


The Sunflower, Helianthus annuus is an annual flower of the Americas best known for its bright yellow petals and delicious seeds.

1,001 Questions

Is salted sunflower seeds good for chipmunk?

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Your most secure bet is to not take care of any of these creatures anything with salt on them. You can purchase these things without salt, so that is my specialty. I purchase peanuts and sunflower seeds for the squirrels, and so on, without salt.

Are sunflower seeds good for dieting?

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Indeed, sunflower seeds can support weight reduction as they are a supplement thick tidbit that furnishes satiety with sound fats, protein, and fiber. Nonetheless, it's essential to talk with a medical services proficient for customized exhortation in view of individual dietary necessities

Does sunflowers make their own food?

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Yes, sunflowers are able to make their own food through a process called photosynthesis. They utilize sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose, which serves as their source of energy. This process occurs in their leaves with the help of chlorophyll.

What is the function of the sunflower's roots?

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Sunflower roots anchor the plant in the soil, provide stability, and absorb water and nutrients from the soil to support the plant's growth and development.

How does sunflower represents photosynthesis?

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Sunflowers are able to undergo photosynthesis, a process by which they convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into energy for growth. The large, bright yellow petals attract sunlight for optimal photosynthesis to occur, providing energy for the plant's development and reproduction. Through this process, sunflowers play a vital role in the ecosystem by contributing oxygen and serving as a food source for various organisms.

Do sunflowers have chlorophyll?

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Yes, sunflowers have chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a pigment that gives plants their green color and is essential for photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. Sunflowers, like other plants, rely on chlorophyll to capture sunlight and produce their own food.

Which sunflower seed will grow quickest frozen heated or normal?

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Normal sunflower seeds will typically grow the quickest. Freezing or heating the seeds can damage their ability to germinate and sprout, making it more difficult for them to grow quickly. It's best to use untreated sunflower seeds for planting in order to achieve the fastest growth.

What is the tallest sunflower recorded in Canada?

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The tallest sunflower recorded in Canada measured 24 feet 3 inches (7.39 meters) tall.

Why will a sunflower grow if it was cut in half?

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A sunflower plant can regrow if it's cut in half because the remaining part contains dormant buds that can activate and grow new shoots. As long as the roots are intact, the plant has the ability to regenerate itself and continue growing.

Is sunflower monocot?

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Yes, sunflowers are dicotyledonous plants, not monocots. They belong to the Asteraceae family, which is known for having composite flower heads made up of many tiny individual flowers. Monocots typically have parallel-veined leaves and flower parts in multiples of three, which sunflowers do not possess.

How soon can you plant a sunflower seed after harvest in Florida?

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Sunflower seeds can be planted immediately after harvest in Florida. The warm climate in Florida provides an ideal environment for sunflower seed germination and growth. Make sure to plant the seeds in well-draining soil and water them regularly for optimal growth.

How many heads does a sunflower plant have?

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Tens of thousands- there is no set number.

What is the difference between apple seeds and sunflower seeds?

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Apple seeds are found inside the core of an apple and are primarily used for reproduction, whereas sunflower seeds are the edible fruit of the sunflower plant and are commonly consumed as a snack or used in cooking. Apple seeds contain a compound called amygdalin, which can release cyanide when metabolized, while sunflower seeds are safe for consumption.

How do you grow the tallest sunflower?

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To grow the tallest sunflower, start by selecting a variety known for its height potential, such as 'Russian Giant'. Plant seeds in well-draining soil in a spot that receives full sun. Provide consistent watering and fertilize regularly with a balanced fertilizer. Stake the sunflower for support as it grows, and prune any side shoots to direct energy to the main stem.

Number of petals in sunflowers and the answer in paragraphs?

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Sunflowers typically have between 1,000 to 2,000 petals. The number of petals can vary depending on the specific variety of sunflower and environmental factors. The petals are arranged in a spiraling pattern and play a key role in attracting pollinators to the flower.

Sesame is a monocot or dicot?

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Sesame comes under Eudicots, so yes, it is a Dicot.

How many grams are in 1 cup peeled sunflower seeds?

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There are approximately 128 grams in 1 cup of peeled sunflower seeds.

What are the uses of sunflowers?

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Sunflowers have various uses, including as a food source (sunflower seeds and oil), ornamental purposes in gardens, and for their ability to absorb toxins from soil (phytoremediation). Additionally, sunflowers are also grown for birdseed and livestock forage.

Is a sunflower a flowering plant?

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Yes, a sunflower is a flowering plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family. It produces yellow or orange blooms that resemble the sun, hence its name.

What are traits of sunflowers?

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Some traits of sunflowers include their tall stems, large bright yellow flowers, and the ability to track the movement of the sun throughout the day. Sunflowers are also known for their edible seeds and their attraction to pollinators like bees and butterflies.

Sunflower gymnosperm or angiosperm?

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Angiosperm. Sunflowers belong to the Angiosperms group as they produce seeds enclosed within a fruit.

Is there any possibilities for a sunflower to grow in rainy seasons?

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Sunflowers prefer sunny and well-drained conditions for optimal growth. In rainy seasons, the excess moisture can lead to rotting of the roots and stem, making it challenging for sunflowers to thrive. It's best to plant sunflowers in well-drained soil and consider providing protection from heavy rains to prevent waterlogging.

Where do sunflowers grow best?

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Sunflowers grow best in full sun, in well-draining soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. They thrive in locations with long, hot summers and can adapt to various soil types, as long as they receive plenty of sunlight. Areas with warm temperatures and good air circulation are ideal for growing healthy sunflowers.

If you harvest and burn the stems of a sunflower which major plant nutrient is produced?

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When sunflower stems are burned, the ash produced is rich in potassium, which is a major plant nutrient. Potassium is important for overall plant health and growth, contributing to functions like enzyme activation, photosynthesis, and water regulation within the plant.

Will black oil sunflower seeds produce flowers?

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Yes, black oil sunflower seeds can produce flowers. The seeds are from the sunflower plant, which is known for producing large, yellow flowers with dark centers when grown under the right conditions. Just keep in mind that growing sunflowers from seeds may require specific care and attention to ensure successful flower production.