



Caribou are the cervids of the Far North, most notably of Canada and Alaska. Also known as reindeer in Europe and northern Asia, these migratory members of the deer family make their home on the Tundra during the brief summer and the sub-Arctic boreal forests during the winter.

2,598 Questions

What is a deers kind of food it eats?

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Deer are herbivores and primarily eat grass, leaves, twigs, fruits, and nuts. Their diet may vary based on the season and availability of food sources in their environment.

'Run like deer' is that a metaphor?

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Yes, "run like a deer" is a metaphor. It means to run very fast, as deers are known for their speed and agility.

What type of deer are herbivores in Wisconsin?

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White-tailed deer are the type of deer found in Wisconsin, and they are herbivores. They primarily feed on vegetation such as grasses, leaves, and crops.

Is a mule deer a carnivores?

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Mule deer are herbivores, meaning they mainly eat plant material such as grass, leaves, and twigs. They do not actively hunt and consume other animals, so they are not carnivores.

Is a deer a herbivore a carnivore or a onmivore?

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A deer is an herbivore, meaning it primarily eats plants such as grass, leaves, and twigs.

How do red deer compete for mates?

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Red deer compete for mates through roaring, physical combat, and visual displays. During the rut, stags engage in roaring contests to attract females and intimidate rivals. If roaring is insufficient, they fight by locking antlers and pushing each other. Stags with larger antlers and stronger bodies typically prevail. They also establish and defend harems, marking territory with scent and patrolling to fend off rivals. Female red deer often choose mates based on these displays of strength and fitness, ensuring that the most dominant and healthy males are selected for reproduction.

Can you make a wild deer not scared of you?

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Asked by AndrewMaster521

To make a wild deer not scared of you, you can try to approach it calmly and slowly, avoiding sudden movements and loud noises. It's important to maintain a safe distance and give the deer space to observe you. Offering food like apples or carrots can also help build trust over time.

Is sausage healthier than bacon?

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In general, sausage tends to have a higher fat content than bacon. Both are high in saturated fats and sodium, which can be detrimental to health when consumed in excess. It's best to choose leaner options of meat or enjoy sausage and bacon in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

What are the male sex cells and sex organs of a stag?

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The male sex cells in a stag are called sperm. The primary sex organs of a stag are its testes, which produce sperm and male sex hormones.

Are white tail deer omnivores?

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White-tailed deer are primarily herbivores, meaning they mainly eat plants such as grass, shrubs, and leaves. While they may occasionally consume insects or small animals, their diet consists mostly of vegetation.

What are 3 limiting factor in a deer population?

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  1. Predation by natural predators like wolves or mountain lions can limit the deer population.
  2. Availability of food sources, such as browse and vegetation, can restrict the growth of deer populations.
  3. Disease outbreaks, such as chronic wasting disease or parasitic infections, can also act as limiting factors on deer populations.

Where do the deer go when it snows?

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Deer are adapted to cold weather and can often be found foraging for food in the snow. They tend to seek shelter in wooded areas or thick brush to escape harsh weather conditions. Additionally, deer may migrate to lower elevations where snow cover is less severe.

Is a deer a monogastric herbivore?

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Yes, a deer is a monogastric herbivore. This means it has a single-chambered stomach (monogastric) and primarily eats plants (herbivore).

Where can you find accurate information about the growing global deer population?

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Accurate information about the growing global deer population can be found in scientific research journals, government wildlife management reports, and studies conducted by conservation organizations. Websites of reputable wildlife organizations such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) may also provide reliable information on this topic.

What helps the reindeer travel over the snow?

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Reindeer are able to travel over snow with relative ease due to their wide hooves, which act like snowshoes to distribute their weight and prevent them from sinking into the snow. They also have specialized fur on their hooves that provide traction on icy surfaces. Additionally, their strong and well-developed muscles allow them to power through deep snow.

Does Vixen have little antlers or small antlers?

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Vixens do not have antlers. Antlers are typically found on male deer and are used for mating rituals and battles for dominance. Vixens, which are female foxes, do not possess antlers.

Where does rigor mortis start in deer?

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Rigor mortis in deer typically starts in the jaw and neck muscles before spreading to the rest of the body. It usually sets in within a few hours after death and peaks around 12 hours after death, before gradually resolving over the next 24-48 hours.

What is the biggest deer ever killed in Arkansas?

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The largest deer ever recorded in Arkansas had a spread of 47 points, scoring 305 7/8 inches, and was harvested in 2015.

What is the largest whitetail?

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The largest whitetail ever recorded had 39 points and was harvested in Saskatchewan, Canada in 1940. This deer had a massive rack with a Boone and Crockett score of 307 5/8 inches.

What will happen to deer population carrying capacity if the limiting factor changes?

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If the limiting factor changes for deer, such as a decrease in food availability, the carrying capacity of the deer population would likely decrease. This would result in fewer resources available to support the deer population, potentially leading to a decline in the number of deer that can be sustained in the environment.

Is lichen a vascular plant?

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No, lichen is not a vascular plant. Lichen is a composite organism made up of a fungus and either algae or cyanobacteria. It lacks vascular tissues for transporting water and nutrients like true vascular plants do.

Do deer go to a special place to die?

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Deer do not typically go to a special place to die. They might seek out sheltered or secluded areas when they are feeling unwell or weak, but they generally die wherever they happen to be at that moment.

Are sedges a monocot?

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Clary sage has the botanical name of Salvia sclarea. It is a dicot. A dicot has two leaves inside each seed.

What animal produces musk a substance used in making perfumes?

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The musk used in perfumes is often obtained from the musk deer, particularly in traditional perfumery. However, synthetic musk compounds are more commonly used today due to conservation concerns surrounding musk deer populations.

What is the food chain of a bighorn sheep?

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A bighorn sheep's food chain typically consists of grasses, shrubs, and herbs as primary producers. Bighorn sheep feed on these plants directly. They are then preyed upon by predators such as mountain lions, wolves, and bears. The decomposers in the food chain include bacteria and fungi that break down the remains of bighorn sheep and plants.