



Includes questions related to the comprehension, usage and identification of the parts of speech used to name a person, place or thing

23,902 Questions

Is the word infant a common noun?

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Is pumpkin a proper or common noun?

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Most often, common.

What does an abstract name?

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An abstract name refers to a name that does not provide specific information about its meaning or corresponding object or entity. It may be a made-up word or a name that is not readily associated with a particular concept or thing.

What is the nouns that name an idea or concept?

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Words for ideas or concepts are abstract nouns, words for things that can't be experienced by any of the five physical senses, they can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched; they are words for things that can be known, understood, learned, believed, or felt emotionally.

Example abstract nouns:

  • attitude
  • belief
  • curiosity
  • danger
  • ego
  • fear
  • gratitude
  • help
  • information
  • joy
  • knowledge
  • love
  • memory
  • norm
  • opinion
  • permission
  • quest
  • reason
  • season
  • trouble
  • union
  • value
  • wonder
  • year
  • zeal

Is grapes pronoun?

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The word grapes is a noun, a plural, common, concrete noun; a word for a thing.

A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun for a single grape is 'it', pronoun for grapes is 'they' for the subject and 'them' for the object of a sentence or clause; for example:

A grape rolled under your chair but I can reach it.

I put the grapes in the yellow bowl. They will look nice on the table and we can eat them with dinner.

Is stronger a noun?

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No, "stronger" is not a noun. It is the comparative form of the adjective "strong." Nouns are words that represent a person, place, thing, or idea.

What kind of noun is growth?

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The noun growth is a singular, common noun' a word for a thing.

The noun 'growth' is an abstract noun as a word for the process of increasing in size.
The noun 'growth' is a concrete noun as a word for an amount in a size increase or a thing that has grown.

Give me example of common noun and proper noun?

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A proper noun is typically a specific person or similar concept, and usually spelled with a capital letter.

* Barack Obama

* University of Texas

* Apple Macintosh

* North Dakota

A common noun is less specific and usually spelled with a lower case letter

* the president (of what? Which one?)

* the university (which one?)

* an apple (the fruit)

* north

Examples of the difference; I grew up in the state [common noun] of Virginia [proper noun], but I went to college [common noun] at the University of Maryland [proper noun] in the city [common noun] of College Park [proper noun].

Is the word skies a noun?

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Yes, the word 'skies' is a noun, the plural form for the singular noun sky; a word for the dome-shaped expanse extending upwards from the horizon; outer space, as seen from the earth; a word for a thing.

The plural form 'skies' is usually used to refer to weather or atmospheric conditions.

Is notes a noun?

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The word noted is a verb, the past tense of the verb to note; She noted the date on her calendar.

The word noted is an adjective, a word that describes a noun; He is a noted scholar.

Is stared a noun?

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Yes, the word 'stare' is both a verb and a noun.

The noun 'stare' is a word for an act of looking directly at someone or something for a long time.


The passengers gave the unruly boy a scolding stare. (noun)

Many people stopped to stare at the new window display. (verb)

Is Florida Proper Noun Or Common Noun?

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"Florida" is a proper noun because it is the name of a specific place and is capitalized.

Is frisky a noun?

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"Frisky" is an adjective that describes someone or something as lively, playful, or full of energy. It is not a noun.

Is the word invented a noun?

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No, the word 'invented' is the past participle, past tense of the verb to invent. The past participle of the verb also functions as an adjective.

This device was invented by my grandfather. (verb)
A recently invented version runs on solar power. (adjective)

The noun forms of the verb to invent are inventor, invention, and the gerund, inventing.

What kind of noun is survey?

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The noun survey is a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for an examination of an area of land in order to make a map of it; a general examination of a subject or situation; an examination of something for condition or suitability.

What is a nouns that name an idea or concept?

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A noun for an idea or concept would be called an abstract noun; a word for something that can't be experienced by any of the physical senses, it can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched. Abstract nouns are words for something that is known, understood, learned, believed, or felt emotionally.

Words for something that can be experienced by the physical senses are called concrete nouns.

Is the word 'grace' a noun?

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Yes, the word grace is both a noun and a verb. Example uses:

Verb: He opened the old oak desk that graced his study.

Noun: She has grace, she has taste, she has talent; she's my daughter.

What are the two types of noun?

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Common nouns and proper nouns. Common nouns are general names for people, places, things, or ideas (e.g., dog, city, book), while proper nouns refer to specific names of people, places, or things (e.g., John, Paris, Coca-Cola).

What is noun for harm?

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The word 'harm' is both a verb (Please don't harm me.) and a noun (I have caused no harm.)

The noun 'harm' is a word for physical injury or material damage; psychological damage or injury; actual or potential ill effects or danger; a word for a thing.

What is the proper name for poo?

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The proper name for poo is "feces" or "stool."

Is the word snoopy a common noun or a proper noun?

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The word 'snoopy' (lower case s) is not a noun, it's an adjective used to describe a noun as offensively curious or inquisitive.

The common noun form of the adjective 'snoopy' is snoopiness.
The word 'snoopy' is the adjective form of the common noun snoop.

Note: The word 'Snoopy' (capital S) is a proper noun the name of a specific cartoon character.

Is forests a common noun?

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Yes, forests is a common noun, the plural form for the singular forest; a word for any forest of any kind.

A proper noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or a title; for example:

  • American Forests (conservation organization), Washington, DC
  • Forests Edge court, Laurel, MD
  • Mary A. Arthur, Professor of Forest Ecology, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture
  • "Forests of the Night" (novel) by James W. Hall

What kind of noun would happiness be?

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Happiness is a common, abstract, uncountable noun; a word for an emotion.

What is subject in the function of a noun?

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In grammar, the subject is the person, thing, or entity that is performing the action or being described by the verb in a sentence. It is typically located at the beginning of a sentence and is what the rest of the sentence is about.

What type of noun is the word herd?

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The noun herd is a singular, common, concrete noun, often used as a collective noun for a group of animals such as a herd of cattle, a herd of buffalo, or a herd of antelope.