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Q: What could people count on under the old communist economic system?
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Under the old communist economic system people could usually count on?

lifelong employment

What is the economics system of most communist countries?

Historically, most Communist countries had planned economies (indicative of communist economic theory), but today, most Communist countries actually have capitalist economies with strong state presence.

What countries have a communist Economic System?

No countries have or could have a Communist economic system. Communism is a classless stateless society based on production for use, with no money and no economy. Also, it would have to operate at a global level.

What economic system MOST supported the colonial economy?

A capitalist economic system is what supported the colonial economy. This meant that the economy was built upon people who could capitalize off of it.

Why do people leave communist countries?

There are not a lot of communist countries left in the world, but there was a time when people used to try to flee from communist countries. In some cases they were getting away from abusive dictatorial governments, but more often they just wanted to go to a country where the economy was healthier and they could enjoy a higher standard of living. Communist countries have usually had severe economic problems, and that is the main reason why people eventually rejected communism in most of the formerly communist countries. China is a special case, and although the Chinese government claims to still be communist in nature, it has adopted a mixed economic system, with elements of both communism and capitalism.

Political system of india?

They currently are communist. Hope I could help!

Who is an economic system founder?

A person might be regarded as an "economic system" founder if he or she codified the principles and practices of an economic system. Yet as so many build upon the work of others, this could be a matter of opinion. For instance, one could call Adam Smith the founder of the capitalistic economic system, due to his book called "The Wealth of Nations". Of course, others could point out that much of what he said had been said before, and that Mandeville's "Tale of the Bees" might deserve credit. Likewise, many would ascribe communism to Karl Marx, however he drew upon several decades of French philosophic thought in the penning of his work "Das Kapital" and "The Communist Manifesto".

Why did people fear McCarthyism?

fear of retaliation, people did not want to be charged because they were communists. Even if someone did something a little bit suspicious, McCarthy could immediately charge them for being communist. people became fearful of McCarthyism even if they were not communists because you could be accused because you had a relative who was a communist or a friend who was a communist.

What could be considered an important aspect of the American economic system?

mass production

How did the great depression change American attitudes about welfare?

It revealed that the poverty could be caused by a flawed economic system, not just by personal irresponsibility.

Why are people in china homeless?

That's a tough question. No one answer could explain all the cases. However, if they had a free economic system like Japan they might be better off.

What is Americas economic system?

America uses a Fractional Reserve Monetary System. or you could just say mixed capitalism