

Ticks and Mites

Mites and ticks are a group of invertebrates related to spiders that are ectoparasites, and live on or burrow into their hosts' skin. They can cause blood loss, skin irritation, allergies, and disease.

1,061 Questions

A tick lives on a dog and feeds upon the dog's blood w hat type of relationship is this?

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Well this is a common case of parasite and host. The tick is the type of parasite that keeps its host alive but ticks still carry deadly diseases so the relationship is complicated, but for sure the dog is the host and the tick is the parasite, that does not intentionally kill its host in order to complete its life cycle.

Does a tick have a brain?

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Yes, ticks have a simple brain that allows them to sense their environment, find a host to feed on, and coordinate basic movements. However, their brains are not as complex as those of other animals.

What happens if you leave a tick head in a human?

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If a tick head is left embedded in a human's skin, it can potentially lead to inflammation, infection, and possible complications. It is best to remove the tick head as soon as possible to reduce the risk of any adverse outcomes. If you are unable to remove it yourself, seek medical attention.

What is a tick biting a dog to get blood to eat is an example of?

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A tick biting a dog to feed on its blood is an example of parasitism, where one organism (the tick) benefits at the expense of the other (the dog). The tick obtains nutrients from the dog's blood while potentially causing harm or discomfort to the dog.

How do ticks latch on to people?

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Ticks use their specialized mouthparts to pierce the skin and attach themselves to a host. They secrete a cement-like substance to firmly anchor themselves in place, making it difficult to dislodge them. The mouthparts also contain barbs that help keep them attached while feeding on blood.

How long does it take dog ticks to burrow their head?

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Dog ticks can start feeding within a few minutes to a couple of hours after attaching themselves to a host. They do not "burrow" their head per se, but rather pierce the skin with their mouthparts to begin feeding on blood.

Do need to get the whole head out on a tick?

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Yes, it's best to remove the entire tick, including its head, to reduce the risk of infection. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible and pull straight out with steady pressure. Clean the area with soap and water and apply an antiseptic. If the head remains in the skin, clean the area and let the skin heal naturally.

What happens if you touch a tick?

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If you touch a tick with your bare hands, it's possible for the tick to bite you and potentially transmit diseases, such as Lyme disease. It's recommended to use tweezers to safely remove any ticks found on your body or clothing to reduce the risk of transmission. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling a tick.

Why does a tick suck blood from leeches?

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Ticks do not suck blood from leeches. Leeches are blood-sucking parasites themselves, while ticks feed on the blood of mammals, birds, and sometimes reptiles. They have different feeding behaviors and habitats.

Is Andromeda visible to the naked eye?

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Yes, the Andromeda Galaxy is visible to the naked eye under good viewing conditions. It is one of the farthest objects visible without the aid of a telescope, and it appears as a faint fuzzy patch in the sky.

How can a blood cell compare to a dust mite?

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A blood cell is a small, specialized cell found in the bloodstream that transports oxygen and nutrients to different parts of the body. In contrast, a dust mite is a tiny arachnid that feeds on dead skin cells and can be found in household dust. While both are small in size, they have different functions and structures.

Do ticks lay eggs from their mouths?

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No, ticks do not lay eggs from their mouths. Female ticks lay eggs by depositing them in the environment, typically in leaf litter or other similar areas where they can develop and hatch into larvae.

Which pathogen is a small bacterium that lives in lice fleas ticks and mites?

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Rickettsia is the bacterium that lives in lice, fleas, ticks, and mites. It causes diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever and typhus when transmitted to humans through the bites of infected arthropods.

How do you know if a deer tick bit you?

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Check for a red rash with a central clearing, known as a bull's-eye rash. If you develop flu-like symptoms after being in a tick-prone area, it may indicate a tick bite. It's important to consult a healthcare provider for proper assessment and treatment.

To calculate how much peracetic acid is needed in 5 liters of water at a concentration of .3 percent peracetic acid?

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To calculate how much peracetic acid is needed, multiply the volume of water by the desired concentration of peracetic acid. In this case, 5 liters of water at 0.3% concentration would require 0.015 liters (or 15 milliliters) of peracetic acid.

How could parasitism have relationship between two humans?

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Parasitism between two humans could occur when one person transmits a parasitic infection to another through activities like sharing personal items, contact with contaminated surfaces, or close physical contact. The transfer of parasites like lice, scabies, or certain types of worms could establish a parasitic relationship between the individuals involved.

What kind of microscope is used to see dust mites?

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A compound light microscope is typically used to observe dust mites. These microscopes use light and lenses to magnify the image of the dust mite, making it visible to the human eye.

How does the bacteria that causes Lymes disease enter a deer tick?

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The bacteria that causes Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi, enters a deer tick's body when the tick feeds on an infected host, such as a rodent or bird. The bacteria then multiplies and resides in the tick's salivary glands, ready to be transmitted to a new host when the tick feeds again.

What is the largest tick ever recorded?

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The largest tick ever recorded is the Hyalomma marginatum species, which can grow to be around 0.6 inches (15 mm) in length. These ticks are commonly found in regions like Africa, Asia, and southern Europe.

How do ticks get infected with the Lyme disease bacteria?

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Ticks get infected with the Lyme disease bacteria when they feed on an infected animal, such as mice or deer. The bacteria then multiply and are passed on to other hosts, including humans, through the tick's bite while feeding.

Where do ticks that transmit lyme live?

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Ticks that transmit Lyme disease are commonly found in wooded or grassy areas, particularly in regions with high humidity and dense vegetation. They tend to thrive in environments that provide them with suitable hosts, such as deer or mice, and are often found in leaf litter, tall grasses, and bushes where they can attach themselves to passing hosts.

Is a dust mite a parasite?

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No, they are opportunistic feeders taking advantage of the dead skin cells we and our pets shed daily that accumulates in household dust. In effect they are actually helping to cleanup after us.

Do all deer ticks carry Lyme's disease?

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No, not all deer ticks carry Lyme disease. Only a small percentage of deer ticks are infected with the bacterium that causes Lyme disease, called Borrelia burgdorferi. It is important to take precautions to prevent tick bites regardless of whether the tick may be carrying Lyme disease.

Which cell is visible with naked eye?

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Any substance such as an mixture, colloid, suspension, solution, and all non-microscopic matters in our ecosystem are visible to the naked eyes.

How big is a dust mite?

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About 100 micron or so, a tenth of a millimetre. Sometime a little larger (especially females) perhaps up to 300 microns. They are just about visible to the naked eye, but it depends on the background. You'll almost never see one on a bed for example, but I have seen them (1000s) crawl across the bench in the lab, when they escaped from breeding jars...