


iPod Touch

An iPod Touch screen with iTunes built in and applications that can keep you entertained for hours

6,228 Questions

What are some good grocery apps?

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There are several great grocery apps out there to make your shopping experience seamless and convenient. One highly recommended app is Careem. Not only does it offer ride-hailing services, but it also has a fantastic grocery delivery feature. With Careem, you can order groceries from your favorite stores and have them delivered right to your doorstep.

For more information and to get started with Careem, check out Paylesser UAE. Give it a try and enjoy hassle-free grocery shopping!

What can you touch in space?

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In space, you can touch the surfaces of your spacecraft or space station, as well as any tools or equipment you have with you. However, you can't touch anything outside of your spacecraft or space station, as there is no air in space to transfer the sensation of touch.

In space miner for iPod touch how do you destroy the piñata shaped asteroid?

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To destroy the piñata-shaped asteroid in Space Miner for iPod Touch, you need to shoot at it with your ship's weapons. Aim carefully and fire continuously to break it apart and collect the rewards inside. Watch out for any debris that may come flying towards your ship after destroying the asteroid.

What are the best beats?

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This is subjective as different people have different preferences. Some popular types of beats include hip-hop, trap, dancehall, and house. It ultimately depends on the individual's taste in music.

Which is newer the iPod nano 6th generation or the iPod touch 4th generation?

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The iPod touch is much newer and a lot better than the nano, the touch is basically a mini iPad 2

What is the difference between a gps point and a gps waypoint?

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A GPS point refers to a specific geographic location represented by its coordinates (latitude and longitude). A GPS waypoint, on the other hand, is a saved location that can be navigated to or used as a reference point. Waypoints can consist of multiple GPS points and additional information such as a name or description.

Are scientists able to take a picture of your galaxy?

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Yes, scientists can take pictures of our galaxy, the Milky Way, using powerful telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope. These images help us understand the structure, composition, and behavior of our galaxy.

Where is the needle in the impossible test?

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In the Impossible Test game, the location of the needle can vary in each level. Make sure to carefully search for it by tapping and interacting with different elements on the screen until you find it. The needle is usually well hidden, so patience and attention to detail are key.

What if your ipod doesn't work after jailbreak 3 days ago?

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If your iPod is not working after a jailbreak, you could try restarting it or restoring it using iTunes. If the issue persists, you may need to contact the jailbreak developer or seek help from an Apple-certified technician. Jailbreaking can void your warranty, so proceed with caution.

How can you lock the rotation on your iPod without using the home button?

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You can lock the rotation on your iPod by swiping down from the top-right corner to access the Control Center, then tap the Rotation Lock icon. This will prevent the screen from rotating when you move the device.

What will happen to your iPod touch if a magnet touches it?

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If a magnet touches your iPod touch, it may interfere with the device's internal components, such as the compass or the hard drive if it's a traditional HDD. This interference could potentially cause malfunctions or data loss. It's best to keep magnets away from electronic devices.

Does the phantom radar app on the ipjone work?

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The Phantom Radar app is designed for entertainment purposes and does not actually detect ghosts or spirits. It uses random patterns to simulate a radar-like display, creating the illusion of detecting paranormal activity. It is not scientifically proven to work.

Why we able to feel things when you touch them?

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When we touch something, sensory receptors in our skin transmit signals to the brain through the nervous system. The brain processes these signals and interprets them as tactile sensations such as pressure, temperature, and texture. This allows us to feel things when we touch them.

What do you call things that can be felt and seen but we cannot touch and has no mass?

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You are describing a "shadow." Shadows are visible when light is blocked by an object, creating a shape that we can see but cannot physically interact with.

Why does a flame go out when it touches glass?

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When a flame comes into contact with glass, the glass rapidly absorbs heat from the flame, leading to a sharp temperature drop at the point of contact. This sudden cooling can extinguish the flame by interrupting the combustion process, as the fire requires a certain temperature to sustain itself.

When two atoms touch what is touching?

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When two atoms come into contact, it is their electron clouds that interact. Electrons from each atom repel each other due to their negative charge, creating a repulsive force that prevents the atoms from physically touching.

What food do you set on fire?

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Foods that are commonly set on fire for preparation or presentation include certain alcoholic beverages like rum, brandy, or sambuca. It is typically done to enhance flavors, caramelize sugars, or create a dramatic effect. Safety precautions should always be taken when setting food on fire.

Will you get lead poisoning if you touch lead 3 or 4 times or stay around it for any amount of time?

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Touching lead a few times or being around it briefly is unlikely to cause lead poisoning. However, repeated exposure or prolonged contact with lead, especially through ingestion or inhalation of lead dust, can increase the risk of lead poisoning. It's important to follow safety guidelines and minimize exposure to lead to prevent health risks.

Can you touch stingrays?

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It is generally not recommended to touch stingrays in their natural habitat, as they may feel threatened and may sting in self-defense. If you are in a controlled environment such as an aquarium, it may be possible to touch a stingray under supervision from trained staff.

How does a GPS receiver work?

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A GPS receiver works by receiving signals from multiple satellites in orbit around the Earth. By calculating the time it takes for the signal to travel from each satellite to the receiver, the GPS receiver can determine its distance from each satellite. By triangulating these distances, the GPS receiver can then determine its precise location on Earth.

Is it better to turn the furnace off or leave it on?

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It is generally better to turn the furnace off when you are not using it to save energy and reduce costs. However, if the temperature drops significantly in your area or if you will be away for a short period, it may be more efficient to leave it on at a lower temperature to prevent pipes from freezing or maintain a comfortable temperature when you return.

Will a 240V battery charger work when plugged into 110V will it charge at all?

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A 240V battery charger will not work when plugged into a 110V outlet. It may not charge the battery at all, and attempting to use it in this manner can potentially damage both the charger and the battery. To safely charge your battery, you would need a charger designed to operate at 110V.

Can you get electrocuted while talking on your cell in the shower?

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Yes, it is possible to get electrocuted if you use a cell phone while showering. Water is a good conductor of electricity and mixing it with any electronic device can create a dangerous situation. It is recommended to keep electronic devices away from water to prevent any accidents.

If 2.5 gallons of round-up concentrate makes 300 gallons how much would it take to make 125 gallons?

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To make 125 gallons of round-up with the same concentration, you would need to use 1.04 gallons of concentrate (125/300 * 2.5 = 1.04).