


Literature Classics

Works of fiction that have so affected the thinking and culture of a world that they have withstood the passage of time and history. Many are required reading in literature classes throughout the world.

3,477 Questions

Why does Atticus leaves the house with the extension cord?

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Atticus leaves the house with the extension cord to protect himself from the potential attack of the rabid dog, Tim Johnson. He uses the cord to ensure he keeps a safe distance while he aims and shoots the dog.

What does Gene decide to do after working on the railroad?

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Gene decides to head westward and explore the frontier. He yearns for adventure and a chance to experience life outside of the structured environment of the railroad.

Why does Elisa try not to look at what she sees in the road?

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Elisa tries not to look at what she sees in the road because it is a dead snake that her husband has just run over with the car. She is upset by the violent act and feels a connection to the snake's suffering. Additionally, she is reminded of her own feelings of entrapment and powerlessness in her life.

What is a silica crucible?

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A silica crucible is a container made of pure silica used in high-temperature applications such as melting or calcining materials. It is known for its resistance to thermal shock and chemical reactions, making it suitable for laboratories and industrial processes where high purity and temperature resistance are essential.

Why does Don Quixote assault the Yanguesian carriers?

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Don Quixote assaults the carriers because he believes they have mistreated a lady in distress, which aligns with his chivalrous and idealistic view of the world as a knight-errant. In his delusional state, he is convinced it is his duty to right the perceived wrongs he encounters on his adventures.

Who is Homer's sister?

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Asked by Meredith Stracke

He apparently has a half sister living in England as revealed in the episode, 'The Regina Monologues'.

How do Edgar and Heathcliff mourn Catherine?

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Edgar mourns Catherine quietly and privately, withdrawing from the world and sinking into deep sorrow. Heathcliff, on the other hand, expresses his mourning through intense emotions and erratic behavior, including outbursts of anger and despair. Both characters grieve in their own ways, reflecting their different personalities and relationships with Catherine.

What is the Black Stallion's Scientific name?

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The scientific name for the domestic horse is Equus ferus caballus. This includes all breeds of horses, including the Black Stallion.

How did the mother in the Swiss Family Robinson practiced thrift?

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The mother in the Swiss Family Robinson practiced thrift by reusing and repurposing items, being resourceful in gathering food and materials, and teaching her children to not waste anything. She also made sure to carefully plan and manage the family's resources to ensure they lasted as long as possible.

Why did Oliver ask for more food?

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Oliver asked for more food because he was still hungry and didn't feel satisfied with the portion he had received. He may have needed more nourishment or simply had a larger appetite.

What is conflict in the pearl by John Steinbeck?

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Conflict in the novel "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck is the main theme of the work. The story takes place in the small Mexican town of La Paz and tells the story of a young peasant family - Kino, his wife João and their young son Coyotito. They live in poverty, and their only hope for a better life is the discovery of a valuable pearl.

The main conflict in the novel lies in the relationship of the characters with the outside world. Kino, having discovered the pearl, hopes to use it to pay a doctor to treat his son, build a decent home, and lift himself out of poverty. However, his discovery attracts the attention of not only local residents, but also foreign visitors who want to take possession of the treasure.

Then the conflict moves to a more personal level. Kino and his family face corruption, lust for power, and violence as they try to keep their pearl. The heroes must confront the authorities who are trying to steal the pearls, as well as fend off attacks and betrayals from their neighbors and friends.

However, the most important conflict is Kino's internal struggle, which arises from his desire to preserve the pearl and provide his family with a better life. He gradually begins to see how the pearl is destroying his world, leading to death and broken happiness. The more Kino fights to keep the pearl, the more he loses what really matters - his family and harmony within himself.

Ultimately, the conflict reaches its resolution when Kino realizes that the pearl has brought him only suffering and destruction. He throws the pearl back into the sea, freeing himself from its curse and returning to the simple happiness of his family.

Thus, the conflict in The Pearl not only illustrates the theme of life's struggles, but also highlights various aspects of human nature such as greed, corruption and the inability to see true values.

Who is Tiny Tim's dad?

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Asked by Chandler Quigley

Bob Cratchit

What is a historical element in the old man and the sea?

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Asked by AmberRose

A historical element in "The Old Man and the Sea" is the portrayal of the Cuban fisherman's way of life and cultural practices, reflecting the time period when the story is set in the 1950s. The story also includes references to the struggle between traditional methods of fishing and the increasing influence of technology on the fishing industry during that era.

Why are Demosthenes and Locke allowed to continue creating their columns?

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Asked by Wiki User

Demosthenes and Locke are allowed to continue creating their columns because they adhere to the publication guidelines and standards set by their platform or publication. As long as they are producing content that meets the criteria and does not violate any terms of service, they are permitted to continue sharing their ideas and opinions with their audience.

How does Sybil die Dorian Gray?

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In "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde, Sybil Vane dies by suicide. After Dorian cruelly rejects her due to her poor acting performance, she drowns herself. Her death serves as a turning point in the story, as Dorian's callousness starts to lead to his own downfall.

How does nick describe his neighbors house in the great Gatsby?

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The house was very elaborate and Tom made sure to show off how much of the land he owned to Nick, while sweeping his arm in its expanse. The room with all of its windows seemed to melt right into nature itself, as if it all blended in together.

When did the publisher Richard Edward King ltd publish The House of the Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne?

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Richard Edward King Ltd. published "The House of the Seven Gables" by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1903.

What chapter in tom sawyer is the band of robbers in?

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The band of robbers is featured in Chapter 2 of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer forms the band and they meet in a remote cave where they plan their imaginary adventures and schemes.

What is Aunt Polly's physical appearance?

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Aunt Polly is described as a middle-aged woman who is thin, has a stern expression, and wears a typical old-fashioned dress and bonnet. She has gray hair and is known for her strict and no-nonsense demeanor.

Why did Pony think it was better to see socs as just guys What do you think he means by this?

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As the book goes on Ponyboy starts to see the soc's as human beings not just as gang members. He realises that no matter where you come from as teenagers you are all faced with the same issues.

Why did I marija believe she lost her job?

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Marija believed she lost her job because she received a layoff notice from her employer, citing economic reasons or downsizing. It is common for individuals to attribute job loss to external factors beyond their control.

What did Ostrinski tell Jurgis when Jurgis tell Ostrinski about his new job?

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Jurgis' boss was a state organizer and speaker for the Socialist Party.

What is woodlands in the Swiss family Robinson?

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The 'Woodlands' is the nickname given to the farm.

In Gulliver's travels What do the Houyhnhnm's decide to do with Gulliver at the Grand Assembly?

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The Houyhnhnms, upon hearing Gulliver's account of humanity, decide that he is a Yahoo (a term they use to describe humans) and they consider him a dangerous, irrational being. They ultimately decide to exile Gulliver from their society in order to prevent him from corrupting their way of life.

Which one of these statements would ona most likely agree with the jungle?

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Ona would likely agree with the statement that capitalism can exploit individuals and communities in pursuit of profit, as depicted in "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. Through the novel's portrayal of the exploitation of immigrant workers in the meatpacking industry, Ona would likely resonate with the idea that capitalism can lead to social injustice and harsh working conditions.