



One of the major food staples of the world, rice is grown in most warm climates. This utilitarian grain is used as a starch staple, brewing of beer and other beverages, as well as combined with other ingredients to make well-known regional specialties.

2,441 Questions

Is rice a natural grain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, rice is a natural grain that comes from the Oryza sativa plant. It is one of the most widely consumed grains in the world and is a staple food for many cultures.

Why was rice discovered?

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Rice is a type of grass that has been cultivated for thousands of years for its nutritional value, sustainability, and versatility in cooking. It was likely discovered through trial and error as early human populations searched for sources of food that could be easily grown and stored.

Is it bad to cook rice with plastic bags over the top of the rice and under the lid?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cooking rice with plastic bags over the top and under the lid can be unsafe as the plastic may release harmful chemicals when exposed to heat. It's best to avoid using plastic bags in direct contact with heat when cooking food. Opt for using a proper lid to cover the rice while cooking instead.

How much sun does rice need?

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Rice plants generally require full sun exposure to grow and thrive. They need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily to develop properly and produce healthy yields. Insufficient sunlight can lead to stunted growth, poor grain development, and lower productivity in rice plants.

What is rice puller?

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A "rice puller" is a common term used to describe a supposed anti-counterfeiting device made from a specific alloy believed to have special properties. It is often used in scams where individuals are convinced to invest in these items under the promise of high returns. However, there is no scientific proof or evidence to support the claims surrounding rice pullers.

How much methane dose rice produce?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rice paddies are a significant source of methane emissions in agriculture, producing around 100 million tonnes of methane per year globally. Methane is produced in rice paddies through anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in the flooded soil. The amount of methane produced can vary depending on factors such as soil conditions, water management practices, and rice varieties.

What kind of soil do rice need?

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Asked by Aurora Gregg

Fertile riverine alluvial soil is best for rice cultivation. Rice grows on a variety of soils like silts, loams and gravels. It can also tolerate alkaline as well as acid soils. However, clayey loam is well suited to the raising of this crop.

Is rice a mesophyte?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, rice is considered a mesophyte, which means it grows in moderate moisture environments. It requires a consistent water supply for proper growth, making it well-suited for cultivation in wet or flooded conditions.

Could the type of growth you modeled with grains of rice idenfinitley of the develpoing a human?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, exponential growth modeled with grains of rice does not accurately represent human population growth as human growth is affected by various factors such as birth control, disease, war, and resource availability, which can limit population growth. Additionally, human populations cannot grow indefinitely due to finite resources and environmental carrying capacity.

What is the length of banaue rice terraces?

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The Banaue Rice Terraces in the Philippines have a total length of approximately 20,000 kilometers (12,427 miles) if placed end to end.

What is a personal identification chip that is about the size of a grain of rice and implanted under the skin?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is called a RFID microchip or a biochip. It is a small device that can store information and be used for identification purposes. It can be implanted under the skin, typically in the hand, for convenience in everyday activities such as unlocking doors or making payments.

What kind of sugar can be found in wild rice?

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Wild rice contains natural sugars such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose.

Why does rice grow where it does?

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Rice grows in regions with warm temperatures, high humidity, and plenty of rainfall. It requires standing water for part of its growth cycle to thrive, which limits its cultivation to areas with adequate water supply or effective irrigation systems. This is why rice is typically grown in tropical and subtropical regions.

What is the biological name of rice?

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The biological name of rice is Oryza sativa.

How many times is the harvest time of rice in the Philippines?

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In the Philippines, rice is typically harvested two to three times a year. The number of harvests can vary depending on the region and the type of rice being grown.

How many sacks of organic fertilizer is needed in a 1 hectare rice farm?

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It depends on the type of organic fertilizer used and the nutrient requirements of the rice crop. Generally, for a 1-hectare rice farm, you may need around 2-4 sacks of organic fertilizer per cropping season. It is recommended to conduct a soil test and consult with agricultural experts for precise fertilizer recommendations.

Is basmati rice naturally white?

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No, basmati rice is not naturally white. It has a naturally occurring light brown husk that is removed during processing, resulting in the characteristic white appearance of basmati rice.

Why is tundra not grown rice?

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Tundra regions have harsh climates with very short growing seasons and frozen soil, making it difficult to cultivate rice. Rice requires specific growing conditions such as warm temperatures, sufficient water, and fertile soil, which are not usually found in tundra ecosystems. Additionally, rice cultivation relies on labor-intensive techniques that are not practical in the extreme conditions of the tundra.

What causes the cracking of soils in most of the rice fields?

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Asked by Wiki User

The cracking of soils in rice fields is typically caused by the shrinkage and expansion of clay-rich soils due to changes in moisture content. When the soil dries out, it contracts and can crack. Conversely, when it becomes water-logged, it expands, leading to further cracking when it dries out again.

What biome is rice grown in?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rice is most commonly grown in floodplain or water-rich environments, which are often found in tropical and subtropical biomes such as wetlands or marshes. These biomes offer the constant water supply needed for rice cultivation.

Why might it be important to differentiate rice plants by the amount of starch they contain?

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Asked by Itsallaboutme12

Probably for marketing and health reasons, marketing because they can over hype how much starch it has, health because each amount of starch provides certain health benefits, Biologically because it probably helps separate breeds more effectively? I truly have no idea just a shot in the dark.

How many chromosomes in Rice?

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Asked by Wiki User

Rice plants have 24 chromosomes in their cells. This number is the same for most cultivated varieties of rice.

What do Chytrids produce that no other fungi produce?

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Chytrids are unique among fungi because they produce swimming spores called zoospores, which have a flagellum that allows them to move through water. This sets them apart from other fungi that typically rely on wind or animals for spore dispersal.

How does rice impact the environment?

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Rice cultivation can lead to methane emissions from flooded fields, contributing to climate change. Pesticides and fertilizers used in rice farming can run off into water bodies, causing pollution. Large-scale rice production may also lead to habitat loss and biodiversity decline.

Is grapes a simple or complex carbohydrate?

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Grapes contain primarily simple carbohydrates in the form of natural sugars like glucose and fructose. They also have small amounts of more complex carbohydrates like fiber, but overall they are considered a simple carbohydrate due to their high sugar content.