


American Revolution

The struggle that freed the colonists from British Rule, the American Revolution took place from 1776 to 1781.

23,001 Questions

What did the first continental congresses do?

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The First Continental Congress agreed to boycott British goods. They also agreed to meet again if Great Britain didnot change its policies.

What is yanks in British?

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'Yanks' is a slang term used by the British , among other ,for American citizens.

Americans in their turn refer to the British as 'Limey's.

One possible source for the word 'yanks' is a corruption of the French word, for 'English' ; Anglais.

Bearing in mind, before the USA was formed, the English settled the Atlantic seaboard of the USA. The French settled the Mid-west. The Appelation Mountains between them .

So it is thought that Anglais yanklees corrupted in to Yanks. as

Anglais, Yanglais, Yanklais, Yanklee , Yankee, Yank(s).

What are 3 main causes of desertification?

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Three main causes of desertification are overgrazing by livestock, deforestation, and unsustainable agricultural practices that deplete soil nutrients and lead to erosion. These activities disrupt the natural balance of ecosystems, making the land more susceptible to degradation and desertification.

What primary sources tell us why the Titanic sink?

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Asked by Wiki User

Primary sources such as survivor testimonies and official inquiries like the British and American investigations into the sinking of the Titanic provide insights into why the ship sank. Factors contributing to the disaster included the ship hitting an iceberg, design flaws like the compartmentalization of the hull, lack of sufficient lifeboats, and mismanagement of the emergency response.

How did the Dust Bowl contribute to the spread of proverty?

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The Dust Bowl exacerbated poverty by destroying farmland and crops, leading to widespread unemployment and economic hardship for agricultural workers and communities. The resulting dust storms also caused health issues and property damage, further increasing financial strain for those affected.

What happened to great plain plains farmers during the depression?

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Asked by Djg2k12

During the Great Depression, great plain plains farmers were severely affected by drought, dust storms, falling crop prices, and inability to repay debts. Many farmers lost their land due to foreclosure, while others struggled to make a living. The combination of economic challenges and environmental disasters led to widespread poverty and displacement in the region.

What was the weather of Massachusetts April 1775 like?

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In April 1775, the weather in Massachusetts would likely have been transitioning from winter to spring. Temperatures could have been variable, with some days still cold and others starting to warm up. Rain and wind were also common during this time of year.

How did the geography of Latin American affect the people?

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The geography of Latin America, with its diverse landscapes such as mountains, rainforests, and deserts, has influenced the patterns of settlement, economic activities, and culture of the people. It has determined where populations have concentrated, what resources are available for exploitation, and even influenced the development of distinct regional identities and ways of life among the people.

The Dust Bowl during the Great Depression was caused by poor farming practices and?

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severe drought conditions in the Great Plains region of the United States. The combination of over-farming, soil erosion, and lack of sustainable agricultural practices resulted in large dust storms that damaged crops and livelihoods.

What are the main causes of international tension?

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Main causes of international tension include territorial disputes, competition for resources, ideological differences, and power struggles among nations. Other factors like economic disparities, religious conflicts, and historical grievances can also contribute to international tension. Political ambitions, actions taken by leaders, and breakdowns in diplomatic relations can further exacerbate tensions between countries.

Are there advantages to life on land?

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Yes, some advantages of life on land include easier access to resources such as food and shelter, greater protection from predators, and the ability to establish permanent structures and communities. Additionally, living on land allows for more diverse habitats and specialized adaptations to develop.

What is the formula for calculating astronomical units?

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One astronomical unit (AU) is the average distance between the Earth and the Sun, about 149.6 million kilometers (92.96 million miles). The formula to convert AU to kilometers is: 1 AU = 149,597,870.7 km.

What is Guigret green?

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It appears that "Guigret green" may be a misspelling or a term that is not commonly known. It is possible that there was an error in the spelling or that the term is not widely recognized.

What did the congress give to the the union pacific and central pacific companies?

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The Congress granted land grants and financial incentives, such as subsidies and loans, to the Union Pacific and Central Pacific companies to support the construction of the First Transcontinental Railroad in the United States.

Why northeastern farmers could grow a wide variety of crops?

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Northeastern farmers could grow a wide variety of crops due to the region's diverse climate and soil conditions, which were suitable for different types of plants. The varying topography and access to water sources also contributed to the ability to cultivate a range of crops. Additionally, crop rotation and new agricultural practices helped sustain the fertility of the land, allowing for continued cultivation of different types of crops.

What was Comte george de buffons evidence that the earth was much older than suggested in the bible?

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Comte George de Buffon argued that the Earth must be much older than suggested in the Bible because he believed that the cooling rate of iron spheres reflected the time it took for the Earth to cool from a molten state. His experiments indicated that the Earth was likely around 75,000 years old, much older than the biblical timeline of around 6,000 years.

What impresses Baines the most about the cotton mill?

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When it is remembered that all these inventions have been made within the last seventy years it must be acknowledgedAgreed. that the cotton mill presents the most striking example of the dominionControl. obtained by human science over the powers of nature, of which modern times can boast.

What are indicators for culture?

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Indicators for culture include language, customs, traditions, art, music, religion, food, and values. These elements help shape a society's identity, heritage, and way of life.

In what ways were the economies of the three colonial regions alike and different?

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The economies of the three colonial regions (New England, Middle, and Southern) were similar in their reliance on agriculture, trade, and mercantilism. However, they differed in terms of the crops they produced - New England focused on fishing, shipbuilding, and trade; the Middle colonies were more diverse in agriculture, producing crops like wheat and barley; and the Southern colonies relied primarily on cash crops like tobacco, rice, and indigo. Labor systems also varied, with New England and the Middle colonies utilizing more free labor while the Southern colonies relied heavily on enslaved labor.

What British fortification was built at Great Meadows?

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Fort Necessity was the British fortification built at Great Meadows during the French and Indian War in 1754. It was led by George Washington, who eventually surrendered the fort to the French forces.

What significance did common sense have?

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Asked by Blademanjr

Common sense, as advocated by Thomas Paine in his pamphlet of the same name, played a significant role in inspiring American colonists to support independence from Britain. It presented arguments in clear, relatable language that appealed to a wide audience and helped galvanize public opinion in favor of revolution. Its impact helped mobilize support for the American Revolution and influenced the founding principles of the United States.

Which element controls and maintains a capitalistic economic system?

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In capitalism, the market forces of supply and demand, operating in a free market with limited government intervention, determine prices, production, and distribution of goods and services. Private ownership of property and means of production also plays a key role in maintaining a capitalist economic system.

Who is recognized as the creator of experimental science whose work was an important resource in the scientific revolution in Europe during the 1500s and 1600s?

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Francis Bacon is recognized as the creator of experimental science. His work emphasized the importance of observation and experimentation as a means of acquiring knowledge and understanding the natural world. Bacon's ideas were influential during the scientific revolution in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.

What was the weather conditions in the battle of the Vincennes?

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The Battle of Vincennes took place in February 1779 during the American Revolutionary War. During this time of the year in the Midwest, the weather could have been cold and snowy. This would have likely made conditions difficult for both sides during the battle.