

Marshall Islands

Located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean just west of the International Date Line, the Marshall Islands gained independence from the US in 1986.

137 Questions

Are the marshall islands an MEDC or LEDC?

The Marshall Islands are considered a developing country and are classified as a Less Economically Developed Country (LEDC) due to challenges such as limited infrastructure, high dependence on external aid, and vulnerability to climate change impacts.

What ocean are the marshall islands located on?

It is in the equator of Los Angeles and Japan

Marshall Islands' located southwest of Hawaii. It's about 2,286 mi southwest of Honolulu. Marshall Island is a 7th smallest countries.

What is the motto of Marshall Islands?

Marshall Islands's motto is 'Jepilpilin ke ejukaan'.

Are the marshall islands part of polynesia?

No not any more.

They were a U.S. Territory from 1947 when the U.N. gave the islands to the United States for a strategic trust. In 1951 the U.S. Department of the Interior took over the island's administration. From 1946 until 1954 the islands and water's just off the islands were used for Nuclear test's.

In 1986, independence was attained under a Compact of Free Association with the United States.

Who is the Ambassador to the US for The Marshall Islands?

Charles Rudolph Paul is the Ambassador to the US for The Marshall Islands.

What did the US test in 1945 at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands?


The first postwar nuclear tests were the two Operation Crossroads shots in the summer of 1946 in the lagoon of Bikini Atoll. They were copies of the Fatman bomb dropped on Nagasaki and were done to test effects on Naval warships of weapons of known design and yield. The Navy was very skeptical of the ability of the new weapon to disable state of the art warships and the first bomb seemed to confirm their opinions (however this bomb was an airdrop and a mistake by the bombardier caused the bomb to significantly miss its AP) reducing the blast on the ships. But the second bomb was an underwater shot that threw ships up in the air, sunk several instantly, and so significantly contaminated many others that the Navy was unable to clean them enough to make it safe for sailors to man and operate them, so the Navy had to scuttle them. This resulted in the cancellation of the planned third bomb which was to have been an underwater shot in deep water outside the atoll. In 1962 a similar yield deep water shot was rescheduled in Operation Dominic in the Pacific southwest of San Diego.

How much is an 1969-1989 first men on the moon silver 5 dollar piece coin from the marshall islands worth?

"Currently Marshall Islands coins are valued at or below their face value when bought and sold in the US coin market. The basis for their currency is the US dollar. This was only based on the US dollar and is not redeemable in the US. The coins are rarely redeemable at face value even on the islands. These coins were intended for collectors, not for widespread use as currency."



Who are famous people in the marshall islands?

Todd Lyght (NFL PLAYER) ,Lulani Ritok (ACTRESS) and Amata Kabua (1st PRESIDENT) have had the most success/recognition internationally speaking.

How many square miles is marshal island?

Marshall Islands (Republic of the Marshall Islands) - 69.8 square miles.

What island did US use for nuclear testing?

The pacific proving grounds encompassed both Bikini and Eniwetok atolls, rings of multiple coral islands surrounding a central lagoon. atolls develop from slowly subsiding dead volcanos around which coral reefs grow in rings, eventually forming islands.

What continent is marshall islands part of?

Australia isn't a continent - it's part of the continent of Asia, as is the Marshall Islands. To distinguish it from mainland Asia, the region of Australia and the surrounding states is sometimes referred to as Oceania - whether the Marshall Islands sits in that region or not varies according to different sources.

How long was the testing on Bikini Atoll?

The first atomic test was detonated by the United States at the Trinity ... was

tested at the Enewetak atoll in the Marshall Islands on November 1 .... From the