Was Bulgaria once part of the Soviet Union?
No, Bulgaria was never part of the Soviet Union. However, it was a member of the Eastern Bloc, a group of communist countries aligned with the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Bulgaria was a socialist state under Soviet influence, but it maintained its own government and did not become a part of the Soviet Union.
What economic system is replacing communism in the former soviet countries?
The economic system replacing communism in the former Soviet countries is primarily capitalism, with varying degrees of market liberalization and privatization. These countries have transitioned from centrally planned economies to market-based economies, allowing for private ownership of businesses, competition, and market forces to determine prices and production. However, the extent and success of this transition vary among different countries in the region.
What goals did Stalin hope to accomplish in the USSR with collectivization?
He wanted to harvest the food and sell the surplus overseas.
What was a main difference between Chinese communism and Soviet communism?
Answer this question… Chinese communist leaders worked directly to serve rural peasants. Soviet leaders viewed themselves as guides for urban workers.
"Supported neither the United States nor the Soviet Union" regions C and D