



Includes questions related to the comprehension, usage and identification of the parts of speech used to name a person, place or thing

23,901 Questions

What kind of noun is Mary?

Mary is a proper noun. Proper nouns are specific names given to particular people, places, or things, and they are always capitalized. In this case, "Mary" is a specific name given to a person, making it a proper noun.

What is a complex noun?

It can be, where it means intricate, involved, complicated (a complex problem).

The word complex can also be a noun for a structure of group of structures (e.g. apartment complex).

What is proper noun for pencil?

The pronoun that takes the place of the noun pencil in a sentence is 'it'. Example:

I can't find my pencil, it must have slipped out of my notebook. Have you seen it?

The pronouns that take the place of the plural form, pencils is 'they' as a subject and 'them' a the object of a sentence. Example:

I need more pencils. Good thing that they are on sale because I keep losing them.

What is the feminine gender of dutch?

Ah, what a lovely question! The feminine gender of "Dutch" is "Duchess." Just like a beautiful painting, language can be full of color and beauty when we explore its nuances. Keep exploring and learning, my friend!

What nouns descibe day?

Oh, what a lovely question! Nouns that describe day could be sunshine, birdsong, laughter, and warmth. Just imagine a beautiful day filled with all these wonderful things, bringing a smile to your face. Keep painting with those words, my friend, and create your own masterpiece of the day.

What kind of noun is money?

The noun 'money' is a common, uncountable noun.

The noun 'money' is a concrete noun as a word for bank notes, bills, and coins.

The noun 'money' is an abstract noun as a word for wealth, salary, income, etc.

What are some examples of gender stereotypes in children's TV shows and how do they impact the way children perceive gender roles?

Gender stereotypes in children's TV shows include portraying boys as adventurous and strong, while girls are often shown as nurturing and emotional. These stereotypes can influence children's perceptions of gender roles by reinforcing traditional expectations and limiting their understanding of diverse gender identities and expressions. This can lead to children internalizing these stereotypes and conforming to societal norms, potentially limiting their opportunities and self-expression.

Is butterfly a proper noun or a common noun?

Oh, dude, a butterfly is a common noun. It's like saying "Hey, look at that butterfly!" Not like saying "Hey, look at that Butterfly!" with a capital 'B' as if it's someone's last name. So yeah, butterfly is just chillin' as a common noun, no need for the fancy capitalization.

Is 'concert' a concrete noun or an abstract noun?

Oh, dude, 'concert' is a concrete noun. It's like you can totally see and hear a concert, right? It's not some vague concept floating around in the ether. So yeah, 'concert' is as real as that annoying person who won't stop yelling "Free Bird" at every show.

Is diamond a proper noun or common noun?

The noun 'diamond' is a common noun, a general word for a type of precious stone; a general word for a figure with four equal sides forming two inner obtuse angles and two inner acute angles.

What type of noun is the word shore?

The word "shore" is a common noun, specifically a concrete noun. Common nouns refer to general, non-specific people, places, or things, while concrete nouns represent tangible objects that can be perceived through the senses. In this case, "shore" refers to a physical landform bordering a body of water, making it a concrete common noun.

What is the abstract noun for source?

The noun 'beginning' is an abstract noun; a word for the point in time or space at which something starts.

The noun 'source' is an abstract noun; a word for the origin from which something comes or can be obtained

What is noun for speak?

The present participle of the verb to speak is the gerund, speaking, which can function as a concrete or abstract noun.


Senator Strong has been engaged for speaking at our next meeting.

  • concrete noun as a word for a physical activity.

The evidence was clear to the detective by speaking to his experience.

  • abstract noun as a word for a concept.

Diaz's or Diaz without the S?

The name "Diaz" with the letter "s" at the end is a possessive form indicating ownership or association with someone named Diaz. On the other hand, "Diaz" without the "s" is simply a singular noun referring to the individual or family with that surname. The choice between the two would depend on the context in which the name is being used.

What is the opposite gender of goddess?

The gender specific noun for a female deity is goddess.

The gender specific noun for a male deity is god.

Is the word gravity an abstract noun?

The noun gravity is an abstract or a concrete noun depending on use.

The noun 'gravity' is a concrete noun as a word for the force that makes any two objects that have mass move towards each other; a word for a physical force.
The noun 'gravity' is an abstract noun as a word for the seriousness or importance of something, graveness; a word for a concept.

Where proper noun in All contestants dress as gorillas?

Oh, dude, the proper noun in "All contestants dress as gorillas" is "Gorillas." Like, it's capitalized because it's the name of a specific group of contestants, not just any old contestants who happen to be wearing gorilla suits. So yeah, Gorillas with a capital G, that's the one.

Is bank a proper noun?

No, "bank" is not a proper noun. It is a common noun that refers to a financial institution where customers can deposit and withdraw money, among other services. Proper nouns are specific names given to unique entities, such as "Chase Bank" or "Wells Fargo Bank."

Is dinner a common noun or proper noun?

Oh, dude, dinner is a common noun. It's like saying "I had dinner last night," not "I had Dinner with a capital D last night." Unless you had a fancy dinner with a celebrity named Dinner, then that would be a proper noun, I guess.

What are some nouns that describe Daniel Boone?

Some nouns that describe Daniel Boone include frontiersman, explorer, pioneer, hunter, and woodsman. Boone is known for his role in exploring and settling the American frontier, as well as his skills in hunting and survival in the wilderness. He is often remembered as a legendary figure in American history for his adventures and contributions to westward expansion.

Is population countable or uncountable noun?

Well, isn't that a happy little question! "Population" is actually a countable noun. You can have one population, two populations, or even many populations. Just like how you can paint one tree, two trees, or a whole forest!

What is the noun form of hungry?

Hungry is an adjective. The corrseponding nouns are hungriness and hunger, the corresponding adverb is hungrily.

A proper adjective is one that is capitalized. So the country is Hungary and the proper adjective is Hungarian.

What is a noun for terrorize?

A noun for "terrorize" would be "terrorization." It is derived from the verb "terrorize" and refers to the act or process of causing extreme fear or terror in someone or a group of people. "Terrorization" can encompass various forms of intimidation, coercion, or violence aimed at instilling fear and control over others.

Is cinnamon toast a common or proper noun?

Well, honey, "cinnamon toast" is a common noun. It's not a specific brand or name, just a general term for toast sprinkled with cinnamon. So, unless you know a fancy toast named Cinnamon, it's as common as they come.

Is Dalmatian a common noun or proper noun?

"Dalmatian" can be both a common noun and a proper noun, depending on how it is used. When referring to the breed of dog in general, "Dalmatian" is a common noun. However, when used as the specific name of a particular Dalmatian dog, such as "Spot," it becomes a proper noun.