

Brackets Parentheses and Quotation Marks

And then she said, "I have questions about parentheses, brackets, and quotation marks!" This category is for you!

1,251 Questions

What is the name of a symbol of electric flux?

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The symbol of electric flux is typically denoted by the Greek letter Φ (Phi). It is used to represent the total electric field passing through a given surface.

Is the mounting brackets the same for all 350s or do they differ?

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Mounting brackets can vary based on the specific model of the 350 you are referring to. Different models may have different mounting bracket designs to accommodate variations in size, shape, and features. It's important to check the specifications or consult the manufacturer to ensure you have the correct mounting brackets for your particular 350 model.

Can a semicolon introduce a quotation?

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No, a semicolon is not used to introduce a quotation. Quotations are usually introduced by a colon or with quotation marks. A semicolon is used to separate two independent clauses or in a series when the items require commas.

In what punctuation marks are put around the spoken words?

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Quotation marks are used around spoken words to indicate dialogue or direct speech.

When Twain puts words such as labboard in quotation marks what is he showing A. Dialect B. Hyperbole C. Sarcasm D. Understatement?

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A. Dialect. Mark Twain's use of quotation marks around words like "labboard" indicates that he is representing how the words are pronounced in a specific dialect or accent, typically Southern American English.

When twain puts words such as labboard I am quotation marks what is he showing?

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Mark Twain's use of a word like "labboard" in quotation marks typically indicates dialect or colloquial speech in his writing. This technique helps convey regional accents or language variations for specific characters or settings within his stories.

Which phWhich method is used to integrate the quotation into this passage A. The quotation is paraphrased in the words of the writer rase most clearly makes the tone inappropriate for the setting?

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Incorporate the quotation smoothly by maintaining the original tone and context within the passage to ensure appropriate integration. Avoid altering the speaker's words or message excessively, as this can disrupt the overall flow and tone of the passage. Use introductory phrases or attributions to seamlessly introduce the quotation into the text.

What source type fits this quotation Chewing licking and sucking are extremely widespread mammalian activities which in terms of casual observation have obvious similarities with speech?

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The quotation is: "Chewing, licking and sucking are extremely widespread mammalian activities, which, in terms of casual observation, have obvious similarities with speech." (MacNeilage, 1998). - Since it talks about teeth, tongue and lips, it would be from the physical adaptation source in the selections you were given.

How do we use speech marks?

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Speech marks, also known as quotation marks, are used to indicate when someone is speaking or to enclose direct speech in writing. They are placed at the beginning and end of the quoted text. In British English, single quotation marks are typically used, while in American English, double quotation marks are more common. Remember to punctuate your sentence properly when using speech marks.

When to use the proper punctuation when writing?

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Proper punctuation should be used to clarify meaning, aid in reading comprehension, and enhance the overall flow of your writing. You should use punctuation marks such as commas, periods, question marks, exclamation points, colons, and semicolons to separate ideas, indicate pauses, and organize your writing effectively. It is important to follow punctuation rules to ensure your writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

When do you use double quotation mark?

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Double quotation marks are typically used to indicate direct speech or dialogue in writing. They are also used to enclose the titles of short works, like articles, poems, or short stories. In American English, double quotation marks are preferred for direct speech, while single quotation marks are used for quotes within quotes.

What is the correct punctuation for No I have never been to Europe?

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The correct punctuation for "No, I have never been to Europe" is to add a comma after "No."

How do you use source in a sentnce?

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You can use the word "source" in a sentence to refer to where something comes from or to cite the origin of information. For example, "The journalist contacted a reliable source for information on the breaking news."

When writing a dialogue using speech marks do you have to put a new line each person speaking?

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Yes, each time a new person speaks in a dialogue, you should start a new line with their speech enclosed in quotation marks. This helps to differentiate between the speakers and makes the dialogue easier to follow for the reader.

Do you find the arguments advanced in the quotations moralistic and abstract?

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No, the arguments presented in the quotations are based on specific principles or values but are not necessarily moralistic or overly abstract. They are concise statements that convey a particular perspective or idea.

Should the sentence From sea to shining sea be put in quotation marks if you are using it in a greeting card?

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Yes, it is appropriate to put "From sea to shining sea" in quotation marks if you are using it on a greeting card as it is a direct quote from a popular patriotic song. This helps distinguish it as a quote and gives credit to the original source.

What Speech Mark I put in this sentence Mother asked where are you going?

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Asked by MiverPhillip

The speech mark that can be put in the sentence is: Mother asked, "Where are you going?"

Do question marks go after period?

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No, question marks come before periods when forming a question within a sentence, for example: "Did you finish your homework?" If a full sentence is a question, the question mark is placed at the end, for example: "Where are you going?"

When you use in a sentence and you going to quote somethig someone said?

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You can use quotation marks to signal that the words within them are being cited directly from someone else. For example: She said, "I'll be there in five minutes."

Do you put one quotation mark around a thought?

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In general, no. Quotation marks are used to indicate direct speech or a quotation from a text. Thoughts are usually presented without quotation marks in writing. If you are writing a story or narrative where you want to explicitly show a character's thoughts, you can use techniques like italics or inner monologue to convey this, rather than quotation marks.

How should the title of a book be capitalized within a paper?

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In APA style, capitalize the first letter of the first word, the first word after a colon, and all major words in the title of a book within a paper. In MLA style, capitalize the first word, last word, and all major words in the title. In Chicago style, capitalize the first word, last word, and all other words except articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.

Should you underline punctuation marks?

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No, punctuation marks should not be underlined. The general rule is to only underline words or phrases for emphasis, while punctuation is left as is.

What are the three rules of using speech marks?

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Firstly, you must use speech marks when:

(i) you are quoting someone in thier speech

(ii) use speech marks on every new line

(iii) Use speech marks when giving personal interaction

Hope that Helps :)