

Polar Bears

Known scientifically as Ursus Maritimus, the polar bear is native to the Arctic Circle, and is the world's largest carnivore species found on land. It is classified as a vulnerable species, with 5 of the`9 polar bear subpopulations in decline. They have a reputation as the only animal that actively hunts humans, but in fact, anything they encounter is potential prey.

1,831 Questions

Can polar bears survive in the south pole?

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Asked by Wiki User

Polar bears are not found in the South Pole; they are typically found in the Arctic regions. The South Pole is uninhabitable for polar bears due to the lack of ice, their primary habitat for hunting and survival.

What does the Fourth Report of the IPCC say about Polar Bears?

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Asked by BrebnerP

The Fourth Report of the IPCC, published in 2007, included findings that polar bears are highly vulnerable to climate change due to their reliance on sea ice for hunting. It highlighted that reductions in sea ice extent directly impact the bears' ability to find food and may ultimately threaten their survival. Additionally, the report addressed the increasing threats that climate change poses to polar bear populations in the Arctic.

Do polar bears kill other polar bears?

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Asked by Wiki User

They are naturally aggressive to other male bears when they encounter each other, although polar bears are free ranging and don't establish and mark territory. They will attack and kill the cubs of another male so that they can then mate with the female. They will fight with the female as she tries to protect the cubs, although not usually to the death. Other times, although rare, it may be because they are starving.

polar bears kill other polar bears to demand their territory and because of male stress

Where do polar bears live at the North Pole?

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Asked by Wiki User

Polar bears do not live at the North Pole. They are typically found in the Arctic Circle region, which includes areas in Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway. They rely on sea ice to hunt for seals, their primary food source.

How do adult polar bears parent offspring?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adult polar bears typically raise their offspring on their own. They provide food, protection, and teach essential survival skills like hunting and swimming. Cubs stay with their mother for about two years before they become independent.

What kind of plants grow where the polar bears live?

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Plants that grow in polar bear habitats include mosses, lichens, grasses, sedges, willows, and dwarf shrubs like Arctic willow and Arctic cottongrass. These plants are adapted to the cold, harsh conditions of the Arctic and subarctic regions where polar bears live.

How would the polar bear survive in the warm?

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Polar bears are adapted for cold temperatures and rely on sea ice to hunt for seals. In warm conditions, they may struggle to find food and can overheat due to their thick fur. With diminishing ice due to climate change, polar bears face challenges in their natural habitat.

How does the depletion of the ozone layer affect polar bears?

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Asked by Wiki User

The depletion of the ozone layer increases UV radiation levels, which can lead to skin cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune systems in polar bears. UV radiation can also harm the plankton at the base of the food chain, which in turn affects polar bears' prey availability and ultimately their survival.

What are the dangers for polar bears?

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Some dangers for polar bears include habitat loss due to climate change, reduced access to their primary food source (seals) because of decreasing sea ice, pollution affecting their health, and potential conflicts with humans as they come ashore in search of food.

Is a polar bear a obligate carnivores?

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Yes, polar bears are obligate carnivores, which means they primarily rely on a diet of meat and fish to meet their nutritional requirements. Their diet consists mainly of seals and other marine mammals.

How strong is the bite force of an adult polar bear?

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An adult polar bear's bite force is estimated to be around 1200 pounds per square inch (psi), which allows them to easily crush through bone and thick ice to catch their prey like seals. This powerful bite force is essential for their survival in the harsh Arctic environment.

How does a polar bears circulatory system work?

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Asked by Wiki User

A polar bear's circulatory system functions similarly to that of other mammals. Its heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body through arteries, while veins return oxygen-poor blood to the heart for re-oxygenation. Polar bears have adaptations like a dense layer of blubber to keep warm in cold Arctic temperatures and specialized blood vessels in their legs to prevent heat loss.

What is the light that is in the Noth pole?

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Asked by Wiki User

The light at the North Pole is generally the natural light from the sun when it is above the horizon during the summer months. In winter, the North Pole experiences polar night where the sun does not rise for several months, resulting in darkness. However, the moon and stars can still provide some illumination.

Many animals live in polar ice ecosystem what makes this possible?

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Asked by Wiki User

Polar ice ecosystems are sustainable due to the incredible insulation provided by the ice, shielding animals from extreme cold. Many species have adapted to these harsh conditions with specialized physical features like thick fur or blubber to retain heat. Additionally, the abundant food sources in the form of fish, seals, and other marine life help support the diverse range of animals in these ecosystems.

How does the climate change affect the polar bear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Climate change affects polar bears by melting sea ice, which is essential for hunting seals, their main food source. As the ice disappears, polar bears have to travel longer distances to find food, leading to increased stress and reduced survival rates. Additionally, warming temperatures can cause changes in polar bear habitat and behavior, making it harder for them to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

Are polar bonds positive?

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Asked by Wiki User

Polar bonds do have a partial positive and partial negative charge on the atoms involved. The more electronegative atom attracts electrons more strongly, resulting in an uneven distribution of charge.

What marine mammals are extinct?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some examples of extinct marine mammals include the Stellar's sea cow, the Caribbean monk seal, and the Japanese sea lion. These species were primarily impacted by overhunting, habitat loss, and changes in the marine environment due to human activities.

Do Resistors have no polarity restrictions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Resistors do not have polarity restrictions because they are passive devices that limit the flow of electric current. You can connect them in any orientation within an electric circuit without affecting their function.

What year will polar bears go extinct by scientists hypothesis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Polar Bears will unfortunately suffer as the Arctic melts due to rising temperatures. There is no evidence to say that they will become extinct in the near future, however as a species, they will be required to adapt to their changing world.

Another opinion:

NO, because global warming is not real and is just a power and money making scheme.

Compare and Contrast Polar Bears and Camels?

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Asked by MamaTBear

Polar bears have a thick layer of fat called blubber. Camels have a fat store in their hump that allowes them to go for days at a time with out food of water, camels also have extra stomaches in which to store plenty of water..

Polar bears live at the north pole, camels in the desert.

Polar bears have a thick layer of oily fur to repel water, they are also very good swimmers.. The polar bear can jump right in the icey water and catch a fish, his long claws help him hold on to said fish, and to walk on the ice.

How long are polar bear toe nails?

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Polar bear toenails can grow up to 1-1.5 inches in length. They are thick and strong, essential for providing traction on the ice and snow in their harsh Arctic environment.

How do you weigh a polar bear?

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Polar bears are typically weighed by sedating them and then using a large scale to lift them. This is done by experienced professionals in a safe and controlled environment to minimize stress and risk to the bear.

What do scientists think is happening to the numbers of polar bears?

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Scientists believe that the number of polar bears is decreasing due to climate change, which is leading to loss of sea ice habitat and reduced access to their main prey, seals. This is resulting in a negative impact on polar bear populations, with some areas experiencing declining numbers and reduced body condition.

Do Atlantic Puffins live in Canada?

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Asked by CuteCat2

Yes, Atlantic Puffins do live in Canada. They are commonly found in Atlantic Canada, specifically in provinces like Newfoundland and Labrador. They breed on coastal cliffs and islands in this region.

When does development of human beings stop?

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Asked by Alicia41290

Development in human beings is a lifelong process that continues throughout adulthood. While physical growth and development tend to slow down in early adulthood, cognitive, emotional, and social development continue to occur throughout life. Development can be influenced by a variety of factors including genetics, environment, and individual experiences.