

The Intolerable Acts

The Intolerable Acts, also known as the Coercive Acts, were a series of laws passed by the British to punish colonies that were openly rebelling. They were triggered by the Boston Tea Party of 1773. Instead of regaining control, the laws only caused more revolt. The situation escalated into the Revolutionary War.

594 Questions

Why do oncogene acts as though it is stuck in the on position?

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Asked by Wiki User

Oncogenes are mutated versions of normal genes (proto-oncogenes) that can promote uncontrolled cell growth and division. These mutations can cause the oncogene to be stuck in the "on" position, leading to continuous activation of cell proliferation pathways and contributing to the development of cancer.

How acts can be legal but immoral?

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Asked by Wiki User

An act can be legal if it does not violate any laws or regulations, but still be considered immoral based on social norms, ethical principles, or personal beliefs. Society's values and ethics may evolve over time, causing certain actions to be legal but still viewed as unethical by some.

If you encounter persons you believe are being employed under coercive circumstances?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you encounter individuals you believe are being employed under coercive circumstances, it's important to report your concerns to the relevant authorities such as labor rights organizations or law enforcement. You can also encourage the individuals to seek assistance from support services that specialize in helping victims of coercion or exploitation. It's crucial to approach the situation with sensitivity and prioritize the well-being and safety of the individuals involved.

If you encounter persons you believe are being employed under coercive circumstances you should?

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Asked by Wiki User

report your concerns to the appropriate authorities, such as labor rights organizations, government agencies, or law enforcement. It's important to ensure the safety and well-being of those individuals by taking action to address the coercive circumstances they may be facing.

Which two of the following acts are prohibited acts of perfidy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Feigning surrender and pretending to be a civilian are both prohibited acts of perfidy in armed conflict. These actions violate the principle of distinction by misleading the enemy about one's status or intentions, endangering both combatants and civilians.

What is A relationship that is or may be perceived to be exploitive or coercive in nature describes?

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Asked by Wiki User

An abusive relationship involves one partner using manipulation, control, or power to exploit the other partner. This can involve emotional, physical, sexual, or financial abuse. It is characterized by a lack of respect, equality, and safety for the victim.

Which concept holds that acts remotely leading toward a crime are not liable but acts immediately connected to it are?

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Asked by Wiki User

The concept you are referring to is the doctrine of proximate cause in criminal law. It holds that only the direct and immediate acts leading to a crime can be held liable, while more remote actions are not considered causal factors.

What does acts and prove mean?

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Asked by Kyletommyx99gp2946

"Acts" refer to behaviors or actions. "Prove" means providing evidence or demonstrating that something is true or correct through actions or results.

What is a coercive contract?

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Asked by Wiki User

A coercive contract is an agreement that is entered into under duress or pressure, where one of the parties is forced to agree due to threats, intimidation, or other forms of coercion. These contracts are generally considered to be void or unenforceable under the law.

What else is a direct result of smog?

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Asked by Wiki User

Other direct results of smog include respiratory problems such as asthma and bronchitis, reduced visibility leading to accidents and transportation delays, and damage to vegetation and crops. Smog can also contribute to global warming and climate change.

What 's the coercive acts?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Coercive Acts, also known as the Intolerable Acts, were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament in 1774 in response to the Boston Tea Party. These acts were designed to punish the colonists in Massachusetts for their rebellious activities by closing the port of Boston, restricting town meetings, and quartering British soldiers among other measures. The Coercive Acts were one of the main catalysts leading to the American Revolutionary War.

What is the difference between intolerable acts and coercive acts?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Intolerable Acts were a series of punitive measures imposed on the American colonies by the British in response to the Boston Tea Party in 1774. The Coercive Acts, also known as the Intolerable Acts, consisted of four laws that aimed to punish the colonists and restore British authority in Massachusetts after the Boston Tea Party. In summary, the Intolerable Acts refer specifically to the series of British laws passed in 1774, while the Coercive Acts is another name for those same laws.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of acts of parliament to pass laws?

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Asked by Wiki User


  1. Legitimacy: Acts of Parliament have legal authority and legitimacy as they are passed by elected representatives.
  2. Clarity: Laws passed through Acts of Parliament provide clear guidelines and regulations for individuals and organizations to follow.
  3. Rigor: The process to pass an Act of Parliament typically involves thorough debate and scrutiny, ensuring that laws are well-considered.


  1. Time-consuming: The process to pass an Act of Parliament can be lengthy, leading to delays in implementing necessary laws.
  2. Complexity: Acts of Parliament can be complex and difficult for the general public to understand, creating challenges in compliance.
  3. Rigidity: Amending or repealing Acts of Parliament can be a cumbersome process, making it challenging to adapt laws to changing circumstances.

What are the modefiers of human acts?

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Asked by Wiki User

The modifiers of human acts are circumstances that surround the act, intentions or motives behind the act, and consequences resulting from the act. These modifiers help determine the moral character and responsibility associated with the act.

What is meant by unsafe acts?

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Asked by Wiki User

Unsafe acts refer to behaviors or actions carried out by individuals that disregard safety rules, procedures, or precautions, putting themselves or others at risk of harm or injury. These acts can include things like skipping safety protocols, not using personal protective equipment, or engaging in reckless behavior in the workplace.

What should you do if if you encounter persons you believe are being employed under coercive circumstances?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you encounter persons you believe are being employed under coercive circumstances, you should report your concerns to the appropriate authorities such as human resources, labor department, or law enforcement. It is important to take the situation seriously and allow the proper authorities to investigate and address the issue.

What were the three rules in The Intolerable Acts?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Intolerable Acts, passed in 1774, included closing the port of Boston, restricting town meetings, allowing British officials to be tried elsewhere for crimes in the colonies, and expanding the Quartering Act to allow British troops to be quartered in private homes.

What are 4 laws that were part of The Intolerable Acts?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. The Boston Port Act - closed the port of Boston to all colonists until the destroyed tea was paid for.
  2. The Massachusetts Government Act - altered the Massachusetts colonial government by giving more power to the British-appointed governor.
  3. The Administration of Justice Act - allowed British officials accused of committing crimes in the colonies to be tried in Britain, rather than locally.
  4. The Quartering Act - required colonists to provide housing and supplies for British troops stationed in America.

What rights did the coercive acts violate?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Coercive Acts violated the rights of colonists such as the right to govern themselves through their own assemblies, the right to a fair trial by a jury of peers, and the right to not have troops quartered in their homes. This led to increased tensions and ultimately played a role in sparking the American Revolutionary War.

What were the four punishment for the coercive acts?

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Asked by Wiki User

The four punishments for the Coercive Acts were the Boston Port Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Administration of Justice Act, and Quartering Act. These acts were implemented by the British Parliament in response to the Boston Tea Party as a means to punish the colonists and assert British authority in the American colonies.

What do the Talibans do to punish?

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Asked by Wiki User

Taliban punishments can include public executions, amputations, floggings, and stonings. They enforce their strict interpretation of Sharia law and punishments are often carried out in public as a form of intimidation.

What is acts as a color filter?

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Asked by Wiki User

A pigment in a material, such as a dye or ink, can act as a color filter by selectively absorbing certain wavelengths of light and transmitting others. The absorbed wavelengths are subtracted from the light passing through, resulting in a tinted appearance.

What is Coercive interactions?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coercive interactions are characterized by the use of force, threats, or manipulation to make someone comply with another person's demands. These interactions often involve an imbalance of power and can result in the victim feeling pressured, intimidated, or fearful. Coercive interactions are typically seen as a form of abuse or control.

What do you call one who commit heinous acts?

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Asked by Wiki User

A person who commits heinous acts is often referred to as a criminal, wrongdoer, or offender.

How do you punish someone justly?

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Asked by Wiki User

Punishment should be proportional to the offense committed, taking into account factors such as intent, harm caused, and previous behavior. It should be aimed at correcting behavior and providing opportunities for rehabilitation, rather than solely focusing on retribution. Fair and transparent processes should also be followed to ensure that the punishment is seen as just.