



Islands are landforms that contribute to geography. They can be resort islands, man-made islands or naturally-formed islands.

3,665 Questions

How many islands were built by volcanoes?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many islands that were built by volcanoes, commonly known as volcanic islands. Some examples include Hawaii, Iceland, and the Galapagos Islands. These islands were formed through volcanic activity, where magma rises to the surface and solidifies to create land masses.

What group of islands did Charles Darwin explore in 1831?

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Charles Darwin explored the Galapagos Islands in 1831 during his scientific voyage on the HMS Beagle. His observations of the unique flora and fauna on these islands later influenced his theory of evolution by natural selection.

What country do the galopagos islands belong to?

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The Galapagos Islands belong to Ecuador, a country located in South America.

How did Borneo get its name?

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Asked by Borneo79lyn

The name "Borneo" is believed to have originated from the word "Brunei" or "Bruni," which was a reference to the Bruneian Empire that once dominated the island. Over time, the name evolved to "Borneo" as a result of European influence and exploration in the region.

What famous island did Darwin Study?

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Charles Darwin studied the Galapagos Islands, specifically the wildlife and their adaptations that led to his theory of evolution by natural selection.

Where is Andromeda island located?

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Andromeda Island is fictional and is not a real location. It is a setting in the anime and manga series One Piece.

Why Do We Have Islands?

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Islands are formed through geological processes such as volcanic activity, erosion, or tectonic plate movements that lead to land rising above the water. These processes create isolated land masses surrounded by water. Islands provide unique ecosystems, habitats for diverse plant and animal species, and serve as important environmental and cultural landmarks.

Why are many of the Hawaiian islands volcanoes extinct?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many of the Hawaiian islands' volcanoes are considered extinct because they have not erupted for thousands of years, making it unlikely for them to erupt again. As the tectonic plate that carries the islands moves away from the hot spot that fuels the volcanoes, new volcanic activity shifts to create new islands.

Who observed variations in the characteristics of animals and plants on the islands of Galapagos?

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Asked by Wiki User

Charles Darwin observed variations in the characteristics of animals and plants on the islands of Galapagos during his voyage on the HMS Beagle in the 1830s. These observations played a crucial role in developing his theory of evolution by natural selection.

Why are light houses often found on barrier islands?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lighthouses are often found on barrier islands because these islands are located near coastlines and are susceptible to shifting sands and changing shorelines. The lighthouses help ships navigate safely through the treacherous waters and shallow areas near the island, reducing the risk of shipwrecks. Additionally, the high elevation of lighthouses offers better visibility for sailors in the open sea.

What joins island and mainland?

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A bridge or a ferry typically joins an island with the mainland.

Why there are volcanoes on the Hawaiian island?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Hawaiian Islands were formed by a hot spot in the Earth's mantle beneath the Pacific tectonic plate. As the plate moved over the hot spot, magma rose to the surface and created the volcanoes that formed the islands. This process continues to this day, with the newest island, Loihi, currently being formed underwater south of the Big Island.

What island did Tycho Brahe turn into a country?

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Tycho Brahe did not turn any island into a country. He was a Danish nobleman and astronomer known for his accurate astronomical observations, particularly of the motion of planets. He lived on the island of Hven in Denmark, where he built Uraniborg Castle and an observatory for his studies.

What islands does the tropic of Capricorn pass through?

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The Tropic of Capricorn passes through 11 countries and several islands. Some of the islands that the Tropic of Capricorn passes through include Madagascar, Mauritius, and Fraser Island in Australia.

What is located at about 7 degrees north latitude and 122 degrees east longitude?

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Asked by JdotTdot

The point located at approximately 7 degrees north latitude and 122 degrees east longitude is close to the Philippines, specifically in the middle of the country. It is situated near the Visayas region, which includes islands like Cebu, Bohol, and Leyte.

How do tides work around islands?

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Tides around islands are influenced by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun. The shape of the coastline, depth of the water, and the topography of the seafloor around the island can affect tidal patterns. Tides vary based on the positioning of the island relative to the moon and the sun.

Which ocean has many small scattered islands that were formed from the tips of extinct volcanoes?

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The Pacific Ocean has many small scattered islands that were formed from the tips of extinct volcanoes. These types of islands are known as volcanic islands or seamounts and can be found throughout the Pacific's vast expanse.

What type of volcano is the Wizard Island?

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Wizard Island is a cinder cone volcano located in Crater Lake in Oregon, USA. It is one of the most prominent features within the lake, formed by explosive eruptions of ash, cinders, and volcanic rocks.

How did weathering help form the barrier islands?

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Weathering helped form barrier islands by breaking down rocks and sediments on the mainland, which were then transported by rivers and streams toward the coast. Over time, sediment accumulation and deposition, along with wave and tidal action, shaped and built up the barrier islands along the coast.

How did Fire Island get its name?

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Asked by Pinkrose1231

When flood storms came, before houses were washed away, & home owners

had no flood insurance it wasn't available, so they would leave after setting their houses on fire. There was fire insurance & arson was hard to prove..

Thence the name Fire

Are the Faroe Islands part of Scandinavia?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the Faroe Islands are not part of Scandinavia. Scandinavia typically refers to Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. The Faroe Islands are an autonomous territory within the Kingdom of Denmark.

What is important in accumulating and removing Sands that results in shifting barrier islands?

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Accumulating sand in areas of erosion helps to maintain the size and stability of barrier islands, acting as a natural defense against ocean waves and storms. However, removing sand disrupts the natural balance and can lead to the shifting of barrier islands, as they rely on a delicate equilibrium of sediment transport to remain in place. Sustainable management practices that prioritize sand accumulation and minimize removal are crucial for preserving barrier island ecosystems.

Why do oceanic islands sink after they form?

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Oceanic islands can sink over time due to various factors such as tectonic movements, volcanic activity ceasing, or erosion wearing down the island's structure. As the island's underlying tectonic plate moves or volcanic activity slows, the island can gradually subside below sea level. Erosion from wave action and other environmental processes can also contribute to the sinking of oceanic islands.

How do ocean currents affect the climate of the Hawaiian islands?

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Ocean currents can moderate the climate of the Hawaiian islands by bringing warmer or cooler water, influencing temperature and precipitation patterns. The North Pacific Subtropical Gyre helps maintain the warm temperatures in Hawaii, while the Kuroshio Current can bring cooler waters to the islands, affecting the local climate.