

Pride and Prejudice

“Pride and Prejudice” is a romance novel written by Jane Austen. Initially published in 1813, the story follows the life of Elizabeth Bennet as she deals with matters of education, marriage and morality in early 19th-century society.

1,225 Questions

How many books did Jane Austen write and what were they?

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Jane Austen wrote six major novels: "Sense and Sensibility," "Pride and Prejudice," "Mansfield Park," "Emma," "Northanger Abbey," and "Persuasion."

What prejudice involves?

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Making judgements before having the knowlege necessary to be informed on a topic.

Which of these activities would mr gardner most likely do?

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I'll need more context to provide a specific answer. Could you please provide me with the list of activities you are referring to?

Who is mrs Phillips in pride and prejudice?

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Mrs. Phillips is the wife of Mr. Phillips and the sister of Mrs. Bennet in Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice." She is described as sociable and friendly, often visiting the Bennet family to update them on local news and gossip. Overall, she is a minor character in the novel.

In what other ways are elizabeth and darcy equal?

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Elizabeth and Darcy are equal in their intelligence, wit, and sense of independence. They challenge each other intellectually and both possess strong moral convictions, making them well-matched partners. Additionally, they both come from respectable families with a similar social standing, further establishing their equality.

How does mr bennet feel about mr Collins?

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Mr. Bennet views Mr. Collins as an amusing yet bothersome individual. He finds Mr. Collins' obsequious manner and lack of intelligence entertaining, but also sees him as a nuisance due to his constant attempts to ingratiate himself with the family.

Why does Lady Catherine visit the Bennet home?

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Lady Catherine visits the Bennet home to confront Elizabeth about the rumors of her potential engagement to Mr. Darcy. She is determined to prevent any attachment between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy as she sees Elizabeth as an unsuitable match for him due to her lower social status. Lady Catherine's visit is motivated by her desire to assert her authority and control over her nephew's romantic relationships.

How might Mr. Bennet's earlier actions have prevented this scandal?

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If Mr. Bennet had been more involved in guiding and supervising his daughters' behavior, he could have prevented the scandal by providing them with better guidance on how to conduct themselves in society. Additionally, if he had taken steps to address Lydia's flirtatious and impulsive behavior earlier on, it might have prevented her elopement with Wickham.

Which daughter was Mr. Bennet speaking of?

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Mr. Bennet was likely speaking of Lydia when he remarked on one of his daughters' poor judgment. Lydia's impulsiveness and lack of discretion often lead to trouble and embarrassment for the family in Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice."

Who accepted Mr. Collins proposal?

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Charlotte acepts mr.collins proposal. She is elizabeth bennets best friend.

Mr.collins wanted t marry jane at first until mrs.bennet said that jane was soon to be engaged he asked elizabeth who declined and then he ended up with chaorlette

Which of their daughters did Mrs. Bennet accuse Mr. Bennet of always giving HER the preference?

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Mrs. Bennet accused Mr. Bennet of always giving their daughter Lydia the preference.

What surprising news does Tarah tell darcy about jamee?

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Tarah tells Darcy that Jamee is planning to move to a different country for a job opportunity.

Why does janes letter convince elizabeth that accident only could discover to mr. bingley her sisters being in town?

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Jane's letter convinces Elizabeth that only an accident could have revealed her sisters' presence in town to Mr. Bingley because Jane's letter shows that she had no knowledge of Mr. Bingley being nearby, casting doubt on any intentional disclosure. Additionally, Jane's genuine surprise and disappointment at not seeing Mr. Bingley further supports the theory that it was accidental rather than planned.

Who is Mr higgenbottom?

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There is no widely known figure or character by the name Mr. Higgenbottom. It is possible that it could be a fictional or private individual.

What is the entailed property in pride and prejudice?

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The entailed property in "Pride and Prejudice" refers to the estate of Longbourn, which is inherited by Mr. Collins due to the entailment laws of the time. This means that the property must pass to a male heir, resulting in uncertainty and financial strain for the Bennet family.

How is Elizabeth Bennet portrayed in the excerpt?

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Elizabeth Bennet is portrayed as intelligent, confident, and independent in the excerpt. She engages in witty banter with Mr. Darcy, showing her sharp wit and quick thinking. Despite facing social expectations, Elizabeth stands her ground and challenges conventions, emphasizing her strong personality.

Who is mr. x?

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"He's a funny man," said Jem. "X's his name, not his initial. He was in court one time and they asked him his name. He said X Billups. Clerk asked him to spell it and he said X. Asked him again and he said X. They kept at it till he wrote X on a sheet of paper and held it up for everybody to see. They asked him where he got his name and he said that's the way his folks signed him up when he was born."

Why does mr Darcy resolve to be careful not to show he is attracted to Elizabeth?

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Mr. Darcy resolves to be careful about showing his attraction to Elizabeth because he wants to avoid repeating the mistakes of his past behavior, which caused misunderstandings and damaged relationships. He also wants to ensure that his feelings are genuine and not influenced by external factors such as societal expectations or family pressure.

What annoying habit does Kitty have Pride and Prejudice?

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Kitty has a habit of following Lydia's lead and seeking attention or approval from others. She is easily influenced by Lydia's impulsive behavior and lacks independent thinking, often coming across as silly or frivolous.

What are the 3 components of racial prejudice?

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The three components of racial prejudice are cognitive (stereotypes and beliefs about a racial group), affective (emotions and feelings towards a racial group), and behavioral (discriminatory actions or behaviors towards a racial group).

What best summarizes the conversation between Darcy and Elizabeth?

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Darcy and Elizabeth initially have a strained relationship due to miscommunication and misconceptions about each other. Over time, they grow to understand and appreciate each other's true character, leading to a deep and mutual respect that eventually blossoms into love. Their conversations are marked by wit, intelligence, and emotional depth as they navigate societal expectations and personal growth.

Where does Elizabeth live in Pride and Prejudice?

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Longbourne - the Bennets Lucas Lodge - the Lucases Netherfield - let by Mr Bingley, his sisters Miss Caroline Bingley and Mrs Louisa Hurst, Mr Hurst and Mr Darcy when they are in Hertfordshire Meryton - Mr and Mrs Phillips (aunt and uncle to the Bennet girls) Pemberley - Home of Mr Darcy and his sister Georgiana in Derbyshire Gracechurch Street, Cheapside, London - Mr and Mrs Gardiner (aunt and uncle to the Bennet girls) Hunsford - Mr and Mrs Collins Rosings Park - Lady Catherine de Bourgh and her daughter Miss Anne de Bourgh

Does Marry or Kitty from Pride and Prejudice ever marry eventually?

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Yes, both Mary and Kitty Bennet from Pride and Prejudice eventually marry. Mary marries a clergyman named Mr. Collins after Elizabeth rejects his proposal, and Kitty marries a clergyman named Mr. Wickham's younger brother.

When was Bennet - supermarket - created?

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Bennet - supermarket - was created in 1964.

When was Darcy Tyler created?

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Darcy Tyler was created in 2013.