hammered again at Waterloo. After that he was exiled to st. helena, a small dot in the middle of the Atlantic, where he died in 1821.

What were some reasons Lenin and Stalin used propaganda?

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Lenin and Stalin used propaganda to promote their ideologies, consolidate power, maintain control over the population, and shape public opinion in their favor. Propaganda played a crucial role in shaping the narrative of their rule and legitimizing their actions to the masses.

What are the reasons for the failure of government education?

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Common reasons for the failure of government education systems include lack of funding, insufficient resources, outdated curriculum, bureaucratic inefficiencies, and inadequate teacher training. These factors can contribute to low-quality education, high dropout rates, and limited access to educational opportunities for marginalized communities.

Did Maya Angelou belong to a communist party?

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Maya Angelou was not a member of the Communist Party. While she was involved in civil rights and social justice causes, there is no evidence to suggest she was a member of the Communist Party.

What political systems did Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin favor?

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Karl Marx favored a communist political system based on the abolition of private property and class struggle leading to a classless society. Vladimir Lenin further developed Marx's ideas and implemented a socialist system through the establishment of a one-party state led by the vanguard of the proletariat.

What is old majors physical descripion in Animal Farm?

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Old Major is described in the book "Animal Farm" as an aging and wise boar with a benevolent presence. He is respected by the other animals for his intelligence and leadership qualities. Despite his advanced age, he exudes a commanding presence and inspires others to challenge the status quo.

How did Lenin's view of imperialism not be in conflict with Marxism?

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Lenin argued that imperialism was the highest stage of capitalism, where monopolies and finance capital dominated, leading to the exploitation and oppression of colonies. He believed that imperialism would ultimately lead to the downfall of capitalism and the emergence of socialism. By integrating imperialism into Marx's analysis of capitalism, Lenin saw his view as an extension rather than a contradiction of Marxism.

What does old major's speech symbolize?

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Old Major's speech in George Orwell's "Animal Farm" symbolizes the desire for equality and freedom among the animals, as well as a call for rebellion against their human oppressors. It represents the ideals of socialism and the hope for a better future for all animals on the farm.

What page number does it say old major's skull was put on display in animal farm?

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In George Orwell's "Animal Farm," Old Major's skull was mounted on a stick by the pigs after he passed away. The specific page number can vary depending on the edition of the book. It typically appears towards the beginning of the story when the pigs use it as a symbol of reverence and inspiration for the other animals.

What major work of Marxist literature did Lenin publish in 1902?

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Asked by Mcsidney123

Lenin published "What Is to Be Done?" in 1902. This work outlined his views on the necessary role of a vanguard party in leading the proletariat to revolution.

What were the influential local councils of workers peasants and soldiers formed by social revolutionaries in cities such as Petrograd?

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The influential local councils of workers, peasants, and soldiers formed by the Social Revolutionaries in cities like Petrograd were called "soviets." These soviets played a key role during the Russian Revolution in 1917, representing the interests of the working class and influencing the course of events in the early stages of the revolution. They provided a forum for political debate, decision-making, and organization among the various groups in society.

Who were Marx Lenin Stalin and Trotsky?

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Karl Marx was a German philosopher and economist who founded Marxism. Vladimir Lenin was a Russian revolutionary and politician who led the Bolshevik Party during the October Revolution. Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953, known for his authoritarian rule and industrialization policies. Leon Trotsky was a Marxist revolutionary and theorist who played a key role in the Russian Revolution, before being exiled by Stalin and assassinated in Mexico.

What leader partially based their rule on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels?

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Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik Party in Russia, partially based his rule on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. He was instrumental in establishing the world's first Communist state in 1917 after the Russian Revolution.

According to Marxism who are the proletariat and role did they play in the Bolshevik Revolution?

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The proletariat are the working class individuals who sell their labor for a wage. In the Bolshevik Revolution, led by Vladimir Lenin, the proletariat played a central role by rising up against the ruling class (bourgeoisie) to establish a socialist system that aimed to create a classless society. The revolution resulted in the overthrow of the Russian monarchy and the establishment of the Soviet Union.

Why was Lenins body put on display?

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Lenin's body was put on display in a mausoleum in Moscow primarily to serve as a symbol and a rallying point for the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It was part of an effort to maintain the cult of personality around Lenin and to reinforce the ideology of communism. Additionally, it was seen as a way to honor and venerate Lenin as the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and the founder of the Soviet state.

Who was Alexandria kollentai?

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Alexandra Kollontai was a Russian revolutionary and feminist who played a prominent role in the Russian Revolution and the early Soviet government. She advocated for women's rights and gender equality and was the People's Commissar for Social Welfare in the Bolshevik government. Kollontai was known for her efforts to improve women's working and living conditions and promote sexual liberation.

Who brought communism to Russia in 1917?

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Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Party brought "communism" to Russia in 1917 through the October Revolution. It should be noted that true communism was never instituted in Russia (or in any other country for that matter). The revolution brought a socialist state to Russia. The theory was that socialism would eventually evolve into communism generations later. It never did.

What were the chief ideas of Marxism?

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Marxism is a political and economic theory based on the ideas of Karl Marx. Its chief ideas include the critique of capitalism, the belief in the class struggle between the proletariat and bourgeoisie, the goal of achieving a classless society through revolution, and the emphasis on the central role of economic forces in shaping society.

What led to the February revolution?

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Russia had lost many battles in the war. people were starving. Food shortages were unchecked.

What happened march 15 1917?

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That day Nicholai II was abdicated.

What were the social conditions in Russia before Lenin?

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Russia at the time of the revolution was under the autocratic rule of Tsar Nicholas II who believed in the Divine Right of Kings. A system of governance unsuited to needs of modern times.

The Russian empire was vast and feudal. The bureaucracy was top heavy, inefficient and recruited from the privileged classes rather than on the basis of merit and ability. The Russian Tsars had built a vast empire by conquest of various nationalities. They were subjected to Russian culture and languages. The Tsar showed little concern to their sensitivity.

Who led the revolutions in Bolivia Columbia and Ecuador against Spain?

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Who led the revolutions in Bolivia Columbia and Ecuador against Spain?