



Communism is a political philosophy that is defined by a classless society in which all goods and property are collectively owned. Some current communist countries include China, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos and North Korea.

2,107 Questions

What is the solution to communism?

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The solution to communism varies depending on perspective. Some argue for a shift towards democratic socialism, while others advocate for a more market-oriented economy. Ultimately, finding a balance between state control and individual freedoms is crucial in addressing the shortcomings of communism.

How was propaganda used in the US in regards to communism?

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During the Cold War, the US government used propaganda to portray communism as a threat to democracy and freedom. This included campaigns in media, schools, and government messaging that sought to demonize communism and communist countries as oppressive and dangerous. Anti-communist propaganda was used to rally public support for US foreign policy initiatives and military interventions against communist governments.

What were some reasons Lenin and Stalin used propaganda?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lenin and Stalin used propaganda to promote their ideologies, consolidate power, maintain control over the population, and shape public opinion in their favor. Propaganda played a crucial role in shaping the narrative of their rule and legitimizing their actions to the masses.

Are 'communist' and 'communism' capitalized?

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Yes, 'Communist' and 'Communism' are capitalized when referring to the political ideology or system of government based on the teachings of Karl Marx.

How quickly did social stratification begin after communism fell in Russia?

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Asked by Ma9989009

Social stratification began to take hold in Russia soon after the fall of communism in the early 1990s. Privatization of state assets, emergence of oligarchs, and economic reforms led to widening wealth gaps and inequalities among the population. The transition to a market economy created new social classes and exacerbated income disparities within Russian society.

What is the root word and meaning for communism?

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The root word for communism is "communis," which means common or shared. Communism is a political and economic ideology that advocates for common ownership of resources and the absence of social classes.

Which Eastern European nation resisted communism the longest?

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Albania resisted communism the longest among Eastern European nations. The communist regime in Albania lasted until 1991, making it one of the last countries in the region to transition away from communism.

A word with the prefix communism?

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Soviet. The word was entirely political and did not have to do with the region at all

What are The stages of communism?

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The stages of communism, as outlined by Karl Marx, are the theoretical progression from capitalism to communism. They include the transitional phase of socialism, where the means of production are owned by the state, and the ultimate goal of a classless and stateless society in full communism.

What is communism and why was us afraid of it spreading to other countries?

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Communism is a political and economic ideology advocating for a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively. The US feared the spread of communism to other countries during the Cold War because they believed it threatened democracy and capitalism, and could potentially lead to the establishment of pro-Soviet regimes that could become a direct military or ideological threat.

Does communism believe in racism?

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Asked by AllImmigrantMansion

Communism as an ideology does not inherently believe in racism. In theory, communism aims to create a classless society where all individuals are treated equally regardless of their race. However, in practice, racism can still exist within communist societies due to individual biases and historical factors.

How are laws made in communism?

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In practise, communist governments have created laws from central bureaucratical bodies directly controlled by the party and subject to virtually no direct approval from any group except the rulers.

Can you link Spartacus to communism?

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Spartacus was a leader of a slave uprising against the Roman Republic in the 1st century BC. His revolt is sometimes romanticized by communist movements because of his fight for freedom and equality against an oppressive system. However, it is important to note that Spartacus himself did not espouse communist ideology, as communism as a political theory did not exist during his time.

What are the characteristics of advanced democracies?

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Characteristics of advanced democracies include free and fair elections, protection of individual rights and freedoms, rule of law, separation of powers, and a robust civil society. Additionally, they often have a strong economy, high levels of education and healthcare, and low levels of corruption.

Why does power corrupt communism?

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Power can corrupt any system, not just communism. In the case of communism, centralized power often leads to a lack of accountability, which can result in abuses of power and corruption. Additionally, the concentration of power in the hands of a few can create strong incentives for self-interest and authoritarian behavior.

What was marx and engels philosophy of communism?

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Asked by Amandakraska

Marx and Engels developed the philosophy of communism based on the idea of abolishing private ownership of the means of production to create a classless society where wealth and resources are distributed equally among all members. They believed that capitalism would inevitably lead to class struggle and exploitation, and that a revolution by the working class would establish a communist system where the state would wither away.

What were Karl Marx beliefs as he explained them in the Communist Manifesto?

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Karl Marx believed in a class struggle between the bourgeoisie (the wealthy property owners) and the proletariat (the working class). He argued that capitalism led to exploitation and inequality, ultimately advocating for a revolution to overthrow the capitalist system and establish a classless society where the means of production are collectively owned.

Who collaborated with Carl Marx to formulate the theory of dialectical materialism?

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Asked by Lindaloulou

Friedrich Engels collaborated with Karl Marx to develop the theory of dialectical materialism. Engels co-authored important works with Marx, such as "The Communist Manifesto" and "Das Kapital."

How did Stalin and Trotsky differ in their politics?

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Stalin believed in "Socialism in One Country," focusing on building a strong socialist state in Russia before spreading the revolution globally, while Trotsky advocated for "Permanent Revolution," aiming to incite revolutions worldwide to support the global spread of socialism. Stalin emphasized centralized power and control, consolidating authority within the Communist Party, whereas Trotsky favored more democratic processes and international collaboration within the socialist movement.

What is three ways Karl Marx strayed from communism?

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  1. Karl Marx advocated for the abolition of private property and a classless society under communism, but he did not provide detailed instructions on how to transition to or establish this society.
  2. Marx's focus on economic determinism and the inevitability of revolution has been criticized for underestimating the role of individual agency and other social factors in effecting change.
  3. Some argue that Marx's vision of a dictatorship of the proletariat as a transitional phase towards communism could lead to authoritarianism and a concentration of power, deviating from the idea of a truly democratic society.

Did Stalin want economic equality like Karl Marx did?

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Stalin's approach to economic equality differed from Karl Marx's. While Marx focused on achieving equality by abolishing private property and implementing a classless society, Stalin aimed to create a centrally planned economy under state control. Stalin's policies prioritized state ownership of resources and production, which led to widespread nationalization of industries and collectivization of agriculture, rather than the communal ownership advocated by Marx.

What were some of the main ideas of communism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Communism is a political and economic ideology that advocates for collective ownership of the means of production, a classless society, and the elimination of private property. It aims to create a fair and equal society where resources are distributed based on need rather than profit. Central to communism is the idea of workers controlling their own labor and the government acting as a tool to achieve equitable distribution of wealth.

How would someone who advocated social democracy have responded to Marx's prediction?

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A social democrat might have acknowledged the concerns raised by Marx regarding capitalism and inequality, but would have likely emphasized the need for gradual reforms and regulation within the system rather than advocating for a complete overthrow of capitalism. They would likely argue for policies that address income inequality, social welfare, and workers' rights within a democratic framework.

What were the effects of communism in Russia?

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Communism in Russia led to centralized control of the economy, widespread nationalization of industries, and the establishment of a one-party political system. It resulted in significant social and economic changes, including the collectivization of agriculture, rapid industrialization, and the suppression of individual freedoms. Ultimately, the Soviet Union's communist regime had lasting impacts on Russian society, politics, and economy.

Is there anything of value in 'the Marxist theory of the state'?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Marxist theory of the state emphasizes that the state serves to maintain the interests of the ruling class. It provides a critical analysis of how political institutions and laws are used to perpetuate class inequality and exploitation. This perspective can offer insights into power dynamics and social structures in capitalist societies.