



Man has always had affinities for color. This section contains questions concerning the various mixtures of colors, discussions concerning hues and shades, like colors, and the interesting names of the colors around us.

16,941 Questions

Easy pink or difficult brown?

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Easy pink could be as hot pink!

What is blue light therapy used for?

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Light can be a powerful tool in skincare, whether it's an LED facial or laser acne treatment.

Blue wavelengths measure around 430nm. Blue LED light has antibacterial properties and is particularly effective against acne-causing bacteria, making it a popular acne treatment.

MZ Skin provides you best LED face mask with 5 colors

What color are the strpes of the U.S flag?

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red blue white

Lemon mix purple cabbage what colour change?

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It results into fascinating color change due to the pigment in the cabbage called anthocyanin. When lemon juice is added, the solution becomes more acidic, causing the purple cabbage juice to turn pink or even red.

What is the name of the yellow qwirk?

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The yellow qwirk is known as Yellow Toad, which is a character from the Mario franchise. Yellow Toad, like the other Toads, is a member of the Toad species and typically wears a yellow mushroom cap with white spots.

Download a pink slip?

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What color do you get when you mix black and orange?

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Depending on how much black is used, then a darker shade of ornage, or brown.

Is shadow a color?

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Asked by Capain8

As an Artist there is NO True Black. Shadow is a reduced/darkened colour.

Why the fog is white in color?

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Fog appears white because it scatters light in all directions, making it appear thick and opaque to the human eye. The small water droplets in fog are efficient at scattering sunlight, creating the white appearance we see.

What is a color staring with you?

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Ube is a color that starts with "u." Ube is a purple yam commonly used in Filipino cuisine, and its color resembles a vibrant shade of purple.

What is the color of ACRUX?

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ACRUX is a blue-white star located in the southern hemisphere constellation of Crux.

What colors are absorbed by a blue marble?

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A blue marble absorbs most colors in the visible spectrum except for blue, which it reflects, giving it its blue color.

How can the sky be pink?

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The sky can appear pink during sunrise or sunset due to the scattering of light by particles and molecules in the atmosphere. This scattering causes shorter wavelength colors like blue and violet to be scattered out, leaving longer wavelengths like red and orange to dominate the sky.

Why is color of whitefish white?

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Whitefish get their white color from the lack of pigment in their skin and scales. This lack of pigment allows light to reflect off their scales, giving them a white appearance. Whitefish use this coloration as camouflage in their natural habitat, helping them blend in with their surroundings.

What is the color of haze?

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Haze typically appears as a pale gray or white color, depending on the concentration of particles and water droplets in the air. The color can also be influenced by the time of day and the angle of the sunlight.

Why sky appear blue not violet?

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The earth's atmosphere scatters sunlight in all directions, which is why the sky appears blue to our eyes. This scattering effect is stronger for shorter wavelengths of light, such as blue and violet, but blue light is scattered more efficiently than violet light due to its longer wavelength, resulting in the sky appearing blue.

Why does blue travel further than red in chromatography?

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Blue travels further than red in chromatography because it has a higher affinity for the mobile phase (solvent) than the stationary phase (paper or gel). This means it interacts less with the stationary phase, allowing it to move more easily through the chromatography matrix. Red, on the other hand, has a stronger interaction with the stationary phase, causing it to move more slowly and hence, less distance.

What colour would the grass appear under orange lights and why?

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The grass would appear black under orange lights because green objects appear black under light that does not include green wavelengths. Orange lights contain little to no green light, causing green objects like grass to absorb most of the light and appear as black.

What colors are dark?

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Dark colors are shades that are closer to black on the color spectrum, such as dark blue, dark green, or dark red. These colors appear more subdued and are often used to create a sense of depth or seriousness in visual compositions.

Which color is most reflective?

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White is the most reflective color as it reflects all colors of light equally and does not absorb any particular wavelength. This is why white surfaces feel cooler in sunlight compared to darker colors which absorb more heat.

How many colours are there on the spectrum wheel?

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There are seven colors on the traditional color spectrum wheel: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

What are the colors named from A to Z?

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Some colors named from A to Z include Aqua, Blue, Cyan, Gold, Indigo, Magenta, Orange, Pink, Red, Silver, Tan, and Yellow.

What color is the sun in the morning using only 4 letters?

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in the worlds easyest game the answer is on the picture -->(rose <--

What would a green object look like in a yellow light?

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A green object would appear darker and less vibrant in yellow light because yellow light does not contain much green light. This may result in the green object appearing more muted or closer in color to brown.