

Ticks and Mites

Mites and ticks are a group of invertebrates related to spiders that are ectoparasites, and live on or burrow into their hosts' skin. They can cause blood loss, skin irritation, allergies, and disease.

500 Questions

What domain does a tick belong to?

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Organisms such as ticks are arthropods, and all arthropods belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya, members of which are characterised by having cells with nuclei. Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.

Can ticks fly to other human?

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Asked by Kingkiller500

There is no variety of tick that can fly. Ticks wait in tall grass and shrubs, or sometimes in cracks and crevices in the ground, until able to attach to a passing host. Ticks do not jump or fly, and must be in physicl contact for the passing to a host to take place. Sometimes, however, ticks may drop from their perch and fall onto a host.

Can ticks breathe under water?

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No. They require air.

Is a rust mite single-celled?

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No it is Multi-Cellular, and are porcupine balls pointy?

Are ear mites contagious?

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No a dog can't get a ar infection from a human. Humans can't catch ear infections from other humans either because ear infections are from yeast. Yeast forms when you have a moist warm environment so basily dogs ears. Yeast is like a bacteria of fungi.

What are these tiny insects that unless you really lookcan hardly see and are usually on your kitchen counter window sills or on paper?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sounds like: Spider mites (Family Tetranychidae, Order Acari) are not insects; they are closely related to spiders, harvest men (daddy long-legs), and ticks. Unlike insects, which have six legs and three body parts, spider mites have eight legs and a one-part body. They also lack wings, antennae, and compound eyes. Individual spider mites are almost microscopic, yet when they occur in large numbers, they can cause serious damage. Dozens of species attack shade trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. If you have fruit out on your counter such as bananas or pineapple then fruit flies are a culprit. Also there are Noseeums (?) a tiny fly that are hard to see and can bite, but just pesky.

Will lime kill fleas and ticks?

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Asked by Wiki User

it will but it will probably kill your cat too

How do ticks drink blood?

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Well all animals eat something!

Just like we eat all kinds of things from water to burgers to spaghetti.

When we look at ticks and think "Why do they drink blood?"

Its the same thing if a tick looked at us and said "Ewww, Why do they drink water?"


What is the host of ticks?

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Usually, ticks go after blood.

What to do if tick head is left under human skin?

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Ticks stick their heads in humans and suck their blood. If you are removing a tick do not squeeze the end (the bloodsack.) This can cause the blood that the tick has gotton from other animals into your bloodstream and may give you a disease. If ticks are attached to you long enugh(approx. 1-4 weeks) they can give you Lyme Disease.

What would happen if a tick weren't in a deer?

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The whole ecosystem will go extinct. A animal relies on another animal to strive in society.

Do you bleed when you remove a tick off a human?

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No, but the host does.

How long is tick gestation and how many eggs do ticks lay at one time?

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I'm seeing varied answers around the net. Some sources say 500 at a time, others between 1,000-3,000. So the real answer is, a super scary amount.

What is the best defence against ticks for people?

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We spray ourselves from head to toe with Off! including our outer clothing. Tuck pants legs into boots and wear long sleeved shirts. Do a body check for any ticks when you leave the area.

Can puppies die from ticks?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think so, ticks can carry Lyme disease, rocky mountain spotted fever, and a few other real nasty things but I don't know how this would affect a dog but if you remove the tick, which should only be done with tweezers by grasping the head of the tick and nothing else, put it in a plastic bag with the date of removal then store it in a freezer until you can take it to the vet or doctor to verify if the tick is infected then decide the treatment for the animal. These are the procedures for people as well only don't take them to a vet.

How do you know the bump is a tick?

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omg i just pulled one out of my hair today when i was watching tv and now im freaking out

Ticks suck blood from a host organism This is an example of what?

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Ticks sucking blood from a host organism is an example of parasitism. The tick grows from its host, but contributes nothing to the host organism.

What brown bug has eight legs and pinchers?

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Asked by Wiki User

If it has eight legs, that makes your creature a spider not an insect. (Or a lobster or crab, but I am assuming you are not speaking of shellfish.)

Beyond that, more detail is needed regarding:

* size of spider (measurement and proportion of body, legs) * location (country/state, and specify basement, flower garden, etc) * behavior (movement, feeding, speed) * web (if any) * markings

How long is a dust mite?

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They can be around 420 micrometers in length.

How do you tell if a tick has bitten a human in the last 24 hours?

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It is very possible you received a tick bite. Tick bites stand out from other insect bites because it looks like a bull's eye meaning you will have a red bump with a rash forming around the bite itself, if you think you may have been bitten by a tick I recommend seeing a Doctor very soon.

Can a flea live in a human ear?

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Yes, If you think you have one inside go to the hospital.