


Native American History

There were many indigenous people already living on the entire North American continent when the first European explorers arrived. They had long ago divided into several distinct groups, each with its own customs and specific way of life. Questions about these Native peoples and their interaction with the early explorers - and, later, with the Colonists - belong in this category.

23,730 Questions

What type of clothes do Indians wear?

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Asked by Wiki User

In india, there are many types of women cloths are available which you can use but before buy and wear a cloth you have to see which occasion you have to choose and which festival and function you can get and choose. If

Why did Paleo-Indians people build shelters?

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Paleo-Indians built shelters to protect themselves from harsh weather conditions, provide security from predators, and create a comfortable living space. Shelters also served as a place to store their belongings and gather with other community members.

Baton Rouge is the capital of what state?

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Baton Rouge is the capital city of Louisiana.

Are American Indian women's vagina's usually wetter then others?

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No, there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that American Indian women's vaginas are usually wetter than those of other ethnicities. Vaginal wetness can vary among individuals and is influenced by factors such as hormonal levels, arousal, and general health. It is important to avoid making assumptions or generalizations based on stereotypes or misinformation.

What touture was used in the dust bowl?

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During the Dust Bowl, people experienced suffering mainly due to severe dust storms, drought, and economic hardship rather than torture. The environmental conditions led to widespread ecological and agricultural devastation in the Great Plains region of the United States during the 1930s. Many people lost their farms, homes, and livelihoods as a result of the harsh conditions.

What rivers were located near the settlements inhabited by the Pueblo?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Pueblo settlements were located near rivers such as the Rio Grande in New Mexico and the Colorado River in Arizona. These rivers provided essential water sources for irrigation and agriculture, which were vital to the survival of the Pueblo people.

Who did they built the Crazy Horse Memorial for?

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The Crazy Horse Memorial was built to honor the Oglala Lakota leader Crazy Horse. It serves as a reminder of the importance of preserving Native American culture and heritage.

How can a react native developer can also freelance apart from their regular jobs?

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Asked by Nikhil Kanojiya

A React Native developer can freelance while maintaining a regular job by following these steps:

Time Management: Efficiently balance your time between your full-time job and freelance projects. Use tools like calendars and task managers to stay organized.

Build a Portfolio: Showcase your expertise in React Native mobile application development by creating a portfolio of your best work. Highlight projects where you've utilized key skills in React Native application development services.

Join Freelance Platforms: Sign up on platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr. Create a profile that emphasizes your experience with React Native development companies and your ability to deliver high-quality mobile apps.

Network: Connect with other professionals and potential clients through LinkedIn, local meetups, and online communities. Networking can lead to more freelance opportunities.

Offer Competitive Rates: Set rates that reflect your experience but are also competitive within the freelance market. Consider starting with lower rates to build your client base and then gradually increase them as you gain more freelance work.

Leverage Existing Skills: Utilize your current skills in React Native application development services to offer specialized services such as app optimization, feature enhancements, and bug fixing.

Create a Schedule: Dedicate specific hours of the day or week for freelance work to ensure you can manage both your full-time job and freelance projects without burnout.

Freelancing in React Native mobile application development can be a rewarding way to supplement your income, gain diverse experience, and potentially transition to full-time freelance work or even start your own React Native development company.

What climate did the Yokut land have?

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The Yokuts were a Native American tribe that lived in the San Joaquin Valley of California. The land consisted of fertile valleys, marshlands and rolling foothills. The summers are hot and dry and the winters are mild and rainy.

Chaco Canyon was the home of the?

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Ancestral Puebloans, an ancient Native American civilization who lived in the region from around 850 to 1250 AD. Chaco Canyon was a significant cultural and ceremonial center for the Ancestral Puebloans, known for its impressive architecture, complex society, and advanced astronomical knowledge.

What Indian tribes settled in California?

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Some of the Native American tribes that settled in California include the Chumash, Maidu, Ohlone, Pomo, and Yokut. These tribes lived in different regions of California and each had their own distinct languages, cultures, and territories.

Is there a Necropolis in the US?

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Yes, there are several necropolises in the United States. One example is the Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles, California, which is a popular burial site for many celebrities.

What mineral was used by the Native Americans?

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Asked by Wiki User

Native Americans used a variety of minerals in their daily life, including flint, obsidian, copper, and turquoise. These minerals were used for making tools, jewelry, weapons, and decorative items.

How how many tribes of natives on how many islands in the Philippines?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are around 135 distinct ethnic groups or tribes in the Philippines, residing on about 7,100 islands. Each tribe has its own unique culture, language, and traditions.

What do amerindians live in?

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Amerindians live in small huts on stilts. The huts are made from the wood that they have cultivated and the huts are on stilts so that when it floods it does not get wet inside.

What weather did Hopis have?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Hopi people traditionally lived in the arid desert region of the American Southwest, so their weather was typically hot and dry with low precipitation levels. Summers were very hot, while winters were milder and dry as well. The region experiences monsoons during the summer months, bringing brief but intense periods of rainfall.

Is Indian money a fossil?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, as a matter of fact, the Indian money,is a fossil of a seashell. This fact is very interesting. The reason almost everybody has seen an Indian money, is because it is a very common fossil, not like ones from prehistoric times that are rare. The Indian money is a seashell fossil that takes eons to form.

What was the climate were the karankawa lived?

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The Karankawa lived in a subtropical climate in the coastal regions of present-day Texas. This area experiences hot and humid summers, and mild winters with frequent rainfall. The Karankawa relied on the environmental resources provided by this coastal climate for their sustenance.

Dwellings on the plains made of mud?

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Dwellings on the plains made of mud are typically called adobe houses or mud brick houses. These structures are constructed using a mixture of clay, sand, straw, and water, which is then shaped into bricks and left to dry in the sun. The use of mud as a building material is practical in regions where it is abundant and provides good insulation against extreme temperatures.

What were eastern woodlands geography?

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The northern parts of this area had cold winters, and the whole region had warm summers.

The attraction of opposite electrical charges plays a role in?

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The attraction of opposite electrical charges plays a role in forming ionic bonds between atoms. This attraction occurs when one atom loses electrons (becoming positively charged) and another gains those electrons (becoming negatively charged), resulting in a strong bond between them. This attraction also governs the behavior of charged particles in electric fields.

Are Pacific plate north American plate cocos plate nazca plate south American plate African Plate Eurasian Plate Indian Plate Australian Plate and Antarctic Plate the Major Tectonic Plates?

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Yes, those are the major tectonic plates that make up Earth's lithosphere. They interact with each other at plate boundaries, which can result in various geological events such as earthquakes and volcanic activity.

What native Indian tribes lived in equatorial guinea?

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Equatorial Guinea is located in Africa, not the Americas, so there are no native Indian tribes associated with the country. Instead, Equatorial Guinea has indigenous African ethnic groups such as the Fang, Bubi, and Ndowe.

Where did the makah tribe live?

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The Makah tribe is an Indigenous group located in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, specifically in the state of Washington. They traditionally inhabited the area around the Olympic Peninsula, including the coast near the town of Neah Bay.

What are are two journeys that the structure of 'The Way to Rainy Mountain' mirrors?

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Asked by Wiki User

The structure of 'The Way to Rainy Mountain' mirrors two journeys: the physical journey of the Kiowa tribe from their homeland to their settlement at Rainy Mountain, and the spiritual journey of the author N. Scott Momaday reconnecting with his Kiowa heritage and ancestral roots through storytelling and reflection.