

Pica Disorder

Pica is a medical disorder characterized by the consumption of items typically considered non-edible. It is more common in children than adults. Some commonly eaten items associated with Pica are starch, feces, soil, chalk, mucus, ice, hair, wood, and paper.

653 Questions

What is it called when you eat chalk?

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Asked by Wiki User

Eating chalk is a form of pica, which is an eating disorder characterized by the consumption of non-food items. It can lead to health complications due to the ingestion of substances that are not meant to be eaten. If you or someone you know is eating chalk or other non-food items, it's important to seek medical help.

Will eating comet cleanser harm babies?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, eating Comet cleanser can harm babies due to its toxic ingredients like bleach and abrasive chemicals. Ingestion can cause serious health effects such as irritation, burns, and poisoning. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if a baby ingests any cleaning product.

Explain Why blackboards are not scratched by chalk but by the sand embedded in the chalk?

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Chalk is mostly made of calcium carbonate, which is softer than the materials in blackboards. When the chalk rubs against the blackboard, it does not scratch it because of its softer nature. However, chalk often contains trace amounts of sand or other harder impurities that can cause scratching on the blackboard surface.

What disease does Bacillus anthracis cause?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bacillus anthracis causes anthrax, a serious infectious disease that can affect both animals and humans. It typically presents in three forms: cutaneous, inhalational, and gastrointestinal, with symptoms ranging from skin lesions to severe respiratory distress. Treatment for anthrax usually involves antibiotics and, in some cases, vaccination.

Context language consists of words that create positive or negative associations?

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Asked by Wiki User

Context language refers to words or phrases that influence the perception of a message or situation based on their positive or negative connotations. These associations can affect how people interpret information and can influence their emotions or attitudes towards a subject. It is important to be mindful of context language to convey messages effectively and accurately.

Why do nails against a chalk board bother people?

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The sound of nails on a chalkboard creates a high-pitched, unpleasant noise that triggers a physical response in some people, such as a tingling sensation or chills. This could be due to the sound's frequency and similarity to sounds associated with danger in our evolutionary past, causing a primal reaction of discomfort.

2 decimeters how many milimeters?

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Asked by Wiki User

20 cm

1 cm = 10 mm

1 mm = 0.1 cm

When a rectangular sheet of paper measures 8.5 inches by 11 inches what is the area of the sheet of paper?

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Asked by Wiki User

Zero. A sheet of paper has no capacity or volume.

A good way to visualize "cubic feet" is to think about how much water the object could hold

inside of it, like quarts or gallons. A "cubic foot" is just another way of describing a space that

can hold about 7 and a half gallons. If an object has no space inside it, like a sheet of paper,

then it has no gallons and no cubic feet.

Can an AB positive blood type and a o positive blood type a produce an o positive child?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible for an AB positive parent and an O positive parent to have an O positive child. The child would inherit one O allele from the O positive parent and one A or B allele from the AB positive parent, resulting in an O positive blood type.

Can AB positive and O positive create O negative?

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No, O negative blood type can only be produced by parents who are either O negative themselves, or who carry the O negative gene. A child cannot have a blood type that is not present in either parent.

Can a child have o positive blood type from an o positive mom and an ab positive dad?

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No, a child cannot have O positive blood type from an O positive mom and an AB positive dad. An O positive parent can only pass on an O allele, while an AB positive parent has an A allele and a B allele. This means the child would inherit an A or B allele from the AB parent, resulting in a blood type of A, B, AB, or O but not O positive.

Does Crayola dustless chalk leave an oil residue which is hard to remove?

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Crayola dustless chalk is designed to minimize dust and residue but may still leave a slight residue like any chalk. It should not leave an oil residue; however, any remaining residue can usually be easily wiped away with a damp cloth or eraser.

What is the major extracellular cation?

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Sodium (Na+) is the major extracellular cation in the body, playing a significant role in maintaining fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions.

Does washing powder dissolve in water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well yea ... der. If washing powder couldn't dissolve than whats that point of having it? Once you put the powder in the machine, either front loader or top loader, the powder will start dissolving once you start the machine. Some washing powders don't dissolve very well but they do dissolve a some. hope i helped... xx

Will talcum powder dissolve in cold water?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, talcum powder will not dissolve in cold water. Talcum powder is insoluble in water, meaning it will not mix or dissolve in water at any temperature.

What type of virus is Anthrax?

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Asked by Wiki User

Anthrax is a bacterial infection caused by Bacillus anthracis, not a virus. It can affect both humans and animals, and can be transmitted through spores.

Why does talcum powder not dissolve in water?

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Asked by Wiki User

Talcum powder is insoluble in water.

What is bacillus tetani?

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Bacillus, a genus of bacteria, includes Bacillus tetani—the bacteria responsible for causing tetanus in humans. It enters the body through wounds and produces a toxin that affects the nervous system, leading to muscle stiffness and spasms. Vaccination against tetanus is effective in preventing the disease.

Is 50000 iu's too much vitamin d?

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Yes, 50,000 IU of vitamin D is considered a very high dose and should only be taken under medical supervision. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage for your individual needs to avoid any potential side effects or toxicity.

Can a sponge think?

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No, sponges do not have a central nervous system or brain, so they cannot think in the way humans or other animals do. They rely on simple movements and reactions to stimuli for survival.

How many milimeters in an inch?

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1 inch = 25.4 millimeters = 2.54 centimeters.

So to convert inches to millimeters, multiply the number of inches by 25.4

Algebraic Steps / Dimensional Analysis Formula ____ in*

2.54 cm

1 in


10 mm

1 cm


? mm

Direct Conversion Formula ____ in*

25.4 mm

1 in


? mm

How do you dissolve phenlthphalein powder?

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Asked by Wiki User

Phenolphthalein powder can be dissolved in a solvent like ethanol or propylene glycol. Simply add the powder to the solvent and stir until it dissolves completely. Adjust the solvent amount as needed to fully dissolve the powder.

How can a child's blood type be A positive if mom is O positive and dad is AB negative?

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If one parent is O positive and the other is AB negative, the child could inherit the A allele from the O positive parent and the Rh factor from the AB negative parent, resulting in the child being A positive. Each parent passes on one allele for blood type and one allele for Rh factor, so different combinations are possible.