


Benjamin Franklin

This category is for questions about the multi-talented Benjamin Franklin, who managed to be a scientist, politician, and just about everything in-between.

2,328 Questions

Who invented the bifocals and the lighting rod?

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Benjamin Franklin is credited with inventing both the bifocals and the lightning rod. He created bifocals to address his presbyopia, a condition that causes difficulty in focusing on close objects, and he invented the lightning rod to protect buildings from lightning strikes by grounding the electrical charge.

Who discovered electricity Michael Faraday or Benjamin Franklin?

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Benjamin Franklin is often credited with the discovery of electricity through his famous kite experiment in 1752. However, Michael Faraday made significant contributions to the understanding of electromagnetism in the 19th century, particularly through his work on electromagnetic induction. Both scientists played important roles in advancing our knowledge of electricity.

What can scientists learn from mummies today?

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Scientists can learn about ancient civilizations, including their daily lives, health status, and burial practices, by studying mummies. They can analyze DNA to understand genetic relationships, study diet and diseases through bone and tissue analysis, and gain insight into ancient technologies such as embalming methods. Mummies provide a unique window into the past, offering valuable information about human history and evolution.

How many lives has the lightning rod saved?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number, but lightning rods are estimated to save thousands of lives each year by redirecting lightning strikes away from buildings and structures. Their purpose is to provide a safe path for lightning to follow to the ground, reducing the risk of fires, explosions, or injury.

How did Benjamin Franklin predict the weather?

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Benjamin Franklin predicted the weather by observing various weather indicators such as cloud formations, wind direction, and air pressure. He also kept detailed records of his observations and studied patterns over time to make more accurate predictions. Franklin's interest in weather prediction led him to develop various theories and methods for forecasting weather.

Did Benjamin Franklin study astronomy?

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Yes, Benjamin Franklin studied astronomy as a hobby during his lifetime. He was interested in various scientific disciplines and even proposed a theory on the movement of meteors. Although not his primary area of expertise, Franklin's curiosity led him to explore and contribute to the field of astronomy.

How many times did Benjamin Franklin try to discover electricity before he was successful?

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Benjamin Franklin did not discover electricity; rather, he conducted famous experiments that helped to understand its properties. He conducted his key experiment with the kite and key only once.

Was Benjamin Franklin a storm chaser?

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No, Benjamin Franklin was not a storm chaser. He was a statesman, inventor, and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Franklin did conduct research on electricity and lightning, famously flying a kite in a thunderstorm to study the properties of lightning.

How did Benjamin Franklin come up with daylight savings?

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Benjamin Franklin did not come up with daylight savings time. The idea was first proposed by George Hudson in 1895 and later implemented during World War I as a way to conserve energy. Benjamin Franklin did write an essay in 1784 suggesting that waking up earlier could save on candle usage.

Whose kite experiment helped scientists understand the principles of electricity?

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Asked by GJH105775

Benjamin Franklin's kite experiment helped scientists understand the principles of electricity. In 1752, Franklin flew a kite during a thunderstorm and observed the transfer of electrical charge from the lightning bolt to the metal key on the kite string, demonstrating the connection between lightning and electricity.

Who discovered that lightning was another form of electricity?

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Benjamin Franklin is credited with discovering that lightning is a form of electricity through his famous kite experiment in 1752.

What did Benjamin Franklin prove?

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Benjamin Franklin's experiments with lightning and electricity proved that lightning is electricity and that lightning rods can protect buildings from lightning strikes. His kite experiment demonstrated the connection between lightning and electricity.

How did Benjamin Franklin use lightning to catch electricity in a bottle?

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Benjamin Franklin used a kite with a metal key attached to the string during a thunderstorm. The lightning struck the key, traveled down the string, and charged a Leyden jar or bottle that Franklin held. Franklin conducted this experiment to demonstrate that lightning is a form of electricity.

When did Franklin invent the ''Map of gulf Stream?

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Franklin's map of the Gulf Stream was created in 1769 while he was serving as Deputy Postmaster General for British North America. Franklin's map was the first to accurately depict the Gulf Stream's location and course, leading to improved transatlantic travel times.

What are some of the newest inventions?

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Some recent inventions include self-driving cars, virtual reality technology, and advanced artificial intelligence systems. Other examples include renewable energy innovations, such as solar panels and wind turbines, as well as advancements in healthcare technology like telemedicine and medical robotics.

Theory of lightning?

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When to much stress is brought on by the build up of electrons in upper clouds and a lack of electrons from below, energy is released in the form of bright lights, thus creating lightning.

The sound that makes thunder is created when the lightning heats up the surrounding air in an instant making the gasses in the air explode, thus making the popping noise.

Since light travels faster than sound, that's why lightning is seen before thunder is heard.

What was rosalind Franklin famous for?

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Rosalind Franklin was a British scientist known for her work in determining the structure of DNA through X-ray diffraction studies. Her data, obtained without her knowledge, played a crucial role in the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA by Watson and Crick.

What prison did Richard mccoy jr escape from?

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== == Federal penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.

McCoy used his access to the prison's dental office in order to fashion a fake handgun out of dental paste. He and a crew of convicts escaped on August 10, 1974 by commandeering a garbage truck and crashing it through the prison's main gate


What are some Mexican inventions?

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Some Mexican inventions include color television (by Guillermo González Camarena), the contraceptive pill (by Luis Miramontes), and the first oral contraceptive (by Jorge Rosenkranz). Additionally, Mexicans invented the first portable digital calculator (by Hugo Gernsback) and made contributions to fields such as astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.

What are all of Ben Franklin's proverbs?

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Some of Benjamin Franklin's well-known proverbs include "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise," "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," and "Haste makes waste." Franklin was known for his aphorisms and philosophical musings on life and society.

What was Benjamin Franklin's secret name?

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Silence Dogood, Caelia Shortface & Martha Careful, Busy Body, Anthony Afterwit, Alice Addertongue, Robert Saunders, Polly Baker, and Benevolus were all pseudonyms used by Franklin in his writings for various papers as well as his almanack.

Why do you think the firefighter's rulebook credited Benjamin Franklin as being the first firemen?

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The firefighter's rulebook credited Benjamin Franklin as the first fireman because he organized the first fire department in Philadelphia in 1736, creating a formal system of volunteer firefighters. Franklin's innovations in firefighting practices and equipment contributed significantly to modern fire service.

Why did Benjamin Franklin submit his articles to his brother's newspaper anonymously?

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Benjamin Franklin submitted his articles anonymously to his brother's newspaper to maintain impartiality and allow the work to be judged on its own merit rather than on his reputation. He also wanted to receive honest feedback without bias based on his identity.

What sorts of information did poor richard's almanac contain?

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It was a book of advice, farming information, recipes, and home cures. In the spaces in the almanac were proverbs written by Benjamin Franklin such as "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" or "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise"

What did Benjamin Franklin have to do with early newspapers?

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Benjamin Franklin was a newspaper publisher and editor. He played a significant role in shaping early newspapers in the American colonies by emphasizing unbiased reporting and providing a platform for public debate on important issues. Franklin's "Pennsylvania Gazette" was influential in shaping the journalistic standards of the time.