

Red Eared Slider Turtle

The red-eared slider is a semi-aquatic turtle and is the most popular pet turtle in the United States. They are a type of pond slider and are relatively easy to take care of as pets.

432 Questions

Do male red eared sliders dig in rocks?

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yes most all turtles do it is the lack of boardom that's like fun to them

What does it mean if red eared slider won't move or eat?

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If it was just a one time thing it most likely isn't cause for concern. Many reptiles will vomit a recently ingested meal if they are startled or scared. It is part of their fight or flight response. He could have also just swallowed something a little too big or that didn't agree with him.

How do you determine the gender of a red-eared slider?

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Usually the tail will tell you. Also the spots on the bottom of their shell, but the easiest way to tell is look at its tail. If it looks rather small and thin, it's a girl. If it's fat and long, it's a boy. -Chris

Will your red eared slider know to get out of the water to sleep or will he drown tonight?

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They can sleep under water because they can hold their breath for a very long time.

What month do red eared sliders lay there eggs?

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You're the guy that asked god knows how many questions about red eared sliders aren't you? Sorry. Anyway no one can tell you what month exactly. Just know they lay their eggs in spring. Geckomaster P.S. To get all this info your looking for just find a good website on google or something.

What meat can you feed to your young red-eared slider turtles?

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They sell food at shops for them. They will eat vegetable matter and fish. meaning lettuce,carrots,strawberry,apple,gupies,cricketts,mealworms,superworms,shrimp,duckweed, and more! babys are more carnovoius than adults. so feed babys much more fish and meat. adults eat more plants. and when there in the middle,the`ll eat both equaly.

Can the red eared turtle eat a fruit mix considered reptile food?

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If there are no sugars or anything added then sure. Monitor the turtles while feeding it to him/her. If he/she does not like it then take the remainder of the food out of the tank and do not feed it to your turtle anymore.

What happens if the shell of a red ear slider turtle was bleeding?

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Take it to a herp experienced vet ASAP! A broken carapace is nothing to mess around with.

What supply do you need for a red eared slider turtle?

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you will need a tank a filter,heater,a place for the turtle to get out of the water and dry of a uvb light,water cleaners,food.

the water needs to be 23-27c and and if it is a red eared slider turtle you will need to feed it meat and veggys as a baby they will only really eat meat but keep giving them to him/her so it wont be shy when it older.

for a female res turtle you will need at least 500 litre tank for when it is fully grown.

i am 13 and have owned 1 res turtle for almost 2 years now with no probs.

good luck.

What do you feed baby red eared sliders?

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Baby red eared sliders can eat some romaine lettuce pellets such as zoo med hatchig formula or a good snack is dried shrimp and krill such as from tetrafauna select a food, or Can o shrimps.They can also eat other pellets too, but buy the ones that say baby if it just hatched recently and teeth arent as strong, they will give good nutrients. The romaine lettuce helps with the growth/strength of the shell. And if you want shell growth but not giving it romaine lettuce buy Nutrifin Max with vitamin D. Turtles gobble it up and the vitamin D really helps them with strong shells.
No expert what-so-ever but talk to a pet shop owner and probably a commercial diet, maybe once a week try some dark letteccue. get a book on them for more info.

What eats a red eared turtle?

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they eat turtle food. one tye of it is "wardley" my red eard turtle liked it very much.

Do red eared slider turtles smell?

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Yes, but weekly water changes help alot. They have a musty-dirt-like smell. Heat lamps make it worse but are necessary for digestion.

Who do red eared sliders mate?

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Asked by Bettyboop101

A Red Eared Slider can only "procreate" (have young) with another Red Eared Slider but they have been known to "mate" (have sex) with Yellow Belly Sliders. They probably wouldn't try to mate with any other kind of turtle, other than a Slider.

How big do quarter sized Red Eared Sliders get?

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Most Turtles age very slowly. The red eared Slider can remain the size of a quarter for about 1-2 years, but by age 10 he will be the size of a small dinner plate, and by age 30 (they can live to be about 50)your Turtle can weigh up t0 20 lbs.

What are predators of red eared slider turtles?

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Depending on the region where the turtle lives, different predators will eat turtles. Birds of prey, alligators, snakes, raccoons, dogs, cats and larger turtles will all eat red-eared sliders depending on their size. Smaller turtles are more easily caught than others.

Can a young red eared slider live with old one?

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of course! i have a baby red eared slider living with a big 8 inch turtle and they get along! you have to make sure they know and like each other before you put them both in the same tank

Can a red eared slider live in a 30 gallon tank?

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Yes, the more room a turtle has, the more happy it will and it will live longer. Make sure the water is clean and it has plants and big rocks!

When do baby red eared sliders hatch?

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Head straight to the water and adapate to their new home

Do all red eared sliders live in water?

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Yes, red eared sliders are strictly aquatic reptiles. This means that they spend the majority of their lives in water, but they do require to be able to come out onto land whenever they feel the need to. They need to come onto land in order to dry out their shell and skin, this will help reduce the risk of fungus and parasite infection. Also, their eggs are lain on land and they may grab at a couple of bugs for a snack. So although they do mainly live in water, land is still a necessity.

How does one remedy an algae on the shell of a red eared slider?

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i have 2 males and i put 10 gallons of water with a cap full of bleach in it and sometimes i get an old toothbrush to em.

I disagree with the statement above this line. You should NEVER EVER use soap or other household chemicals and soaps ESPECIALLY bleach when cleaning your tank. Soap and cleaners will make your turtle very sick, and could possibly kill them, weather you rinse it out well or not.

If the algae gets too thick in your tank, you can get an Algae Magnet that you use to clean the glass with, without having to empty the the water out. You can syphon the algae off the rand or rocks on the bottom but you don't have to, turtles may eat it. As for algae on the shell, the one who made the next paragraph knows what tey are talking about.

By: Xeous

you dont, it makes them feel more natural and in the wild which means it will not suddenly stop eating like some and it makes your turtle a happy turtle and watching a happy turtle is VERY FUN! by the way the toothbrush idea is good that is what i use to clean of occasional algae spots an the tank walls, but the bleach is a HUGE no no! it will harm your little friend when it gets in the water next the trace amounts will wash of in the water and swimming around in those chemicals will make a unhealthy, unhappy turtle and watching your friend like that is very depressing it also is horrible for the natural chemicals that help make up your turtle's shell. ugly shell, unappy turtle, and an unhealthy turtle is not very fun

I hope this helped

paragraph by: Redearedsliderman

Fruit a red eared slider will eat?

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A red eared slider will eat strawberries. My red eared slider eat strawberries once a week and maybe half of one. Don't give it to them every day because they are very low in protein but your turtle will love them! i know that the pellets have the most protein and vitamins so you should check that out!

How long can red sliders stay out of water?

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My neighbor's red ear slider escaped from the aquarium and was found ALIVE in a closet over 1 week later.

Is a red eared slider turtle a carnivore?

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A Red eared slider turtle is an omnivore. They tend to stick to a more carnivore diet as a baby, and grow into being more herbivorous as they age. You can buy turtle pellet food from a local pet store to feed them as a base diet but you should also feed them a variety of different food such as: earthworms, crickets, feeder fish (they can work, though they can also carry diseases), etc.

Where can you find info on where to get a baby red eared slider turtle?

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Red ear sliders are a commonly sold pet at most pet stores, so it should be no problem finding a turtle companion

What does it mean when your red eared slider turtle turns white on land?

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oh dude. well i just got a red ear slider a week ago and ive been constantly researching them. but ive heard that when there shell gets white spots it means they have shell rot. look it up yourself on well that sounds horrible and id recommend to go to the vet as soon as possible