

Claude Debussy

At the turn of the 20th century, classical music began moving away from its romantic period and into the modern era. Nobody was more instrumental to this shift than Claude Debussy. Direct all questions about Debussy's style, compositions, influences, and his historic rivalry with fellow composer Maurice Ravel, into this category.

155 Questions

Where did Debussy compose La Mer?

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Debussy began 'La Mer' in Burgundy in 1903 and completed it on 5th March 1905, which is the publishing date.

Debussy holidayed that year at The Grand Hotel (room 200) in Eastbourne, Sussex at which he arrived at on 23rd July 1905. Whilst there he corrected the proofs of 'La Mer' and wrote a replacement 1st movt. for Images book 1 which he called 'Reflets dans l'eau'. It's likely he also bought his favourite piano, a Blüthner, whilst in Eastbourne.

Is Debussy's title et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut an allusion to a piece of poetry?

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Yes, the title "et la lune descend sur le temple qui fut" by Debussy is an allusion to a poem by Paul Verlaine titled "Promenade sentimentale." Debussy often drew inspiration from poetry in his compositions, and in this case, he used Verlaine's imagery to capture a certain mood or feeling in his music.

Why was debussy famous for Clair de lune?

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Debussy's "Clair de lune" is famous for its dreamy and impressionistic qualities, evoking a sense of tranquility and beauty. Its lush harmonies and lyrical melodies capture the essence of moonlight, making it one of Debussy's most beloved compositions. Its popularity is also due to its accessibility and widespread appeal, making it a favorite for both musicians and listeners alike.

What is the difficulty of Debussy's music?

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Debussy's music is known for its complex harmonies, use of non-traditional scales, and innovative approach to form and structure. His compositions often require a high level of technical skill and musical sensitivity to perform effectively.

How could you compare the music of Antonio Molina with the music of Debussy?

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Antonio Molina is known for his classical and flamenco guitar music with a traditional Spanish flair, while Debussy was a French composer associated with Impressionist music, known for his innovative harmonies and use of tone color. Molina's music tends to be more rhythmic and lively, while Debussy's music is often more atmospheric and dream-like with a focus on texture and mood.

Was Claude Debussy a conductor?

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No, he was a composer. He was born in France in 1862 and died in 1918. Debussy was one of the most prominent figures working within the field of impressionist music, though he himself intensely disliked the term when applied to his compositions. Debussy is not only among the most important of all French composers, but also a central figure in European music at the turn of the 20th century.

What are some songs by debussy?

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"Games," "The gladiator," "King Lear," "The palace of silence," "Scenes at dusk," "The sea," "Springtime" are translated English titles of Claude Debussy's music. The equivalents in French are respectively Jeux, Le gladiateur, Le roi Lear, Le palais du silence, Scènes au crépuscule, Le mer and Printemps.

The respective pronunciations will be "zhuh," "le gla-dya-tuhr," "luh wa leer," "luh pa-leh dyoo see-law," "sen o krey-pyoo-skyool," "luh mer" and "preh-taw" in French.

Where did claude debussy travel?

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Debussy was a French composer who lived from 1862-1919. He traveled to European countries during a few summers of his younger years.

What are some similarities between Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel?

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The primary similarity is that Debussy was a pure impressionist. Ravel always admired Debussy's music (he was reprimanded in the Conservatory for continually playing it), and there are many impressionistic influences in Ravel's music.

Who was not a French composer Debussy Orff Ravel or Satie?

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Carl Orff was not a French composer; he was a German.

What are Debussy's three most famous pieces?

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1) Claire De Lune

2) The Prelude to the Afternoon of A Fawn

3) La Mer

Why did debussy write his la petite suite?

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Le petit negre...c'est pour moi le clarinet

Did Claude Debussy have brothers and sisters?

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Yes he had 2 brothers and 2 sisters. He was the oldest of all of them.

Where did claude debussy go to university?

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Claude Debussy went to the Paris Conservatory.

What are the two things Claude Anchille Debussy most famous for?

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Debussy's most famous piece is Clair De Lune. He has many other famous pieces but that is the most famous. LOL :P

What three cultures influenced claude debussy?

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French, Spanish, and British/Celtic, as well as Japanese.

What period did claude debussy live in?

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He was the leader of the impressionistic period :D

What was Debussy famous for?

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Claude Debussy was mostly famous for Claire de Lune. He composed in the Baroque or Romantic era and and was born on the 22 August 1862 and died in March 25 1918. He also wrote l'Apres-midi d'un Faun.

What were debussys most famous works?

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Many opinions, so here's mine:

Claude-Achille Debussy was experimenting with a new tonality, the whole-note scale, where every step is a whole note (the major scale runs whole, whole, half, whole, whole, whole, half). It's a marvellous effect. Pieces that come quickly to mind are:

Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun

Claire de Lune (Moonlight)

the Girl with the Flaxen Hair

la Mer (the Sea)

a string quartet

Two close contemporaries exploring similar kinds of sound were Maurice Ravel and Gabriel Fauré.

What movie soundtrack was Debussy Suite Bergamasque used on?

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Ocean's 11. Scene at end with the Belagio fountains.

How did claude debussy learn to play piano?

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Claude Debussy took lessons from Cerutti, a violinist, when he was young. He went to the Paris Conservatoire when he was ten. When he was at the Paris Conservatoire, he studied composition with Ernest Guiraud, music history and theory with Louis-Albret Bourgault-Ducoudray, harmony with Emile Durand, piano with Antoine Francois Marmontel, organ with Cesar Franck, and solfege with Albert Lavignac.

Why does Debussy was a french composer?

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He is famouse because he composed some of the greatest french songs, influenced many other famous people, formulated the 21st note scale, changed how insutrments were used for orchestration, and was a brillian composer/piano player

What opera did Claude Debussy write?

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Debussy's first song for voice and piano was written in 1879, when he was 17. The title was "Ballades à la lune," (Ballads to the Moon) to a long poem by Alfred de Musset. It begins and ends with a description of the moon, likened to "a dot on an i." The song has not apparently survived; it isn't now in the official collection of Debussy's songs.