


Alligators and Crocodiles

23 species of crocodilians, including alligators, caimans, crocodiles and the gharial of India. If you really want to know which is which, you need to know the particular characteristics of each of these carnivores. Ask your questions in here and leave the shoes, handbags and luggage at the door.

2,997 Questions

How do you get rid of alligator skin on your legs?

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To get rid of alligator skin on your legs, it is important to exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells, moisturize daily with a hydrating lotion or cream, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. You can also try using products containing glycolic acid or urea to help soften and smooth the skin.

How long does it take crocodiles to lay eggs?

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Female crocodiles typically lay eggs once a year, and the time it takes from mating to laying eggs is about 45-50 days. The actual egg-laying process can take several hours, with a female crocodile laying around 40-60 eggs in a nest dug in the sand or vegetation near the water.

Which biome would best suit an alligator?

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Alligators are well-suited for freshwater biomes such as swamps, marshes, and rivers. These areas provide ample food sources, suitable nesting sites, and the right water conditions for alligators to thrive.

How long does it take for a crocodile to kill a human?

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Crocodiles are powerful predators that can swiftly overpower and kill a human within minutes, using their strong jaws and teeth. The exact timing can vary based on a variety of factors, such as the size and species of the crocodile, as well as the circumstances of the encounter.

What is one way alligators attract their prey?

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Alligators attract their prey by staying still and camouflaging themselves in the water, then quickly lunging at their target with a powerful burst of speed and force. This ambush hunting technique allows them to surprise and catch their prey off guard.

What is the rarest crocodilians in the world?

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One of the rarest crocodilians in the world is the Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus), found in parts of India and Nepal. With only a few hundred individuals left in the wild, they are critically endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and fishing practices. Conservation efforts are being made to protect and increase their population.

What does an american alligator look like?

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An American alligator is a large reptile with a dark green to black coloration and a broad, rounded snout. They have powerful jaws, sharp teeth, and armored scales on their back. Adults can grow up to 15 feet in length.

Where are saltwater crocodiles located in jaws unleashed?

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Saltwater crocodiles can be found in various locations in the game Jaws Unleashed, including the Sapphire Beach and Blood Sands areas. They tend to inhabit shallow waters and can be aggressive towards the player-controlled shark.

When did crocodiles first appear?

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Crocodiles first appeared around 200 million years ago during the Mesozoic Era. They are ancient creatures that have remained relatively unchanged over millions of years.

Do alligators fight sharks?

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Alligators and sharks typically live in different environments, with alligators primarily found in freshwater habitats and sharks in saltwater oceans. While it is not common for them to interact in the wild, there have been cases where they may come into contact in transitional areas like estuaries, but direct fights between them are rare.

Are there alligators in Kansas?

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No. Alligators would not be able to survive our winters. So if there were ever one here, it would be by human travels. There actually was a gator found in Coffey County Lake a while back ago. But it was found dead, floating in the water. It had to of been released by someone who could no longer care for it.

What are you - nlyrov-xilxlwrov?

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It appears that the text "nlyrov-xilxlwrov" in your question is not a valid word or term. Can you please provide more context or clarify your question?

What can you do to save the crocodile?

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To help save crocodiles, we can support conservation efforts such as protecting their habitats, implementing sustainable fishing practices, reducing pollution in their environments, and raising awareness about the importance of these animals in their ecosystems. Additionally, participating in wildlife protection programs and advocating for the enforcement of laws that prevent illegal hunting and trafficking of crocodiles can also contribute to their conservation.

What is the summary of the crocodile dies twice by shamus frazer?

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"The Crocodile Dies Twice" by Shamus Frazer follows detective John Bekker as he investigates a murder at the Melbourne Zoo where a crocodile dies under suspicious circumstances. As Bekker delves into the case, he uncovers a web of deception and betrayal that leads to unexpected revelations about the people involved. The novel combines a gripping murder mystery with insights into the complexities of human nature.

How do you clean alligators teeth in world of zoo?

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In World of Zoo, you clean an alligator's teeth by selecting the animal and then choosing the "Care" option. This will give you access to dental tools to clean the alligator's teeth, keeping them healthy and happy. Remember to check on their dental hygiene regularly to ensure their well-being in the game.

Why does it hurt to stick out your tongue?

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Sticking out your tongue can be uncomfortable or painful because the muscles in your tongue are not used to that extended position. Additionally, the friction and exposure of the tongue to air when sticking it out may also cause discomfort. If the pain persists, it could be a sign of an underlying issue that should be checked by a healthcare professional.

How much do an average alligator weigh?

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An average adult alligator weighs between 400 to 800 pounds, with males typically being larger and heavier than females. However, larger individuals can weigh more than 1,000 pounds.

Do crocodiles give their babies milk?

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No, crocodiles do not produce milk to feed their babies. Instead, baby crocodiles are independent from birth and need to catch their own food.

Can a 29 foot salt water crocodile or a 27 foot gustave crocodile fight a full grown African elephant?

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It is unlikely that either a 29-foot saltwater crocodile or a 27-foot Gustave crocodile would be able to successfully take down a full-grown African elephant. While they are formidable predators, elephants are much larger and stronger, making them a challenging target for a crocodile of that size.

The crocodile has swam across the swamp it seen a fish?

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The crocodile has swum across the swamp and spotted a fish.

Are there Crocodiles in nc?

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No. There are no CROCODILES in North Carolina. The American crocodile, the only CROCODILE species found in the United States, is native to the southern most tip of Florida and the Florida Keys.

However, the American Alligator is native to parts of North Carolina, particularly those waterways close to the South Carolina border near the Atlantic coast.

What do crocodiles use their scales for?

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Crocodiles use their scales as a form of protection against predators and environmental elements. The scales also help regulate their body temperature and reduce water loss. Additionally, the rough texture of their scales aids in gripping prey and providing traction when moving on land.

Where does the salt water crocodile live?

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Saltwater crocodiles can be found in the coastal regions of Southeast Asia, Australia, and the eastern coast of India. They inhabit brackish and freshwater habitats such as rivers, mangrove swamps, and estuaries. They are excellent swimmers and are known to travel long distances in search of food and suitable habitats.

What island group is named after a type of crocodile?

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The Solomon Islands are named after King Solomon and not crocodiles. However, the term "Solomon" is believed to be derived from the Latin word "solen", meaning "crocodile", which could account for the association with the reptile.