

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh is a renowned post-Impressionist painter who was recognized only after his death at the age of 37. He is now widely regarded as one of the greatest painters in history.

996 Questions

What kind of paintings did Mary casscet do?

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Mary Cassatt was known for her Impressionist paintings, particularly her depictions of women and children in domestic settings. She had a strong focus on capturing everyday moments and the relationships between her subjects with a soft color palette and loose brushwork. Additionally, she was recognized for her skillful portrayal of the bond between mothers and children in her artwork.

Example of relief painting?

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A relief painting is a type of artwork where the subject matter is raised or elevated from the background. An example of relief painting is Michelangelo's "David," which is a sculpture that features a three-dimensional form protruding from a flat background. This technique allows for a sense of depth and dimension to be added to the artwork.

When did Banksy paint van gogh's sunflowers?

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While Vincent himself never actually stated why he liked the sunflowers in particular, references to them are made in his many letters, which help give us some idea. In a letter to his sister dated 21 August 1888, he talks of his friend Gauguin coming to live with him in Arles. Then goes on to say that he "˜intends to decorate the whole studio with nothing but sunflowers.' He went on to write further, to his brother Theo, on the same day, "˜Now that I hope to live with Gauguin in a studio of our own, I want to make decorations for the studio. Nothing but big flowers. Next door to your shop, in the restaurant, you know there is a lovely decoration of flowers, I always remember the big sunflowers in the window there.'

In another letter to Theo dated the 9th of September 1888, he wrote, "˜The room you will have then, or Gauguin if he comes, will have white walls with a decoration of great yellow sunflowers. In the morning, when you open the window, you see the green of the gardens and the rising sun, and the road into the town. But you will see these great pictures of the sunflowers, 12 or 14 to the bunch, crammed into this tiny boudoir with its pretty bed and everything else dainty. It will not be commonplace"¦.It will have a feeling of Daumier about it"¦.' Reference from google.

Who cut off the soldier ear?

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HIMSELF! He cut off his own ear! Gosh!

'Irises' is a painting by which artist?

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Vincent van Gogh painted 'Irises'

Who influenced van Gogh?

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His colleagues he met in Paris, particularly Pissarro and Gauguin.

What illness did van gogh suffer from?

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Some sort of mental disorder. At the time they called all such complaints schizophrenia.

How did van goghs paintings change over the years?

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when she was younger she painted about bright and colorful things, but eventually, after such injustice done by her cheating husband, her self esteem because so low that all she could seem to do was paints of herself.

Which year was ''Starry Night'' created by Van Gogh?

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Starry Night was created in June 1889

How old are Vincent van Gogh's parents?

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His father lived 1822 - 1885,

his mother 1819 - 1907.

Vincent was born in 1853.

Why did van Gogh cut off his ear?

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Finally, one right up my alley!! VanGogh, as is often the case with Artists and other creative types, suffered from mental illness and an addiction to Absinthe, also known as "the green fairy"(which is now banned in the US)and was quite fond of visiting prostitutes. Technically he didn't "lose" his ear, he cut off only the lobe of his left ear and gave it, in an envelope, to a prostitute named Rachel at a brothel he frequented, with the instructions to "guard this object carefully". An accurate diagnosis of Van Gogh's illness is still unavailable, but we do know a few things for sure: 1)he acquired syphillis from the prostitutes he visited and 2)there was a family history of mental illness. Recently, a new theory has evolved which states something to the effect that he may have had a congenital brain lesion that was exacerbated by his regular ingestion of absinthe. Hope that helps! Cheers! *That is true. He cut it off and brought it to a woman at a brothel. He was a very odd person. He once urinated in the fireplace of the queens castle for no particular reason. I added a link to the right. If you would like to read more about the ear you can find the information on that site. See link below.

What other artists was Vincent van Gogh friends with?

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For a few months in Arles in 1888 he worked together with Paul Gauguin. But they each painted their own paintings.

What were Vincent van Gogh's most important contributions to the world?

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He gave this world his beautiful series of sunflowers painting,what is most fascinating about that series is the variations Van Gogh uses with shades of yellow to differentiate fresh and whithered flowers.

What Era was Vincent Van Gogh in?

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expressionism era
Answer 2:
No, he was one of the post-impressionist painters. Their work was later a starting point for the expressionists.

Was van Gogh color blind?

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No, he was not, and cutting off a part of one ear did not impair his hearing.

What was Vincent Van Goch mother and father called?

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His fathers name was Theodore and his mothers name was Anna, like there kids

What are two of van gogh's famous works and were are they today?

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Starry Night, in the Museum of Modern Art, NYC. Wheat Field with Crows, National Gallero, London, England.

Where did Vincent van goth shoot himself?

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In his chest. It happened near the asylum at Saint-Rémy, France, where he was a patient.

ANSWER 2: Yes. The above is MOSTLY true, however, he shot himself in a field. And he did shoot himself in the chest.

Why was van gogh dismissed?

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He was an independent thinker who saw things very differently from the other. As such he was considered odd, untrustworthy, difficult to understand and a risk.

Where did Vincent van Gogh live for the majority of his adulthood?

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After he became a painter he lived mostly in France.

Where did Jan Van Eyck work?

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he was taught by his brother hubert van eyck and painted many paintings with him including many of his masterpieces

Why did Vincent van Gogh paint so many self portraits?

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Many painters have painted many self portraits. It is good practice and the model is always available.