


Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy covers technology of reactors, different types of reactors, their history and development, exploitation in different countries, operating experiences, problems of nuclear waste.

6,179 Questions

What are the uses of the nuclear reaction?

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Nuclear fission is generally used to liberate energy that can be harnessed for commercial and military purposes. They are also used to generate specific isotopes of elements.


A commercial nuclear fission reactor is used to generate electricity in a controlled fission reaction that heats water into steam, and uses the steam to drive turbines, which in turn drive generators, and creates electricity. France is the largest producer of nuclear power (proportionately), with over 75% of its electricity nuclear generated.


The same power generation principle is used on board some military vessels that use nuclear power plants to generate the energy needed to drive the ships' propulsion systems. Nuclear powered ships can travel over very long distances and for great durations without requiring refueling.


Some nuclear reactors' principle purpose is to generate specific isotopes of material. The Chalk River fission reactor in Ontario, Canada, for example, generates over 80% of the world's supply of Technetium 99m, which is used worldwide as a radioactive dye in medical imaging.


Nuclear fission reactions can also be used as thermonuclear bombs, such as the two that the USA detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in 1945. Such fission reactions are deliberately uncontrolled, hence they release all their energy in a fraction of a second, thereby creating an explosion of cataclysmic proportions.
Power source for generating electricity .
Fission is the act of an atom decaying into smaller, more stable atoms. The decay process results in two or more new atoms. When the masses of the new atoms are added up, they do not equal the mass of the original atom. This is because the decay process releases radiation in the form of gamma rays, beta particles, and light. This energy release can be used in a productive manner. For example, in nuclear power reactors, the fissile material's rate of decay can be controlled. This can create a regulated amount of heat. This heat can be used to warm water. The warmed water can be used to turn a steam turbine, which will generate electricity.

How does life on earth benefit from the fusion reactions occurring in the sun?

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Life on Earth benefits from the fusion reactions occurring in the sun by providing the energy that sustains all living organisms through photosynthesis. The sun's fusion reactions also help regulate Earth's climate by providing warmth and driving weather patterns that are essential for maintaining a habitable environment.

Who first observed the fusion of light nuclei and in what year?

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The fusion of light nuclei was first observed in 1938 by scientists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann, along with physicist Lise Meitner. This experiment led to the discovery of nuclear fission, which laid the groundwork for nuclear energy and atomic weapons.

How sun is ultimate source of energy source for coal?

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Coal is formed from the remains of plants and trees that lived millions of years ago. These plants captured energy from the sun through photosynthesis, converting it into chemical energy stored in their tissues. Over time, as these plants decayed and were buried underground, the energy from the sun became trapped in the form of coal.

How many Tsar Bomba size nuclear explosions would be required to cause a nuclear winter?

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It would likely take multiple Tsar Bomba size nuclear explosions to cause a nuclear winter, as the exact number would depend on a variety of factors including the amount of debris released into the atmosphere, distribution patterns, and climatic conditions. The concept of a nuclear winter involves a prolonged period of global cooling due to the blocking of sunlight by particles in the atmosphere, which can disrupt ecosystems and food supplies.

Which type of stars will most likely use up its nuclear fuel soonest?

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Massive stars are more likely to use up their nuclear fuel the soonest. They burn fuel at a much faster rate due to their higher temperatures and pressures, resulting in shorter lifespans compared to smaller stars like our Sun.

What percent of power comes from solor?

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As of 2021, solar power accounts for around 2% of global electricity generation. However, this percentage is expected to increase significantly in the coming years as more countries invest in solar energy technologies and infrastructure.

What fusion takes place in the center of the sun?

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Hydrogen fusion occurs in the core of the sun, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium through a series of nuclear reactions. This process releases a huge amount of energy in the form of light and heat.

What energy transformation occurs in nuclear fusion of hydrogen?

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In nuclear fusion of hydrogen, the transformation of mass into energy occurs. This is in accordance with Einstein's equation E=mc^2, where a small amount of mass is converted into a large amount of energy.

How do nuclear reactors use periscopes?

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Nuclear reactors do not typically use periscopes. Periscopes are usually used in submarines to see above water while remaining submerged. Nuclear reactors utilize control rooms with monitoring equipment and cameras to observe and control the reactor's operations.

Why can nuclear explosions on the sun not be heard on earth?

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Sound cannot travel through the vacuum of space, so we cannot hear nuclear explosions on the sun from Earth. Sound requires a medium to travel through, like air, and space is empty. Additionally, the sun's explosions produce vibrations in the form of electromagnetic waves, which we can detect but not hear as sound.

How many square feet of solar panel is needed to replace the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant?

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The Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant had a capacity of 620 MW. A solar panel typically generates about 10-20 watts per square foot. Therefore, you would need approximately 31,000,000 to 62,000,000 square feet of solar panels to replace the power output of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant.

When an astronaut is propelled into space does his mass increase or decrease?

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The astronaut's mass remains the same in space as it does on Earth. However, their weight (the force of gravity acting on them) will decrease in space compared to on Earth due to the absence of gravity.

What takes place in the suns core?

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In the sun's core, nuclear fusion reactions occur where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium, releasing a huge amount of energy in the process. This energy is what powers the sun and allows it to emit light and heat.

What energy source don't come from the sun?

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Tidal energy, geothermal energy, and nuclear energy are examples of energy sources that do not directly come from the sun. Tidal energy is generated by the gravitational forces of the moon and sun, geothermal energy comes from heat within the Earth's crust, and nuclear energy is produced by splitting atoms in a controlled reaction.

Where is the incoming suns energy most concentrated?

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The incoming sun's energy is most concentrated at the equator because the sun's rays hit this area more directly, which results in greater heating and energy absorption. This is why the equatorial regions generally experience higher temperatures compared to regions closer to the poles.

Can a nuclear power reactor be cool externaly by space on spacecraft?

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Yes, nuclear power reactors on spacecraft can be cooled externally by the vacuum of space. Heat generated by the reactor can be radiated into space using heat exchangers and radiators to keep the reactor cool. This method is commonly used in space applications to manage heat from onboard systems.

Does lightning produce more power than nuclear fusion?

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No, nuclear fusion produces vastly more power than lightning. Nuclear fusion is the energy source of the sun and other stars, generating massive amounts of energy through the fusion of atoms. Lightning, while powerful in a localized sense, is a discharge of static electricity that pales in comparison to the energy output of nuclear fusion.

How long can a star like your Sun produce energy through fusion of hydrogen to helium?

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A star like the Sun can continue to produce energy through fusion of hydrogen to helium for about 10 billion years. The Sun is currently about 4.6 billion years old, so it has about 5.4 billion more years of energy production through this process.

When are solar cells most efficient?

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Asked by Biga

Solar cells are most efficient when they receive direct sunlight at a perpendicular angle, during sunny days with minimal cloud cover. They are also more efficient in cooler temperatures rather than extremely hot conditions. Additionally, regular cleaning and maintenance of the solar panels can help to maintain their efficiency.

What is the name of the remains of the sun after its nuclear reactions stops?

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The remains of the sun after its nuclear reactions stop is called a white dwarf. It is a dense, Earth-sized remnant made up mostly of carbon and oxygen.

What happens to mass in a nuclear fusion reaction?

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In a nuclear fusion reaction, mass is converted into energy according to Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. The mass lost during the fusion reaction is transformed into large amounts of energy released in the form of gamma rays and kinetic energy. This mass-energy conversion is responsible for the immense power output of fusion reactions.

Why does the temperature in the centers of stars have to be extremely high for fusion to occur?

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The high temperature in the centers of stars is necessary for fusion to occur because it provides the particles with enough energy to overcome their natural repulsion and come together to fuse. At such high temperatures, the particles have sufficient kinetic energy to collide and fuse, releasing enormous amounts of energy in the process.

Why no fission on sun?

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The core of the Sun is not dense or hot enough to sustain nuclear fission reactions like those in nuclear power plants. Instead, the Sun undergoes nuclear fusion, where lighter elements are combined to form heavier ones, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process. This fusion process sustains the Sun's energy output and keeps it shining.

What is the name of the process inside a star that produces the star's energy?

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The process inside a star that produces the star's energy is called nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is the process in which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. This process is what powers the sun and other stars.