


There are two main types of Satanism: theistic Satanism (the worship of Satan as a deity) and LaVeyan Satanism (an atheistic, anti-religious movement). This category is for questions about either type.

641 Questions

Are Masochist's related to Satan?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, being a masochist refers to deriving pleasure from pain or humiliation, and it is a psychological trait unrelated to religious beliefs or affiliations like Satanism. Satanism is a distinct belief system or religion that does not inherently involve masochism.

What percentage of Christians vs Satanists are in the world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Approximately 31% of the global population identifies as Christian, while the percentage of individuals who identify as Satanists is extremely small and not definitively quantifiable due to the diverse and decentralized nature of Satanism.

Is satanism a subculture?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Satanism can be considered a subculture as it encompasses a set of beliefs and practices that deviate from mainstream religions. However, it is important to note that not all individuals who identify as Satanists may be part of a cohesive subculture, as there can be different interpretations and practices within Satanism.

The most corrupt church in the world is in which country?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is subjective to label a specific church as the most corrupt in the world. Corruption can exist in various institutions globally, and attributing it to a specific church or location may not be accurate.

Why do you ignorant people blindly insist on going to HELL?

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Asked by Wiki User

Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, and it's important to respect that diversity. It's also important to engage in respectful and open-minded discussions to understand each other better.

Was Anton Lavey an evil genie or wizard?

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Asked by Wiki User

Anton LaVey was the founder of the Church of Satan and is known for promoting atheistic Satanism. He rejected the idea of a literal devil or supernatural entity and instead focused on individualism, self-empowerment, and indulgence. While his beliefs and practices may be controversial or considered provocative to some, he was not a traditional genie or wizard.

Is there any bloodshed to be a member of the church of Satan?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, there is no requirement for bloodshed or harm to others in order to become a member of the Church of Satan. The Church of Satan promotes individualism, rational thinking, and the pursuit of personal happiness, but does not condone violence or illegal activities.

Is satanism the REAL religion?

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Asked by AlecMonaghan

Satanism is very real. And like any other religion has many versions. The religion is widely misunderstood, thanks to the media and influences of the various churches. In the official Church of Satan you serve yourself as the God of your own existence. The approach is actually very atheist-like. Here are some statements that basically sum up the foundation of the belief. Satanism represents

* indulgence instead of abstinence * vital existence instead of spiritual pipe-dreams * undefiled wisdom instead of hypocritical self-deceit * kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates * vengeance instead of turning the other cheek * responsibility to the responsible instead of concern for psychic vampires * man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all-fours, who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development", has become the most vicious animal of all * all the so-called sins, as the all lead to physical, mental, or emotional gratification * the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years And followers live by these rules.

1. Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

2. Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

3. When in another's lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

4. If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

5. Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.

6. Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

7. Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

8. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

9. Do not harm little children.

10. Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11. When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.

If you are further interested, please Google the CoS (church of Satan) website. You will find it to be a completely different world to what "the world" has taught you.

Where can you find satanic churches in Ghana?

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Asked by Wiki User

The only Church of Satan is located on New York, U.S.

Is it bad to be a satanist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Not in themselves, they only become dangerous when they have a positive affect on the mind and the actions of the one who they are tempting towards carnality i.e the ways of the world and not the ways of God.

Where are the Satanic churches in India Hyderabad?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes. SATANIC CHURCH IN INDIA is now a registred entity.

Thanks for INDIAN DEMOCRACY which welcomes all beliefs.

we and our dedicated members are known as SCOI community.

we have satans church of india in Mumbai, BANGALORE, Chennai

if any of our brothers in Andhra wish to join us :

you are welcome .

Membership is free.

write to :

to be active members - you need to be general members for atleast 1 month.

our fax : 022 66459547

Who is the founder of the Satanic religion?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no way to know this, as the Church of Satan does not publicly name its members. But don't believe the rumors and myths you read on the internet: many people who are supposedly Satanists really do not worship Satan at all.

How can you tell if someone is a satanist?

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Asked by Wiki User

The bible is completely true Satan is real.Hes pretty much the devil and wants to be like god.Hes baaaddd. Another answer: The word satan in Hebrew means accuser. It was a title similar to lawyer. The term was used in allegory to make a point, by God to demonstrate or challenge a person's faith. The Christian religion twisted the term ha-satan into a personal name to demonstrate that if were not of Jesus Christ, then you were with the enemies team or of Satan

What religions worship Satan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Someone: Satanism; there are several different forms of it. Many religions also see any other religion but themselves as worshipping false gods and therefore the devil.

BatKnight: Christianity, but one is worshipping the wrong god. Think with me, the devil is part of the Christian mythology so any belief in its existence stays on the realm of Christianity. Satanism on the other hand has nothing to do with devil worshipping as I can proof if you go to or even read the ultimate source of information on Satanism: The Satanic Bible.

Deal with Satan?

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Asked by Wiki User

Already answered, although others can feel free to add. Rituals are for show. Since you are still asking you have nothing he wants, meaning your soul (unless you change) is not worth enough, is already his, and you are not presently useful in another way. You can change that to make it happen by having something to exchange of enough value, if you are willing to put the work into it, but it doesn't sound that way (jmho) and a lazy bum isn't useful to either side. Logically if you have to choose, since the other side has proven itself stronger for thousands of years and you obviously want something, you are going about it the wrong way and opening Pandora's box. If you tried the right way first and are still empty handed, it's not something you need or were meant to have, you are without it for a good reason which will become known to you when the next door opens. Be careful what you wish for

How do you became a satanist?

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Asked by Wiki User

the statement below is wrong to find any answers you may be looking for use link below-

Deny the existence of Jesus Christ and the Father, and have a desire to do only evil; as prompted by Satan who is the father of all evil.


There are two "satanic traditions".

One believes in the literal existence of Satan as portrayed in the bible, and yet (eevn though the book of Revelation, among others specifically deny this) believe that Satan will eventually win in the battle with God. TO become one, all you have to do is deny Christianity and start worshipping Satan. The form of this worship varies depending on how extreme you want to get.

The other, LaVeyan Satanism, does not believe in a literal Satan, rather they view him as an archetypal, romantic ideal in the same vein as Prometheus in Greek mythology, or even Satan as portrayed in Milton's Paradise Lost, a more tragic figure, unfairly punished for his challenging of the status quo. To become one of those, read the "Satanic Bible" by Anton Szandor LaVey. If you agree with it, you are ipso facto a Satanist. At that point you can choose to join the church (via their website) or not. Its up to you.

Does Satan possess unlimited Powers even to kill a person?

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Asked by Domingos

Christian belief attributes a great deal of power to Satan, but always assumes that Satan will not use those powers to kill anyone. In the Book of Job, God instructed Satan to do any manner of evil to the person of Job, but to stop short of actually killing him. The Books of Matthew and Luke say that Satan lifted Jesus up and placed him on a pinnacle of the temple - if Satan can do that, he can pick an ordinary person up and drop him from a great height.

Christianity has more to gain by focussing our fear of Satan on the spiritual and eternal hellfire than on the possibility that he might kill someone..

What are some of the short-term benefits of selling your soul to Satan?

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Asked by Wiki User

no short term benefits, you may think that life is all grand but our life oon this earth is only the beginning once you give your soul to satan, that would be the worse decision you could ever make

Is satanism wicked?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, being a Satanist simply means being true to yourself and not following in what society expects of you. Many people think being satanic means you worship Satan and use black magic, but this is a hoax conjured up by the media. Satanists are also believed by close minded people to sacrifice goats and small children to Satan, but again this is another hoax made by the media. I hope I helped and didn't 'drag on' :)

What does it mean if you worship the devil?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not clear how exactly you would worship the Devil; there are many legends, spread through horror movies and folk tales, involving scary rituals that take place in the dark or in graveyards. But there is no evidence such stories are true. Some of the things you would probably do include praying to him and making some sort of sacrifice, probably involving blood (some stories involve getting tattoos that show devotion to the prince of darkness). There would also be rituals in which you call upon the Devil to protect you, and you might cast spells upon your enemies. You would also pledge to serve only Satan and not serve God. It should also be noted that wicca (witchcraft) has nothing to do with Satanism; wiccans (called witches by some) celebrate nature and the goddess, and they do not worship the devil.

Are witches satanists?

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Asked by Wiki User

This question does not have a clear answer, if one is a worshipper of Satan (s)he could still do whatever they feel like to do, as most of the humans normally do. Another things is depending on the Church/culture you worship Satan in/with. For example Satanism described by Anton Szandor Lavey (Satanic church) is ment to be an ideology. Of course it has rules and holidays and certain ideas. But one can not clearly state how people perceive ideas and the written words, nor how they respond to it.

Can Satan give a human immortality?

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Asked by Wiki User

No. He'll also betray you when he gets the chance.


No. Man is already meant for immortality. He may die a physical death but it's the soul that counts. Satan is banking for man to spend eternity in hell with him, this is why he is doing all he can to entice each and every one to live a life of sin. In short he can be an agent for eternal damnation to fall on man.

What is the symbol of baphomet?

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Asked by Judema

The Baphomet, his Sigils, and the point down pentagram are the most common. There are many more than that, the JoyofSatan website has a list of other Satanic symbols with pictures as well as a much more detailed description.

Is James Hetfield satanist?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Metallica isn't satanist. They don't have anything to do with Satan worshipers. There isn't a single satanist song of Metallica.

Is AC DC a satanist band?

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Asked by Wiki User

no they are not, although it was rumored that AC/DC stands for "After Christ. Devil Comes" but AC/DC is a joke, it actually means bisexual. There are some lyrics in the song "Highway To Hell" but they are just to fit in with the song title and "Highway To Hell" is about a highway that some people have crashed and died.

There was a rumor that AC/DC was an acronym for "After Christ, Devil comes". This is false. The reference to bisexuality is also false. AC/DC is a reference to electrical currents (alternate current/direct current), hence the album titles "High Voltage" and "Powerage".