


Abstract Nouns

An abstract noun is a word that represents a concept, idea, thought, feeling, event, or quality, not a material thing. An abstract noun represents something that cannot be perceived by the senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste, or smell.

4,445 Questions

What is the abstract noun for hospital?

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An abstract noun would be 'hospitalisation'.

What is the abstract noun for peculiar?

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The noun form for the adjective peculiar is peculiarity.

Is the word marton an abstract noun?

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No, "marton" is not an abstract noun. Abstract nouns refer to ideas, concepts, or qualities that cannot be perceived by the senses, while "marton" does not fit this definition.

What is the opposite abstract noun of discovery?

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The opposite abstract noun of discovery is concealment, which refers to the act of hiding or keeping something secret or unknown.

Is the noun system a concrete or abstract noun?

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The noun "system" is an abstract noun because it refers to a concept, idea, or structure that is not physical or tangible.

What do you mean by abstract noun?

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Abstract nouns are words for things that can't be experienced by any of the five senses; they can't be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched (the opposite of concrete nouns). They are words for things that are learned, known, understood, believed, or felt emotionally.

Some examples of abstract nouns are words for emotions love, joy, and hope, or concepts, such as fairness, confusion, wonder, and evil.

A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by the physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.

What is abstract noun of real?

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The abstract noun of real is "reality."

What is the abstract noun for pure?

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The abstract noun for "pure" is "purity." It refers to the state or quality of being pure, free from contaminants, or unadulterated.

What is abstract noun for tan?

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I am not sure there is one. Tan is generally an adjective (it's a color, and it describes a noun) or it can be a verb (referring to staying out in the sun). The only time it is used as a noun, it is the shortened version of "suntan," -- but it is not an abstract noun. Here is an example of using the word as a noun: If you go to the beach to get a tan, be careful not to get sunburned.

Note that an abstract noun refers to a noun you can not experience with your five senses-- it cannot be touched, seen, heard, tasted, or smelled. Some examples of abstract nouns are justice, bravery, courage, hate, curiosity, and amazement. You can experience the results of these things, but you cannot see or hear or smell or touch or taste them. A suntan is something you can feel or see, so it can not be an abstract noun.

What abstract nouns can you form out of the descriptive word innocent?

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Innocence is the abstract noun form for the adjective innocent.

Is thrashing an abstract noun?

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Thrashing as a noun is the gerund form of to thrash, and is an action noun. Some uses of the term are abstract (e.g. victory), but almost all gerunds for actions are neither abstract (i.e. they are observable) nor concrete (they are not tangible).

Is fascinating an abstract noun?

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No, "fascinating" is not an abstract noun. It is an adjective that describes something as being very interesting or captivating. Abstract nouns refer to concepts or ideas rather than physical objects.

What is the abstract noun of pleasant?

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The abstract noun of "pleasant" is "pleasantness."

What is the abstract noun for sour?

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The noun form is sourness. However, regarding a sour taste, it is a concrete noun because it can be detected by your senses.

Is constellation an abstract noun?

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Yes, "constellation" is an abstract noun because it represents a concept or idea rather than a physical object that can be seen or touched.

What is the abstract noun of promptly?

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The word 'promptly' is the adverb from the verb 'to prompt'. The word prompt is also a noun; a word for the act of giving a cue or a word for a cue or a reminder. Other noun forms are prompter and promptness.

What is an abstract noun for trusting?

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The word 'trusting' is the present participle of the verb 'to trust'; the present participle of the verb is a gerund (verbal noun), an abstract noun, and an adjective.

The words trust, trusting, trustiness, and trustability are abstract nouns.

What is abstract noun of duck?

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What is the abstract noun for the adjective warm?

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The abstract noun for the adjective warm is warmness as a word for kindness and friendliness.

The noun warmness is a concrete noun as a word for a physical sensation.

A related noun form is warmth.

The noun form warmth is an abstract noun as a word for a kind and friendly quality.

The noun warmth is a concrete noun as a word for a physical sensation of heat.

What is the abstract noun of 'a proud boy'?

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The abstract noun for "a proud boy" would be "pride." It represents the feeling of satisfaction or pleasure in one's achievements, qualities, or possessions.

What is the abstract noun for sensational?

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sensation or sensationalism

What is the abstract noun in the following sentence We trust that you will be there?

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There are no abstract nouns in the sentence.

The words in the sentence are:

  • we, a personal pronoun, subject of the sentence;
  • trust, the verb;
  • that, a relative pronoun, introduces the relative clause;
  • you, a personal pronoun, subject of the relative clause;
  • will be, the verb of the relative clause;
  • there, adverb, modifies the verb 'will be'.

Note: The word 'trust' can function as both a verb and a noun. The noun 'trust' is an abstract noun as a word for confidence in someone or something; a word for a concept.

What is abstract noun form of know?

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The abstract noun form of "know" is "knowledge." It refers to the information, facts, and understanding that someone has acquired through learning or experience.

Do abstract nouns express ideas or qualities?

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Abstract nouns typically represent ideas, qualities, or concepts that cannot be perceived by the five senses. They are intangible and usually refer to things that exist in the mind, such as emotions (love, happiness), states of being (freedom, justice), or concepts (truth, beauty).

Is watch an abstract noun?

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No, "watch" is a concrete noun, as it refers to a physical object that can be seen and touched. Abstract nouns typically represent concepts, ideas, or emotions that cannot be perceived by the senses.