


Swimming Pools

Want to take a dip the pool on a hot day? Have it ready! Questions in this category are about swimming pool sanitation and equipment. Some things you can ask about are automatic pool cleaners, skimmers, filters, brushes, chemicals, tests, technical questions on filtration equipment and more.

6,169 Questions

What is the volume of water in a rectangular swimming pool that is 18m long and 10m wide and has an average depth of 2.5m. give your answer in cubic meters?

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The volume of water in the rectangular swimming pool can be calculated using the formula for the volume of a rectangular prism, which is length x width x height. In this case, the volume would be 18m x 10m x 2.5m = 450 cubic meters.

What equipment do you need to go to space?

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To go to space, you would need a spacecraft that can support human life in the harsh conditions of space, including vehicles like rockets or space shuttles. Other necessary equipment includes spacesuits, life support systems, communication devices, and navigation systems. Specialized training for astronauts is also essential for space travel.

What is the weight of the water in a swimming pool that holds sixty-four cubic meters of water?

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64 tons or

64 000 kg or

140800 lbs

1 cubic meter of fresh water is 1000kg or 2200lbs. It actually differs slightly with elevation but this is the general rule. A swimming pool will not consist of pure water (chlorine, urine etc.) and these substances can have different densities than water so the result can vary a tiny bit.

Can a swimming pool be an analogy of a vacuole?

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Yes, a swimming pool can be an analogy of a vacuole in a cell. Just as a swimming pool stores water for a specific purpose, a vacuole in a cell stores substances such as water, nutrients, or waste. Both structures serve to maintain internal balance and support the overall function of their respective systems.

How is the water in the swimming pool different from earth's interior?

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The water in a swimming pool is on the Earth's surface, while Earth's interior consists of solid and molten rock layers. The swimming pool water is a liquid contained in a confined space, whereas Earth's interior is a dynamic system of various layers, including the crust, mantle, outer core, and inner core. Additionally, the swimming pool water is influenced by external factors such as temperature and chemicals, while the Earth's interior is driven by geologic processes like convection and heat transfer.

Why is it important to keep the pH of a swimming pool within normal limits?

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Maintaining the pH of a swimming pool within normal limits is crucial for several reasons. An appropriate pH level helps ensure the effectiveness of chlorine in killing bacteria and viruses, prevents skin and eye irritation in swimmers, protects pool equipment from corrosion, and helps maintain water clarity. It also ensures a comfortable swimming experience for users.

Which unit would be best to measure the length of your pinkie finger?

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A unit like inches or centimeters would be best to measure the length of your pinkie finger. These units are commonly used for measuring smaller lengths accurately.

Is there a dye in swimming pools that changes color if you pee?

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Asked by Samcjones

There is no dye in swimming pools that changes color if someone pees. This is a common myth. Pool water can be tested for urine using other methods such as pH levels and chlorine levels.

How many gallons of water in a 10ft by 30inch swimming pool?

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This is a question of volume. Assuming the pool is round and is 10 feet in diameter and 30 inches deep or high, we can apply the formula for volume of a cylindrical shape: V = pi r2 h. Since the diameter is 10 feet, the radius is half that or 5 feet. To make sure our answer comes out right, we also have to use the same units of measurement for everything. So we will convert 5 feet to 5 x 12 = 60 inches. V = 3.14 x 602 x 30 = approximately 339,120 square inches of water. With 1728 square inches in a square foot (12 x 12 x 12), this comes out to about 196.25 square feet of water. Converting to gallons, there are about 7.48 gallons of water in a cubic foot of water, so 196.25 x 7.48 = about 1468 gallons of water in the pool.

How is the water in the swimming pool different to earth's interior?

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The water in a swimming pool is a liquid made up of hydrogen and oxygen molecules, while Earth's interior consists of solid and molten rock materials like iron and nickel. Additionally, the temperature and pressure conditions in Earth's interior are much higher compared to a swimming pool which is at a much lower temperature and pressure.

What could cause chlorine levels to rise in a pool?

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Asked by Tanyajw

Don't do anything. Chlorine goes away on its own, which is why you must monitor it and keep it at the correct level. If you have too much, wait a few days. If it is hotter than normal out, the chlorine will go away faster than normal.

What causes filter earth to come out the main drains in my pool?

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Filter earth coming out of the main drains in your pool can be caused by a broken or damaged filter grid inside the pool filter, allowing the filter media to escape. It could also be due to high pressure in the filter system, causing the filter media to be forced back into the pool. Check the filter system for any damage or blockages, and ensure proper maintenance and cleaning of the filter.

Can a saltwater pool freeze?

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Yes, a saltwater pool can freeze in cold temperatures just like a traditional freshwater pool. It's important to take precautions to prevent freezing, such as running the filtration system continuously and using a pool cover.

Can you get struck by lightning in a hot tub that is on a deck?

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Yes, it is possible to get struck by lightning in a hot tub that is on a deck. Water is a good conductor of electricity, so if lightning strikes the hot tub or the deck, the electricity could travel through the water and potentially harm anyone inside the hot tub. It is important to follow safety guidelines during thunderstorms and avoid being in a hot tub during lightning storms.

How are geothermal pools formed?

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Geothermal pools are formed when hot water from beneath the Earth's surface rises to the surface, carrying with it minerals and gases. This hot water then collects in depressions or cavities on the Earth's surface, creating geothermal pools. The heat from the Earth's interior warms the water in these pools, creating the relaxing hot springs that people enjoy for relaxation and health benefits.

How one might use bromthymol blue and phenolphthalein to test the ph of water in a swimming pool?

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To test the pH of water in a swimming pool using bromthymol blue, add a few drops of the indicator to a water sample. The color change will indicate the pH level. Phenolphthalein can be used similarly; a color change to pink indicates the presence of a base (high pH). Compare the color changes obtained from both indicators to assess the pH level accurately.

How many cubic meters of water in a swimming pool that is 24 feet round and 5 feet deep?

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The swimming pool has a diameter of 24 feet, which means a radius of 12 feet. Using the formula for the volume of a cylinder (V = πr^2h), with a depth of 5 feet, the pool would contain approximately 33.5 cubic meters of water.

After backwashing a pool do you need to add earth back to the filter immediately?

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Yes, after backwashing a pool filter you should add diatomaceous earth (DE) back to the filter immediately if you have a DE filter. If you have a sand or cartridge filter, there is no need to add anything after backwashing.

Can lightning strike you in a swimming pool?

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Insurance companies seem to think it's likely, but that's not saying a whole lot. I swim in an indoor pool that is in the LOWER level of an athletic center, and when the front desk hears thunder . . . out we go for 30 minutes! Stupid.

I have done extensive research on the web to find an answer to the question of getting hit by lightning while swimming. In more than 450 cases I have looked at I have found only two in which one person, who was among others swimming in the ocean, was struck by lightning, and the other was a scuba diver, and the lightning actually struck his tank while he was coming out of the water. The first guy was surfing, so you might even say he was not technically in the water, but on it (perhaps making him more of a target?).

I have also found that while people do not seem to be struck by lightning in the water, many, many are struck just after getting out of the water to take shelter. I've yet to find one in which people are struck by lightning in a swimming pool--recently or any time in the "ignorant" past when people "didn't know better" to get out of the water when thunder was heard.

The whole idea of a pool-full of people being killed or electrocuted from a single strike in the water is ridiculous. I know it sounds right, though, since water is a good conductor of electricity. I have even read some pretty stupid remarks by "experts" that claim when lightning hits the water it disperses throughout the entire body of water. But this is simply not true, and research shows it not to be the case (hey, where are the thousands of dead fish that should wash up on shore after a stormy afternoon at the beach?). No "expert" can actually tell the truth about this because it is "conventional knowledge" that you are not to be in the water when thunder is heard--and insurance companies wouldn't like it.

How about this one: I found one story in which a man was killed by a lightning strike while sitting in his boat (a common place for people to get struck) while his two friends, who were swimming next to the boat, looked on, completely unharmed!

Most people who are struck were hit while standing out in the open, wet with rain, not under cover. And what happens when you get out of a pool? Hmmm, suddenly you are a lightning target standing in the open!

I've found many stories of people getting struck on a clear day, in their homes, in cars, laying on the ground, under trees, standing next to swimming pools--in short, all the places you are advised to go to take shelter. And only two of people being struck in the water (ocean, to be specific). There are probably more out there, but good luck trying to find them.

Perhaps, if proper research was conducted, it might actually turn out that we should all be diving into water when we hear thunder!

How many kw of electricity should a 1 hp pump use in 24 hours?

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A 1 HP pump typically consumes around 0.75 kW of electricity. In 24 hours, this pump would use approximately 18 kWh (0.75 kW x 24 hours = 18 kWh) of electricity.

Can using to many extension cord reduce the pressure on the pool pump?

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Using too many extension cords can lead to a drop in voltage, causing the pool pump to work less efficiently. This reduction in voltage can reduce the pressure at which the pump operates and may lead to potential damage or overheating of the pump motor. It is best to minimize the use of extension cords and ensure that they are of adequate length and gauge for the equipment being powered.

How many gallons of water does a pool 10'x15'x52inches hold?

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A pool measuring 10'x15'x52" holds approximately 3,944 gallons of water.

Can you swim during a lighting storm in an inside pool?

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Swimming during a lightning storm in an indoor pool is generally considered safe because indoor pools are grounded and protected from lightning strikes. However, it's always best to err on the side of caution and avoid swimming during a storm to minimize any potential risks.

How do I know the amount of swimming pool chemicals I need for my home swimming pool?

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You can determine the amount of swimming pool chemicals needed based on the volume of your pool. Your pool supplier or a professional pool maintenance service can help you with this calculation. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for the specific chemicals you are using to ensure they are properly balanced.