


Buffalo and Bison

Buffalo and bison are large mammals that graze on the grasses of North American prairies. Bison were hunted for their skins almost to extinction in the 19th century and were reduced to a few hundred by the mid-1880s.

1,412 Questions

What is the different between inherited traits and learned traits of crocodiles?

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Inherited traits in crocodiles are characteristics passed down from their parents through genes, such as their physical features, behavior, and instincts. Learned traits, on the other hand, are acquired through experience and environmental factors, such as hunting techniques or habitat preferences, and are not inherited genetically.

What type of teeth do cape buffalos have?

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Cape buffalos have molars, premolars, canines, and incisors. Their molars and premolars are used for grinding tough grasses and plants, while their canines and incisors are mainly used for defense.

Why buffalo color is black?

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Buffalo are not always black; they can also be brown or grey. The dark color of some buffalo may serve as camouflage in their natural habitat, offering protection from predators. Additionally, melanin, a pigment in their skin and hair, contributes to the dark coloring in some buffalo.

Are bison carnivores or omnivores?

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Bison are herbivores, meaning they primarily eat plants such as grasses, sedges, and other vegetation. They are not carnivores or omnivores.

Does Kenya have bison?

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No, Kenya does not have bison. Bison are native to North America and are not found in the wild in Kenya.

How do buffalo survive in the grasslands?

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Buffalo survive in grasslands by grazing on grasses and plants for food, finding water sources for hydration, forming protective herds to deter predators, and adapting to the seasonal changes in the grasslands. They have also evolved to have strong bodies and thick fur to withstand harsh weather conditions.

What is the genus of the bison?

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The genus of the bison is Bison. Bison bison is the scientific name for the American bison, while Bison bonasus refers to the European bison, also known as wisent.

Is a bison a primary consumer?

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No, bison are considered primary consumers. They are herbivores that feed on grasses and other plants. Primary consumers are organisms that consume producers (plants) in an ecosystem.

How much do bison eat a day?

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Bison can consume around 15-30 pounds of food, such as grasses and plants, per day depending on their size and nutritional needs. They are grazers and spend a significant amount of time foraging for food to meet their dietary requirements.

What is a bison bladder?

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A bison bladder is the urinary bladder of a bison, which is a large, herbivorous mammal native to North America. Historically, some Indigenous peoples used bison bladders for various purposes, such as making water bags or pouches.

What adaptations do bison have in the grasslands?

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Bison in grasslands have adaptations like a strong digestive system to efficiently process fibrous grasses, a thick coat for protection against harsh weather, and strong limbs for running and grazing in open spaces. They also have a keen sense of hearing and smell to detect predators and find food in the expansive grasslands.

Differences between tamaraws and carabao in terms of their habitat?

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Tamaraws are found only in the Philippines and primarily inhabit dense forests and grasslands at high elevations, while carabaos are domesticated water buffalo found across Southeast Asia and are typically seen in lowland areas such as wetlands, rice paddies, and grasslands. Tamaraws have a more restricted range and are considered critically endangered, while carabaos have adapted to a wider range of habitats due to domestication.

When is the breeding season for bison?

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The breeding season for bison, also known as the rut, typically occurs in late summer and lasts through early autumn. During this time, male bison will compete with each other for mates by displaying dominance through behaviors such as wallowing and vocalizing.

How do you spell cyote?

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"Coyote". In the majority of places, this is pronounced 'kye-oh-tee', but many, usually in the western states, pronounce it, 'kye-ote', which is less correct.

Where do buffalo live in Kenya?

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Buffalo are commonly found in the Masai Mara, Amboseli, Tsavo, and Meru National Parks in Kenya. They prefer habitats with grasslands, savannas, and forested areas where they can graze and find water sources.

Is bison endangered?

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Bison were once endangered due to overhunting, but conservation efforts have helped increase their populations. As of now, bison are considered near threatened, which means they are not currently in danger of extinction but are at risk due to habitat loss and human activity.

Why did the plains Indians use every part of the buffalo they hunted?

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Plains Indians used every part of the buffalo they hunted out of reverence for the animal and to ensure nothing went to waste. They utilized the meat for food, the hide for clothing and shelter, the bones for tools and weapons, and even the dung for fuel and ceremonial purposes. This practice was integral to their sustainable way of life on the Great Plains.

Is a bison an omnivore?

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No, bison are herbivores, meaning they primarily consume plants such as grasses, herbs, and shrubs. They do not eat meat or other animal products.

More about herbivorous omnivorous carnivorous animals?

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Herbivorous animals primarily eat plants and vegetation for their source of nutrients. Omnivorous animals consume both plants and animals as part of their diet. Carnivorous animals predominantly feed on other animals as their main food source for energy and nutrients. Each type of diet has evolved based on the specific nutritional requirements of the animals and their ecosystems.

What organ of the buffalo did yellow paint come from?

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Asked by Alyssaknows

Yellow paint typically does not come from any organ of a buffalo. Yellow paint is usually made by mixing various pigments or dyes to achieve the desired color. It is not derived directly from any specific organ of an animal.

What is a bisons niche?

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Bison are large herbivores that play a key role in maintaining grasslands through grazing and trampling. They help shape the environment by influencing vegetation composition and structure. In addition, bison serve as important prey for predators, contributing to the overall ecosystem balance.

Would you show me The complete list of cations and anions?

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Cations are positively charged ions, such as sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+). Anions are negatively charged ions, such as chloride (Cl-), sulfate (SO42-), and nitrate (NO3-). This is not an exhaustive list, but covers some common examples.

What is buffalo known for?

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Buffalo is known for its rich history as a major industrial and transportation hub in the United States, for its architectural treasures such as the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed Darwin Martin House, and for its iconic Buffalo chicken wings, which were invented in the city in 1964.

Why did buffalos die out?

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Buffalos have not completely died out. However, their populations have declined due to factors like habitat loss, hunting, and disease. Conservation efforts are in place to protect and restore buffalo populations.

How strong is water?

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Water is not inherently strong in terms of physical force or power. However, water can exert pressure and cause erosion over time, especially in large quantities like floods or ocean waves. Its strength lies more in its ability to sustain life and shape landscapes through erosion and weathering.