



This category is for questions about the ancient stories and myths of past civilizations.

500 Questions

What was robin hoods nationality?

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Asked by Wiki User

Robin Hood is a legendary figure from English folklore, so his nationality is often considered English. However, some tales place him as a Saxon fighting against the Norman invaders, highlighting themes of resistance and equality.

Where was Robin Hood supposed to have lived?

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Asked by Wiki User

Robin Hood is said to have lived in Sherwood Forest, which is located in Nottinghamshire, England. Legend has it that he and his band of Merry Men carried out their famous exploits in the surrounding area during the 12th century.

Where's the gold at?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gold is typically found in underground mines, rivers, and streams. It is often mined in countries like China, Russia, and Australia, where large deposits have been discovered. Gold can also be found in electronic waste and recycled through specialized processes.

Who lives under the bridge?

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Asked by Wiki User

Trolls are often associated with living under bridges in folklore and fairy tales. They are sometimes depicted as large, ugly creatures who demand tolls from those passing over their bridge.

Where is the Seven Cities of Gold of Cibola?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Seven Cities of Gold, also known as Cíbola, were believed to be located in the American Southwest, particularly in what is now the states of Arizona and New Mexico. However, these cities were a mythical concept and were never found to actually exist.

What does Charon's craft refer to?

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Asked by Wiki User

Charon's craft refers to the boat or ferry that Charon, the ferryman of the underworld in Greek mythology, uses to transport the souls of the deceased across the river Styx into the afterlife. It is said that Charon required payment in the form of a coin placed on the eyes or in the mouth of the deceased to ferry them across.

What is an archetypal hero in Indian mythology?

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Asked by Wiki User

An archetypal hero in Indian mythology is Lord Rama from the Hindu epic, Ramayana. He is depicted as a righteous prince who is exiled, faces numerous challenges, embodies virtuous qualities, and ultimately defeats evil forces to restore balance and dharma in the world. Rama's story serves as a timeless example of heroism, sacrifice, and devotion to duty.

What is a description of the setting of maria makiling?

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Asked by Wiki User

Maria Makiling is a legendary character in Philippine folklore who is said to reside in Mount Makiling, a dormant volcano located in Laguna province. The setting is a lush and mystical mountain forest teeming with biodiversity and surrounded by mist. Stories often describe it as a place of enchantment and mystery, where Maria Makiling is believed to watch over the natural world and protect it from harm.

The short story of maria makiling?

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Asked by Wiki User

Maria Makiling is a popular Filipina folklore character known as the guardian spirit of Mount Makiling in the Philippines. She is often depicted as a beautiful woman with the ability to appear and disappear at will. Legends about Maria Makiling usually revolve around her protecting the mountain and its inhabitants, punishing those who harm the environment.

How do you teach fables?

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Asked by Wiki User

To teach fables, start by introducing the characteristics of a fable (short story with animal characters conveying moral lessons). Use examples to illustrate these characteristics, and discuss the morals embedded in each fable. Encourage students to identify the moral lesson in each fable and relate it to their own lives.

What are advantages and disadvantages of the media dependency theory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages: Helps understand the influence of media on society, highlights the power dynamics between media and audience, provides insights into how media shapes attitudes and behaviors.

Disadvantages: May oversimplify complex interactions between media and society, overlooks individual agency and active audience participation, fails to account for the diversity of media effects and reception.

What is the meaning of Linden trees in German mythology?

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Asked by Wiki User

In German mythology, Linden trees are considered sacred and symbolize protection, love, and fertility. They are often associated with goddesses such as Freya and Frigg, and were believed to have the power to bring good fortune and ward off evil spirits. Many legends and folk tales feature Linden trees as magical beings that can grant wishes to those who seek their help.

What are some factors that explain the persistence of myths about the aging family in your culture?

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Asked by Wiki User

In my culture, factors that might explain the persistence of myths about the aging family include traditional beliefs and values that prioritize family cohesion and respect for elders, limited exposure to different perspectives due to a homogeneous society, and the influence of media and popular culture in perpetuating stereotypical portrayals of aging and family dynamics.

Are trolls found in scandinaven?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, trolls are a part of Scandinavian folklore and are said to inhabit the wilderness of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. They are typically depicted as large, fearsome creatures with supernatural powers.

What was Sisyphus's crime?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sisyphus's crime was deceitfulness and a lack of respect towards the gods. He outsmarted and deceived multiple gods, including Zeus, which led to his punishment in the underworld where he was condemned to roll a boulder uphill for eternity only for it to roll back down before reaching the top.

What can myths tell about the culture they come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

Myths can reveal the values, beliefs, and societal norms of the culture they come from. They often reflect the concerns, aspirations, and fears of the people in that culture, providing insights into their worldview and collective identity. Myths also serve as a means of passing down cultural knowledge and reinforcing traditions within a society.

Can a fable have humans in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, a fable can include humans as characters. Humans can interact with animals, plants, or other objects in the story to convey a moral lesson or teach a principle. The presence of humans in a fable is a common way to explore human behavior and societal issues.

Why do different cultures invent myth?

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Asked by Wiki User

Different cultures invent myths as a way to explain natural phenomena, express cultural values, and provide moral guidance. Myths often serve as a means of passing down traditions and teachings from one generation to another. They can also provide a sense of identity and belonging for members of a particular culture.

What is robin hoods second name?

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Asked by Wiki User

Robin Hood is a legendary English outlaw known for stealing from the rich to give to the poor. However, his "second name" is not definitively recorded in history as he is primarily known by his first name.

What was the Name of robin hoods gang members?

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Asked by Wiki User

Robin Hood's gang members were known as his Merry Men, and included characters like Little John, Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, and Much the Miller's Son. They assisted Robin Hood in his legendary exploits of robbing from the rich to give to the poor in Sherwood Forest.

What was robin hoods life like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Robin Hood is a legendary figure known for stealing from the rich and giving to the poor in medieval England. His life was portrayed as a noble outlaw who lived in Sherwood Forest with his band of Merry Men. He is believed to have opposed corrupt officials and defended the oppressed during a time of social and economic inequality.

Why did robin hood's cousin kill him?

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Asked by Wiki User

In some versions of the Robin Hood legend, Robin's cousin betrayed him due to greed, jealousy, or a desire for power. This act of betrayal adds drama and conflict to the story, highlighting themes of loyalty and betrayal.

Who is Barney Livingston?

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Asked by Wiki User

Barney Livingston is a lead character of Erich Segal's famous fiction work 'The Doctors'. The story revolves around Harvard Medical School class of 1962 and has an interesting take on medical ethics, euthanasia, psychiatry and overall medical school rigors.

Barney Livingston takes the center stage along with Laura Castellano, who are neighbors since their childhood and develop an untold bond eventually marrying each other. Barney, as Erich Segal describes, is a hero who is patient, romantic, helpful and hence takes Psychiatry as his chosen career after medical school.

Who was robin hoods worst enemy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Robin Hood's worst enemy was typically considered to be the Sheriff of Nottingham, who represented the authority and oppression that Robin Hood rebelled against. The Sheriff often tried to capture or kill Robin Hood in order to maintain control over the region.

Why is the Grim Reaper depicted without a face and is there a website that explains this?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Grim Reaper is often depicted without a face to symbolize the universality of death, as it can come for anyone regardless of age, gender, or status. While there may not be a specific website dedicated solely to this topic, you can find information on various cultural representations of the Grim Reaper in articles, books, and online resources about folklore and symbolism.