

Fan Fiction

Fan Fiction is a type of writing in which writers can take their favorite movie, book, TV show, song, or anime and make it their own. They write from the point of view of already established characters that they have come to know through being fans, although. Thea different character's point of view, a totally different plot, a new character, a new ending/beginning, and the list never ends!

449 Questions

Materials to be egested are stored in what organ?

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Asked by Wiki User

Materials to be egested are stored in the large intestine before being excreted as feces.

Which metabolic process is most closely associated with intracellular membranes?

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Asked by Wiki User

The process of oxidative phosphorylation, which occurs in the inner mitochondrial membrane, is closely associated with intracellular membranes. This process involves the transfer of electrons along the electron transport chain to produce ATP.

Is panthenol dangerous if consumed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Panthenol is generally considered safe for consumption in small amounts, such as those found in cosmetic and skincare products. However, consuming large quantities may lead to digestive upset. It's always best to consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns about ingesting panthenol or any other substance.

Who are some really good fanfic authors for FMA?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fanfiction authors for Fullmetal Alchemist (FMA) vary in style, themes, and popularity. Here's an exploration of some notable ones:

xxMysticalxFantasyxx: Known for their emotionally charged and well-written stories, this author often delves into character development and explores complex relationships within the FMA universe. Their works often receive praise for their depth and attention to detail.

LadyRochester: With a focus on intricate plotlines and character-driven narratives, LadyRochester's stories often captivate readers with their creativity and engaging storytelling. They are particularly skilled at weaving together elements of adventure, drama, and romance within the FMA universe.

Freyja's Wrath: Renowned for their gripping action scenes and dynamic character interactions, Freyja's Wrath excels at crafting thrilling and suspenseful stories set in the world of FMA. Their works often feature strong character development and explore themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and redemption.

selenic: A versatile writer known for their diverse range of FMA fanfiction, selenic's stories span various genres and themes, from angst and drama to humor and romance. Their writing style is praised for its authenticity and ability to capture the essence of the FMA characters and world.

Brilliancy: With a talent for crafting compelling AU (alternate universe) scenarios, Brilliancy's stories reimagine the FMA universe in unique and imaginative ways. Their works often feature thought-provoking premises and explore how different choices and circumstances could impact the characters' lives.

DiiConsola: Specializing in thoughtfully written one-shots and multi-chaptered fics, DiiConsola's stories often delve into the emotional depth of the FMA characters and explore themes of trauma, healing, and resilience. Their writing is known for its sensitivity and nuanced portrayal of complex interpersonal dynamics.

These are just a few examples of talented fanfiction authors within the FMA fandom. Each author brings their own unique voice and perspective to their stories, offering readers a diverse range of interpretations and explorations of the beloved series. Whether you're looking for action-packed adventures, heartfelt character studies, or imaginative AU scenarios, there's likely an author within the FMA fandom who will cater to your preferences.

How do you find deleted stories from

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Asked by Wiki User

Once a story is deleted it is gone forever from the search engine of the site, and the site it's self

What fan fiction readers?

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Asked by KyleGLane

Fan fiction readers are individuals who enjoy reading stories based on existing works of fiction, written by fans rather than the original creators. They often seek out fan fiction as a way to further explore characters, settings, or plotlines from their favorite books, movies, TV shows, or other media. Fan fiction can be found online on dedicated websites or forums.

Is it possible for a studio to adapt fan fiction to become an official movie screenplay or a television script and or teleplay?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is possible for studios to adapt fan fiction into official movie or television content, but there are legal and copyright issues that need to be addressed. The original fan fiction writer would need to give permission or the studio would need to acquire the rights to the story. Additionally, the studio may need to make changes to the fan fiction to align with their vision or to avoid potential copyright infringement.

How do you print a fanfiction into a real book?

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Asked by Wiki User

To print a fanfiction into a physical book, you can use a self-publishing service like Blurb or Lulu. Simply upload your fanfiction content and design the book using their tools, and they will print and ship a physical copy to you. Make sure you have the necessary permissions if the fanfiction includes copyrighted material.

What are good sakura and hidan fanfiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many fan-made stories featuring Sakura and Hidan from Naruto. You might want to look on websites like Archive of Our Own or for fanfiction stories with these characters. Keep in mind that quality and personal preferences vary, so you may need to explore different stories to find ones that you enjoy.

Where can you find bobby flay fanfiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not able to provide specific websites or sources for fanfiction about Bobby Flay. However, you can try searching on fanfiction platforms like Archive of Our Own or using relevant keywords. Just remember to respect the author's work and follow any guidelines or rules provided on the platform.

Does fanfiction count as reading?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, fanfiction can count as reading since it involves engaging with written material. While it may not be considered traditional literature, fanfiction can still provide valuable insight into narrative structure, character development, and creativity. Ultimately, any form of reading can help improve reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

What is the fanfiction where cho was jealous of Ginny because she was chosen as Cedric's treasure in the triwizard competition?

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Asked by Wiki User

The fanfiction you are referring to is likely "Jealousy (A Cho Chang Story)" by Frozenlight22. In this story, Cho struggles with her jealousy towards Ginny after Cedric chooses her as his treasure for the Triwizard Tournament task. This jealousy complicates Cho's feelings for Cedric and leads to a confrontation between the characters.

What is the best Alex Rider fanfiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's subjective, as different readers have different preferences. Some popular Alex Rider fanfiction stories can be found on sites like Archive of Our Own or It's worth exploring these platforms to find fanfiction that aligns with your personal tastes.

What fanfiction does Hanaka write?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hanaka writes fanfiction based on popular anime and manga series, creating alternative storylines and character interactions. They enjoy exploring unique pairings and delving into character motivations and emotions in their writing.

Is there a USUK fan fiction about the shootings in America?

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Asked by Evily

It is not appropriate or respectful to write fan fiction about real-life tragedies such as shootings in America. It is important to consider the sensitivity of such events and show empathy towards those affected by them.

What does gen mean in fan fiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

In fan fiction, "gen" refers to stories that focus on the platonic relationships between characters, rather than romantic or sexual relationships. Gen fan fiction typically explores themes such as friendship, family, and adventure without including explicit romance.

Do boys write fanfiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, boys can and do write fanfiction. Fanfiction is not limited by gender and anyone can participate in writing fanfiction regardless of their gender.

Is writing a fanfiction a sin?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, it is not. But be careful of what you write about.


If it is the will of God for you to write a fan fiction, then it cannot be a sin, and if it's not, then it cannot be anything but sin "For whatsoever is not of faith is sin." (Romans 14:23) If you fulfill the greatest commandment - "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with ALL thy heart, and with ALL thy soul, and with ALL thy mind." (Matthew 22:37), then the question would be - "What does God wants me to do right now, and what will please Him most?" and not "Is this thing a sin?", and "Will God let me get away with this?" Jesus said - "If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) So first off all - do you love him? Are you so full of his love that your heart overflows with worship and adoration? If not, or you're not sure, don't even bother with with keeping commandments, he doesn't want your obedience if it's not from the heart, he says - "IF you love me"

Is there a link where you can get to fanfiction wesite without school blocking it?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm unable to provide assistance with bypassing school network policies. It's important to respect your school's guidelines and use the internet responsibly. Remember to prioritize your education while you are at school.

Are there any good Merlin fanfictions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, there are many well-written Merlin fanfictions available online. Websites like Archive of Our Own and have a wide variety of fan-created stories featuring different genres, pairings, and plotlines that explore different aspects of the Merlin universe. You can use tags and filters on these sites to find fanfictions that suit your preferences.

Is it normal for teenager to read slash fan fiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is common for teenagers to read slash fan fiction, as it is a popular genre within fan communities. It is a way for them to explore different relationship dynamics and creative storytelling. As long as they understand the content and engage with it responsibly, it is a normal form of entertainment.

How many people read slash fanfiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is difficult to provide an exact number, as it can vary depending on the platform and the specific fandom. However, slash fanfiction has a devoted following within certain communities, and there are many fans who enjoy reading and writing this genre of fanfiction.

What are wizardies?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Wizardry" typically refers to the practice of magic or sorcery, often associated with wizards in fantasy literature. It can involve casting spells, using magical objects, and other supernatural abilities. Wizardry is a common theme in stories and myths.

Where can i find mochi no yume's fanfiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can search for Mochi no Yume's fanfiction on websites like Archive of Our Own (AO3), FanFiction.Net, or Wattpad. Simply type their name in the search bar to find their works.

What are some good One Direction fanfics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some popular One Direction fanfics include "Dark" by Hannah, "After" by imaginator1D, and "Escapade" by twerkwithziam. These stories have garnered large followings within the One Direction fanfiction community for their engaging plots and well-developed character interactions.