


Dog Behavior

Dogs are unable to talk just like we do, but we can still understand their feelings by observing their behavior and body language. It is compulsory that an owner is aware of his dog's body language, as it will not only strengthen their bond, but will also prevent tragic results where the owner is forced to abandon his dog due to behavior problems. In this category, there are questions relating to the different body languages of dogs, their behavior, etc.

8,457 Questions

Why do male dogs have nippeles?

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Male dogs have nipples because they develop them as part of the basic mammalian anatomy. Nipples are a common feature in mammals, both male and female, as they are part of the reproductive system.

In mammals, the basic body plan includes nipples or teats as a trait shared by both sexes. In females, nipples are essential for nursing offspring. In males, they don't have a functional role but are present due to the shared developmental pathways in embryonic development.

The presence of nipples in male dogs is a normal anatomical feature and does not indicate any health problems.

How does licking a child's vagina harm the kid?

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Asked by gayocob630

as it would be infectious

Why does a puppy chew and destroy things when left on their own?

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Puppies are notorious for their boundless energy and curiosity. While their antics can be endearing, they can also lead to frustrating destruction when left unsupervised. Understanding why puppies chew and destroy things is crucial for addressing this behavior and keeping your home intact.

- Natural Instincts and Teething

One of the primary reasons puppies chew is due to their natural instincts. Chewing helps puppies explore their environment, relieving teething discomfort and strengthening their jaws. From the time they start teething, around three to six months, their need to chew intensifies. This phase can last until they are about six months old, and during this period, their gums are sore, and chewing helps soothe the pain.

- Curiosity and Boredom

Puppies are naturally curious creatures. They use their mouths to explore the world around them, much like human babies use their hands. When left alone, a puppy may chew on objects simply out of curiosity. Additionally, boredom can drive puppies to seek entertainment through chewing. Without proper stimulation, they may turn to furniture, shoes, and other household items to pass the time.

- Anxiety and Stress

Separation anxiety is another common reason for destructive chewing. When left alone, puppies can become anxious or stressed, leading them to chew as a coping mechanism. This type of chewing is often focused and intense, aimed at relieving the puppy’s anxiety. Common signs of separation anxiety include whining, pacing, and excessive drooling.

- Lack of Proper Training

Puppies need guidance to understand what is acceptable to chew and what is not. Without proper training, they won’t distinguish between a chew toy and a valuable item. Consistent training and positive reinforcement are essential in teaching your puppy appropriate chewing behavior.

Preventing Destructive Chewing

1. Provide Appropriate Chew Toys

One of the best ways to curb destructive chewing is by providing appropriate chew toys. A dog toys box filled with a variety of toys can keep your puppy engaged and satisfied. Ensure the toys are suitable for their age and chewing strength. Squeaker toys, rubber bones, and treat-dispensing toys are excellent options.

2. Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Ensure your puppy gets plenty of physical exercise and mental stimulation. Regular walks, playtime, and training sessions can burn off excess energy and keep them mentally engaged. Interactive toys, like puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys, can provide mental challenges that keep your puppy occupied.

3. Create a Safe Space

When you’re not home, create a safe space for your puppy to stay. A puppy-proofed room or a crate can prevent them from accessing items they shouldn’t chew on. Make sure this space is filled with safe chew toys to keep them entertained.

4. Training and Positive Reinforcement

Training your puppy with positive reinforcement techniques is crucial. Teach them commands like “leave it” or “no chew” and reward them with treats and praise when they follow these commands. Consistency is key to reinforcing good behavior.


Understanding the reasons behind your puppy’s chewing and destructive behavior is the first step in addressing it. By providing appropriate toys, ensuring they get enough exercise and mental stimulation, and using positive reinforcement training, you can help your puppy develop healthy chewing habits. A well-stocked dog toys box can be a lifesaver, keeping your puppy happy and your belongings safe. Remember, patience and consistency are essential as your puppy learns and grows.

So, next time you leave your puppy alone, make sure they have plenty of safe and engaging chew toys to keep them occupied. Consider investing in a dog toys box today to keep your furry friend happy and your home intact.

How smart are pigs compared to dogs?

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Pigs are generally considered to be as intelligent as dogs, with some studies suggesting they may even be smarter in certain tasks. Both animals can learn tricks, respond to commands, and show problem-solving abilities. However, the intelligence of individual animals can vary widely within each species.

Are artichokes deadly to dogs?

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Artichokes are not deadly to dogs, but they are not recommended as they can be difficult for dogs to digest and may cause gastrointestinal upset. It's best to avoid feeding artichokes to dogs and stick to dog-friendly fruits and vegetables.

Is it healthy for dogs to eat grass?

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Eating small amounts of grass is generally considered safe for dogs and can help with digestion or induce vomiting if they have an upset stomach. However, excessive grass consumption could indicate an underlying issue, such as dietary deficiency or gastrointestinal problems, and it's best to consult with a veterinarian if your dog shows a persistent interest in eating grass.

Can you die from eating dog food?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes it can, especially when they are young. they will eat till the bowl is empty, and if you kept refilling it, well, they would go boom. When dogs eat too much, too fast, it can also sometimes result in what vets call "stomach turning/twisting". Basically, their stomach flips and this is usally fatal. That's why you can only feed a dog so much per day, spreading out that amount over different periods of time. For example, I feed my small dog 1/2 a cup in the morning and 1/2 a cup at night. I feed my bigger dogs 1 cup in the morning, and 1 cup at night. This prevents them from eating their meal for the day all at once. Always check with your vet to make sure you are feeding them the appropriate amount and talk about a "feeding" schedule for your pooch. Hope this helped.

Why do dogs smell humans croch?

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Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell and use scent to gather information about their surroundings. They may sniff humans' crotches to learn about their identity, emotions, and health through the pheromones and other scents we emit. It's a natural behavior for dogs that helps them understand the world around them.

Is it learned behaviour when a dog runs into the kitchen when a can is being opened?

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Yes, it is learned behavior. The sound of the can being opened has likely been associated with receiving food in the past, leading the dog to run into the kitchen in anticipation of getting a treat.

What dog stay small?

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Some dog breeds that typically stay small in size include Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Yorkshire Terriers, and Dachshunds. These breeds are known for their compact size and are great for living in smaller spaces.

What does killing the dog does not cure the bite mean?

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This saying means that addressing a symptom of a problem is not the same as addressing the root cause. Simply killing the dog (the symptom) does not cure the bite (the problem), as the underlying issue remains unresolved. It emphasizes the importance of finding and addressing the true cause of a problem rather than only dealing with its superficial manifestations.

Why do you say the term bark is worse than bite?

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The phrase "bark is worse than bite" means that someone's threats or warnings are more severe or intimidating than their actual actions. In other words, the person talks tough but doesn't follow through with physical actions.

What type of dog is charlie from all dogs go to heaven?

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Burt Reynolds was the voice of Charlie in All Dogs go to Heaven 1. Charlie Sheen was the voice of Charlie in All Dogs go to Heaven 2.

Why don't dog farts make noise?

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Dog farts do not make noise because gas is released in a way that does not cause vibration of the vocal cords, unlike when humans pass gas. The lack of noise is also due to different anatomical structures in dogs compared to humans.

What kind of dog is bingo?

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Bingo is a mixed-breed dog commonly seen in shelters and rescues. Mixed-breed dogs often have a unique blend of characteristics from various breeds, making them special and lovable in their own way.

What could be the reason your dog is pooping white stringy things?

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Asked by Wiki User

White stringy things in your dog's poop could be a sign of worms, particularly roundworms. It's important to take your dog to the vet for a fecal exam to determine the specific type of worms and get appropriate treatment. Worm infestations can easily spread to other pets and humans, so prompt action is necessary.

Will coyotes kill dogs or will dogs kill coyotes?

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Coyotes have been known to kill small dogs, especially when food is scarce. In some cases, dogs can also kill coyotes in self-defense or during territorial disputes. It's important for pet owners to take precautions to keep their dogs safe from coyote attacks.

Do dogs pee on the pee of same sex dogs or opposite sex dogs?

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Dogs may choose to mark over the scent markings left by other dogs, regardless of the sex of the dog that left the initial mark. This behavior is a way for dogs to establish territory or communicate with other dogs in their environment.

Is caramel safe for cats and dogs?

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No, caramel is not safe for cats and dogs. It contains high levels of sugar, which can lead to obesity and dental issues in pets. Additionally, some caramel products may contain xylitol, a sweetener that is toxic to pets. It's best to avoid giving caramel to your pets.

What causes your lab to eat butter?

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Butter contains fats that are a concentrated source of energy, which can be appealing to dogs due to their high palatability. Additionally, the taste and smell of butter may be attractive to dogs, prompting them to consume it if they have the opportunity. However, butter is not recommended as a regular part of a dog's diet due to its high fat content, which can lead to gastrointestinal upset or obesity if consumed in excess.

Why does a dog suddenly start getting into the kitchen trash when you are away?

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Dogs may start getting into the kitchen trash when left alone due to boredom, separation anxiety, or a desire to explore and find food. It could also be driven by the scent of food or previous rewards they have found in the trash. Providing mental and physical stimulation, securing the trash can, and training your dog to avoid it can help prevent this behavior.

Should a dog who kills a chicken need to be destroyed?

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Asked by Wiki User

It depends on the circumstances. If the dog has a history of aggression or the incident was intentional, then euthanasia may be considered. However, if it was an isolated incident and steps can be taken to prevent it from happening again, then alternatives such as training and containment may be more appropriate.

How many dogs can you keep in a council house?

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The number of dogs you can keep in a council house varies depending on the council's specific rules and regulations. Typically, the limit is around 2-4 dogs per household. It's important to check with your local council for their specific guidelines on pet ownership.

Is it dangerous for your dog to eat grass and how does it affect him?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eating grass in small amounts is generally harmless for dogs and can help with digestion. However, excessive grass-eating could indicate an underlying issue such as an upset stomach or dietary deficiency. If your dog is vomiting frequently after eating grass or showing signs of illness, it's best to consult with your vet.

Find out what your dog eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to feed your dog a balanced diet that includes high-quality dog food formulated for their specific nutritional needs. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the best diet for your dog based on their age, size, breed, and any specific health concerns. Avoid feeding your dog human foods that may be toxic or harmful to them.