

Care of Turtles

If properly cared for, turtles can live for decades. Ask questions here about proper habitat and feeding to pamper your tortoise.

1,642 Questions

What do you do when baby turtles try to hatch when they are not ready to hatch?

It is important to avoid interfering with the natural hatching process of baby turtles. In most cases, it is best to allow the baby turtles to hatch on their own and reach the ocean. However, if they are in immediate danger or facing obstacles, you can seek assistance from local wildlife authorities.

How does a turtles nervous system work?

A turtle's nervous system is made up of a brain and spinal cord that communicate with nerves throughout the body. Sensory information is received by the nervous system, processed by the brain, and then signals are sent out through the spinal cord to control movement and other bodily functions. The nervous system allows turtles to respond to their environment, move, and carry out essential functions for survival.

Is a Razorback Musk Turtle a herbivore?

No, Razorback Musk Turtles are omnivores, meaning they consume a combination of plant matter, insects, fish, and other small aquatic animals. Their diet is diverse and includes both meat and vegetation.

Why is heat needed to make a lava lamp work?

Heat is needed to warm up the liquid wax in a lava lamp, causing it to become less dense and rise to the top. As the wax cools down, it becomes denser and sinks back down, creating the mesmerizing lava lamp effect. The heat source is essential for this continuous cycle to occur and create the unique visual display of a lava lamp.

Do turtles have amniotic egg?

Yes, turtles lay amniotic eggs. These eggs have a protective membrane called the amnion that surrounds the developing embryo and helps prevent dehydration.

Which animal lays eggs underground?

The platypus, which is a semi-aquatic mammal, lays its eggs in a burrow underground. The female platypus digs a nesting burrow and lays one to three eggs, which she incubates for about 10 days before they hatch.

If you have a male and a female Red-ear slider how do you know when the female is ready to lay eggs and is there any specific care you should give her?

A female Red-eared slider may be ready to lay eggs when she becomes more restless, digs or attempts to find suitable nesting spots. Provide her with a private area with damp soil or sand to lay her eggs, along with a heat lamp to maintain proper temperature. It's important to keep her well-fed and hydrated during this time. Monitor her carefully to ensure she lays her eggs safely.

Can two different species of turtles breed?

No, one of the deciding factor when it comes to categorizing animals into different species is whether or not they can produce offspring. Different kinds of dogs can "mix" even if they are different breeds because they are still part of the same species. While all turtles are part of the same "Order", in biological terminology, if the turtles are classified as different species, they will not produce viable offspring.

How long does it take a volcano to explode?

The timeframe for a volcano to explode can vary greatly. It can range from just a few minutes to several days or even longer, depending on the build-up of pressure and other volcanic activity indicators. volcanologists monitor these signs to provide warnings and predict eruptions as accurately as possible.

How big do soft shell turtles get?

Soft shell turtles can grow up to 24 inches in length, depending on the species. They have a flattened, pancake-like shell that allows them to move more easily in water and on land.

Is a regular turtle a arthropod?

No, a regular turtle is not an arthropod. Turtles belong to the class Reptilia, while arthropods belong to the phylum Arthropoda, which includes insects, spiders, and crustaceans. Turtles are vertebrates, meaning they have a backbone, while arthropods are invertebrates with exoskeletons.

What are heat lamps?

Heat lamps are electrical lamps that emit infrared radiation to produce heat. They are commonly used in various applications, such as keeping food warm in restaurants or providing warmth to reptiles in terrariums.

How long can honu turtles hold their breath underwater?

Green sea turtles, also known as honu turtles, can hold their breath for around 4-7 hours while resting or sleeping underwater. However, they typically stay submerged for 4-5 minutes while actively foraging or swimming. The ability to hold their breath for extended periods allows them to dive to depths of up to 1,500 feet (450 meters).

Is uv light at night enough time for turtle?

No, turtles need a basking light or heat lamp during the day to maintain their body temperature and to help with digestion and metabolizing calcium. UV light at night is not sufficient for turtles. It is important to provide a proper light cycle for your turtle's health and well-being.

How many types of turtles exist?

Discounting the extinct ones, there are about 300 species of turtle alive today. Hit the link and do some reading because some of them are in serious trouble due to habitat distruction. You might be able to help.

How big does a yellow bellied turtle get?

it depends on the sex of the turtle. if it is a female YBS then she will grow 4-5" in the 1st year. 2nd year she will grow to 6-7" and on the third year she will reach her maximum growth which should be aboiut 8-13 inch.

How do you make your turtle more comfortable with you?

Handle your turtle more. Let it get used to your and other people's presence by spending time in front of their tank. Even something as simple as doing paperwork or homework in front of the tank will allow your turtle to get used to your presence. Also make sure it gets used to seeing you move. Just be goofy. Dance to some music in front of the tank. If your turtle freaks out, just ignore it. Pretty soon it will realize that you will do it no harm and begin to observe you. While music may not be exactly soothing to the turtle, it will get it used to noise and it will become less spooky. Basically just let it get used to your constant presence (that's why puting it in your room isn't too bad of an idea).

Talk to it, let it know you won't hurt it.Play with it(hold it more often).Say hello to it in the morning and say good night before you go to bed if you have more

a tortoise has to have pride knowledge of you because it has to see you everyday. also to make tortoise like you if by rubbing their legs and tail they like that.

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What do different types of grass sprouts look like?

Different types of grass sprouts may vary in appearance, but generally, they have thin, pointed shoots emerging from the soil with one or two small leaves. The color and texture can vary depending on the grass species, but they are usually green and delicate-looking.

Do turtles lay eggs if they have not mated?

Yes turtles will lay eggs if they have not mated. The eggs will not be fertile in most cases, unless the turtle has mated previously. A growing number of species are known to retain sperm to produce mixed parentage clutches, sometimes for several years.

Is terrapin the scientific name for a turtle?

No, terrapin is not the scientific name for a turtle. Terrapin typically refers to a type of turtle that is found in brackish water environments. The scientific name for turtles varies depending on the species, such as Chelonia mydas for the green sea turtle.

What is the scientific name for a red ear slider?

The scientific name for a red-eared slider turtle is Trachemys scripta elegans.