


Soviet Union (USSR)

The Soviet Union was a Communist State and the inheritor of the vast Russian Empire's territory. It existed from 1922, at the end of the Russian Revolution, until 1991 when the fifteen Soviet Republics became independent countries. The Soviet Union was treated with both scorn and reverence by the Western Powers and opposed the United States throughout the Cold War.

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How big Soviet Union?

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The Soviet Union covered approximately 8.65 million square miles, making it one of the largest countries in the world in terms of land area. It spanned 11 time zones and included territories in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.

What is the second largest country in the USSR?

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The second largest country in the USSR was Ukraine, both in terms of land area and population. It was a significant republic within the Soviet Union prior to its dissolution in 1991.

What organization was formed to provide mutual defense and stop Soviet aggression?

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NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed in 1949 to provide collective defense and stop Soviet expansion in Europe during the Cold War. It is a political and military alliance of North American and European countries.

Which organization was formed to provide mutual defense and stop Soviet aggression?

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NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was formed in 1949 to provide mutual defense among member countries and to deter Soviet aggression during the Cold War.

Does 90 degrees west pass through the soviet union?

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No, 90 degrees west does not pass through the Soviet Union. This line of longitude runs through parts of North and South America, including countries like the United States, Canada, Brazil, and Ecuador.

How did countries outside of the Soviet Union react to the events at Chernobyl?

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Countries outside of the Soviet Union expressed concern over the Chernobyl disaster due to the potential health and environmental risks associated with the nuclear accident. Some countries offered humanitarian aid and assistance, while others criticized the Soviet government's initial handling of the situation and called for greater transparency and cooperation in managing the aftermath of the disaster.

6 What is the name of the series of space probes sent to Venus by the Soviet Union?

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The series of space probes sent to Venus by the Soviet Union is called the Venera program.

How many time zones are in the Soviet Union?

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10 Time Zones. The Soviet Union disbanded in August, 1991. Time zones across Russia run as follows, by using London, England as the GMT reference point of noon:, Paris, France +1, and Helsinki, Netherlands +2, then: Moscow +3 (or 3PM) Crimea +4 (or 4 PM) Yekaterinburg +5 Novosibirsk +6 Kreasnoyarsk +7 Irkutsk +8 Yukutsk +9 Vladivostok +10 Madadan +11 (or 11 PM) Kamchatka +12 (or midnight) and Alaska, USA would be -9 (or 3 AM the night before)

What was meant by the term soviet satellite?

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During the Cold War, a Soviet satellite referred to a country that was politically and militarily aligned with the Soviet Union. These countries were often controlled or heavily influenced by the Soviet government.

What do you call the war of propaganda between the U.S and the soviet union after world war2?

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The war of propaganda between the U.S. and the Soviet Union after World War II is often referred to as the Cold War. It was a period of geopolitical tension and ideological rivalry between the two superpowers, marked by propaganda, military build-up, and espionage, without direct military conflict.

What was not a priority of soviet planners?

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Individual consumer preferences and market demand were not a priority of Soviet planners. Instead, they focused on meeting production targets set by the state, often leading to inefficient allocation of resources and goods.

What events from Soviet history is Orwell highlighting during the battle for the windmill?

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Orwell uses the battle for the windmill in "Animal Farm" to parallel the Soviet Union's defense of Stalingrad during World War II, showcasing the costly sacrifices made to protect their territory. The windmill symbolizes the industrialization efforts under Stalin's regime, portraying the challenges faced by the Soviet Union in modernizing its economy amidst the war. Additionally, Orwell's depiction of the battle reflects the propaganda and manipulation used by Soviet leaders to maintain power and control over the populace during wartime.

Why was Watership Down banned in the soviet union?

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"Watership Down" was banned in the Soviet Union due to its perceived ideological content that went against the communist regime. The novel was seen as promoting individualism, which went against the collectivist ideals of communism. Additionally, the book contained themes of freedom and resistance against oppressive authority, which were considered threatening to the government.

In which quadrant did the Soviet Union belong?

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It was state capitalist. Not sure what you mean by quadrant, though.

What is one of the primary reasons for the collapse of Socialist Communist economic systems particularly in the Soviet Union?

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One of the primary reasons for the collapse of socialist communist economic systems, particularly in the Soviet Union, was the failure of centralized planning. This led to inefficiencies, inadequate allocation of resources, and the inability to respond to changing market conditions. Additionally, widespread corruption and a lack of innovation stifled economic growth and contributed to the system's eventual downfall.

What difference separated the soviet union from the US in the years following world war 2?

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The United States had a capitalist economy; the Soviet Union had a command economy.

How was May 1 celebrated during the Soviet era?

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May 1, or May Day, was celebrated as a significant holiday in the Soviet era. It involved large-scale parades, displays of military power, and propaganda showcasing the achievements of the communist regime. Workers were encouraged to participate in the festivities and express their loyalty to the Soviet state.

George Kennan proposed that the US policy toward the Soviet Union should be to what?

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contain Soviet expansion and influence. This policy, known as containment, aimed to prevent the spread of communism and Soviet power by providing economic and military aid to countries threatened by Soviet aggression. It shaped American foreign policy for several decades and played a significant role in the Cold War.

What did bureaucracy in the soviet Union cause?

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Bureaucracy in the Soviet Union caused numerous issues, including inefficiency, corruption, and a lack of accountability. The extensive bureaucracy created layers of red tape, resulting in slow decision-making and hindered economic progress. Moreover, the lack of transparency and opportunities for corruption within the bureaucracy further undermined the effectiveness of the Soviet system. Ultimately, this contributed to the overall decline and eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.

Why did Soviet collectives offer little incentive to farmer?

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The soviet government paid farmers and told them what to produce; thus providing very little incentive.

The Brezhnev Doctrine asserted that the Soviet Union would .?

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The Soviet Union would interfere in the affairs of another socialist country if SOCIALISM is at risk.

When did Hitler evade the Soviet Union?

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Adolf Hitler did not evade the Soviet Union. In fact, he launched a massive invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941 called Operation Barbarossa. The invasion marked a turning point in World War II and led to years of brutal conflict between Germany and the Soviet Union.

What period did the Soviet Union achieve superpower status?

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The Soviet Union achieved superpower status during the mid-20th century, specifically after World War II. Its rise to superpower status was largely due to its military strength, nuclear capabilities, and extensive influence over Eastern Europe and other communist countries through the establishment of the Eastern Bloc.