


Painting and Watercolors

This category covers questions concerning techniques and methods of art painting. The differences in paint varieties, techniques of the different disciplines, materials needed, and use of assorted mediums are found in this section.

1,634 Questions

What color do you get when you mix black and orange?

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Depending on how much black is used, then a darker shade of ornage, or brown.

What is the difference between acrylic water base and acrylic polymer paint?

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Acrylic water-based paint is a type of acrylic paint that uses water as a carrier instead of solvents, making it easier to clean up and more environmentally friendly. Acrylic polymer paint refers to any paint that contains acrylic polymers as a binder, providing durability and adhesion. So, acrylic water-based paint is a specific type of acrylic polymer paint that uses water as a solvent.

Is varsol same as mineral spirits?

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Varsol is a brand name for a type of mineral spirits, which is a solvent commonly used for cleaning and thinning oil-based paints and stains. While varsol and mineral spirits are similar, there may be slight differences in composition and performance between various brands of mineral spirits.

This medium uses turpentine as its solvent and uses chemicals to dilute blend and clean up?

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The medium described is likely oil paint. Oil paint uses turpentine as a solvent for mixing and cleaning brushes, and various chemicals like linseed oil or mineral spirits to thin the paint and make it more workable.

How can chromatography separate out the different pigments in the paint?

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Chromatography separates pigments in paint based on their different affinities for a stationary phase (like paper) and a mobile phase (like solvent). As the solvent moves through the stationary phase, pigments with stronger affinities for the stationary phase will move slower, causing them to separate from pigments with weaker affinities. This results in distinct bands of separated pigments that can be analyzed.

What eats the Palette Surgeonfish?

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Predators of the Palette Surgeonfish include larger fish such as groupers, snappers, and sharks. They are also targeted by predators like moray eels and sea birds.

A acrostic poem for Ares?

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Ares, god of war so fierce and bold, Radiant in battle with spear in hand, Eager for conflict, his power untold, Swift to strike and conquer the land.

What color is the opposite of blue?

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Orange is the color that is opposite of blue on the color wheel. They are color complements. The opposite of red is green, and the opposite of yellow is purple.

(By paired RGB colors, the secondary color complementary to blue is yellow, to red is cyan, and to green is magenta. Blue is also the same distance from the midrange of the visible spectrum as yellow.)

Does a radial tire have radial symmetry?

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Yes it does cuz it is equal on both sides.

Ingredients in acrylic paint?

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Acrylic paint contains pigments (color particles), binders (polymer emulsion), and additives (such as stabilizers or fillers). Pigments provide color, binders hold the pigment particles together, and additives improve various qualities of the paint like flow or drying time.

How does turpentine dissolve oil paint chemically?

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Turpentine dissolves oil paint by acting as a solvent to break down the molecular bonds within the paint pigment. The organic compounds in turpentine are able to penetrate the paint layers, weakening the bonds between the pigment particles and the surface. This allows the paint to be lifted off the surface for cleaning or removal.

When did Remo Trentini die?

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Remo Trentini passed away in Dallas, Texas in 1999.

How do you dry a wet futon?

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To dry a wet futon, first blot excess water with towels or a sponge. Then place the futon in a dry, well-ventilated area with good air circulation. You can also use a fan to help speed up the drying process. Avoid direct heat sources like a hairdryer or heater to prevent damage to the material.

What is the composition of radar absorbing paint?

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Radar absorbing paint typically contains a combination of conductive materials such as ferrite particles or metallic flakes that help absorb and dissipate electromagnetic energy from radar signals. These materials are dispersed within a paint base that can be applied to surfaces to reduce their radar reflection.

What is paint made of?

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Paint is typically made of pigments, binders, solvents, and additives. The pigments provide color, the binders hold the pigment particles together and help them adhere to a surface, the solvents keep the paint in liquid form for application, and additives are included to improve properties like durability or drying time.

What are likely to be the subject of a propaganda painting?

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A US Army nurse bandaging a child wounded by the enemy.

The US flag flying above a battle scene. (APEX)

What is real texture?

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Real texture refers to the actual tactile quality of a surface, experienced through touch. It is different from visual texture, which is a two-dimensional representation of texture in art or design. Real texture can vary in roughness, smoothness, hardness, and other physical qualities.

Where did the homo sapiens sapiens do their cave painting?

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Homo sapiens sapiens conducted cave paintings in various locations around the world, including Altamira in Spain, Lascaux in France, and Chauvet in France. These early humans utilized caves as protected spaces for their artistic expression.

What is the function of the cave paintings in lacaux?

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The cave paintings in Lascaux are believed to have served various functions, including storytelling, communication, religious or spiritual purposes, and possibly as a way of documenting events or important cultural practices. They may have also been a form of ritualistic expression or a way of passing down knowledge and wisdom to future generations.

What is the name of Edward Hopper's 1927 oil painting of a woman drinking coffee in a cafe?

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You are possibly thinking of Edward Hopper's painting called Automat. It was painted in 1927, and features a woman alone at a table with a cup of coffee, presumably in an automat.

Did Maya Lin die?

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no she has not died yet.

What color do you get when you mix red and pink?

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You would more than likely get "mud". It is possible to get a rather light rosy gold if you experiment with diffrerent propportions of each color and perhaps a little white. Much depends on the intensity or brightness of the gold and pink.

How do you make watercolor paint darker?

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To darken or make "shades" of your watercolors simply add a small amount of black watercolor to it. You can also darken a hue by adding a darker "staining" hue of the same family to it. For example, add a dark red (i.e. alizarin crimson or thalo red) to a lighter red (i.e. cadmium scarlet or cadmium red). Because alizarin crimson (or thalo red) is a staining hue, only add a tiny amount of it to your light red hue.


Which primary colors combine to make gold?

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I would say different amounts of red and yellow, but I don't know for sure

What colors will mix make ivory?

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Ivory is a neutral colour and can be used with any and all colours. Using champagne, beige, ivory and tan would give you a nice calming neutral, monochromatic palette if you are decorating a room. However, it would be advisable to add small bits of color in your accesories to keep the look from being too bland.